Family Faith Formation (FFF) After extensive study, prayerful

Family Faith Formation (FFF)
After extensive study, prayerful reflection, and discussion with leadership in our parishes and schools, and
with great joy and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are happy to announce a new and innovative faith
opportunity for St. Mary’s and St. Catherine’s Parishes.
Family Faith Formation (FFF) is a Catholic curriculum developed by regular Midwestern parents with typical
family lives. It promotes faith building in our homes and builds community by bringing us together one Sunday
each month during the school year to talk about Jesus Christ and His Church. Family Faith Formation provides
instructional packets for families that are engaging, down-to-earth, easy to understand and fun!
FFF is for everyone in St. Mary’s and St. Catherine’s Parishes. It will replace our CCD program for grades one
through six; however, it is NOT only for those in our former 1-6 religious education program. FFF is also a
tremendous opportunity for families whose children are in Catholic schools. For all our families the program
promotes prayer, increases knowledge of the faith, and makes Jesus Christ a more visible member of our
So, why did we decide to enter this path of Family Faith Formation?
“Despite the Church’s constant emphasis on the primary importance of adult catechesis, we continue to focus,
sometimes exclusively, on youth and adolescent education. It is the Church’s constant teaching that parents
are the primary educators of their children, yet we continually fail to provide them with the requisite
formation, knowledge, and skills. Instead, we attempt most, if not all, the teaching in schools and parish
programs! How can parents and parishioners live the Catholic Faith and impart it to others if they don’t know it
themselves? I learned a long time ago in my seminary studies, no one can give what he does not have. Youth
and young adult catechesis cannot be healthy unless we have rigorously well-formed adults who witness the
Catholic Faith in their lives, in teaching their families, and in the Church and public square.”
-- Bishop Walker Nickless, pastoral letter, “The Church is Always in Need of Renewal”
 The Church teaches extensively that parents are the primary educators of children in the faith.
 We as parents promised to fulfill our roles as primary educators of our children in our marriage vows
and in the baptism of our children.
 Countless priests remember that the most important moments in their religious formation came not in
Catholic schools or the seminary, but in the witness and lives of their parents at home.
 Without parental involvement in children’s catechesis, it struggles greatly to be successful. We must
live the faith or our children may leave it.
 Studies show that almost all children grow up to have spiritual lives that mirror what their parents
modeled for them.
 Our love of our children unites us and our collaboration in teaching them makes all bonds stronger.
 FFF has transformed many parishes and set their people on fire for Christ and the Church, allowing
them to accomplish even greater things. In our case FFF will be the first transition leading toward a
comprehensive K-12 parish youth program.
 Bishop Nickless has mandated the certification of all catechists before next school year.
 FFF is doctrinally sound, follows the three-year lectionary cycle, and covers all aspects of Catholicism.
 Children learn to discuss life’s questions with Mom and Dad instead of going to others.
What does the program involve?
 On our Family Faith Formation Sundays – the first Sunday of the month, beginning Oct. 6 – all
participating families (parents and children) gather at 8:20 AM (allows time for those who attend 7:30
Mass) in the church basement for rolls/coffee/juice. We hope to offer childcare if you have children
younger than first grade (if you have HS children who could help please let us know!).
 After prayer, about 8:40, children head to class in grades 1-6 in classrooms at the grade school; parents
stay in church basement for their session.
 Parents receive their packets for the month and a presenter speaks about the month’s topics and
answers any questions.
 Children learn from a certified (or on the way to certification) catechist in their classroom.
 All classes adjourn with prayer by 9:45 for anyone wishing to attend 10:00 Mass.
 Home Study: for the remaining three weeks of the month, families meet in their homes – one hour a
week for the three weeks – and parents lead their children through the easy and fun learning
packets/activities, along with prayer.
 Cost will be $50 per student and cap of $125 per family with three or more children. We don’t want
cost to be a deterrent; if cost strains your family budget please let us know.
 Deacon Roder is available to address your personal concerns (contact info in bulletin).
Family Faith Formation Kickoff Event and Registration – Save the Date!
On Wednesday evening September 18 we will hold our kickoff event at a time and site to be determined.
Registrations will be gathered at that time and we will present more information and answer questions. Robyn
Bruggeman of St. Mary’s Parish in Larchwood will be here to give us the perspective of a parish that has seen
the fruits of the program over the course of 6 years. We also hope to have childcare at this event and we will
have a prayer team backing us up during the event. Watch the bulletin for more information.
FFF is set up for grades 1-6 but we may involve grades 7-8 this year and we intend to have a new 7-12 program
by next year. Information will be coming soon for the Confirmation class (9th and 10th grades). All those who
are confirmed are welcomed and encouraged to attend the adult sessions on FFF Sundays.
FLOCKNOTE: Bring Your Cellphone to Mass September 7/8 and 14/15!
For the next two weekends we ask that you Bring Your Cellphone to Mass! Huh? For real? Yes! We will be
encouraging you to subscribe via text message to Flocknote, our new parish-wide and school-wide
communications tool, which we will be using for group communications (text and/or email). You can go ahead
and do so whenever you are ready: To subscribe to Flocknote send a text message with the word “marykate”
(short for St. Mary/St. Catherine) to 84576 and follow instructions from there, or subscribe via web/email: 1)
Go to go to or, 2) Register using your email address and a password of your
choice, 3) You will then see all the groups of our parishes and schools (that we could currently think of). 4)
Click the “Subscribe” button for all groups you belong to. 4) Click “Subscribed” button again to indicate
whether you want to receive alerts via text, email, or both. 5) You will then receive any messages sent out
specifically to your group. When our Flocknote/MaryKate system is fully operational, your leaders will use it to
contact you with group-specific information. Any questions? Email
Thanks! Fr. Bill McCarthy and Deacon Rick Roder