Year 3 French Medium Term Plan Summer 2 Cross Curricular Links = History Geography Numeracy Literacy Citizenship Art Science Society Technology/ICT Music International Summer 2 – All about me and The Very Hungry Caterpillar NC Learning Objective Week Lesson Overview Oracy 1 (W/B 01.06.15) Lesson 44 Cont’d All about me SC: I can : sort the words into different categories and explain criteria chosen recognise and repeat the names for parts of the body Cont’d All about me SC: I can : sort the words into different categories and explain criteria chosen recognise and repeat the names for parts of the body The Very Hungry Caterpillar SC : I can : Pupils can recognize, recall and pronounce the names of the fruits in the Hungry Caterpillar story and recognize other fruits which are cognates. Pupils can recognise the names of fruits in their written form and are aware of how the plural is formed and pronounced The Very Hungry Caterpillar SC : I can : write phrases with a numbers and fruit to match a picture prompt. deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words using the context. read, understand, build and pronounce a short sentence using a model. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Literacy O3.1 Listen and respond to simple rhymes, stories and songs O3.2 Recognise and respond to sound patterns and words O3.3 Perform simple communicative tasks using single words, phrases and short sentences O 3.4 Listen attentively and understand instructions, everyday classroom language and praise words L3.1 Recognise some familiar words in written form L 3.3 Experiment with the writing of simple words Intercultural Understanding IU3.4 Make direct or indirect contact with the country/countries where the language is spoken Knowledge about Language Imitate pronunciation of sounds. Recognise how sounds are represented in written form. Notice the spelling of familiar words. Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words. Language Learning Strategies Use the context of what they see/read to determine some of the meaning Use actions and rhymes and play games to aid memorisation. Use gestures to show they understand. Identify specific sounds, phonemes and words. Imitate pronunciation of sounds. Recognise how sounds are represented in written form. Notice the spelling of familiar words. Recognise words which the teacher mouths silently. 2 (W/B 08.06.15) Lesson 45 3 (W/B 15.06.15) Lesson 46 4 (W/B 22.06.15) 5 Cross-Curricular Links Literacy PE Year 3 French Medium Term Plan Summer 2 New Vocabulary (W/B 29.06.15) une pomme an apple une poire a pear une prune a plum une fraise a strawberry une orange an orange un melon a melon some additional food items as per the stick on French labels for the book key phrases: elle mange elle a faim elle a très faim elle a toujours faim she eats she is hungry (in French: she has hunger, thus j’ai faim = I’m hungry) she is very hungry she is still hungry la chenille the caterpillar (feminine in French so the story is about elle, ie ‘she’ not he) un papillon a butterfly Revision of : numbers and colours Consolidation of : days of the week Additional language: Une banane, une cerise, du raisin (grapes), des tomates, un ananas (pineapple), des abricots, un kiwi, un citron (lemon), une pêche (peach) Sound work: ‘r’ as in many fruits poire, prune, fraise, orange Nasal sound of ‘ange’ in orange, mange and nasal ‘on’ in cocon, maison, papillon Silent ‘t’ in ‘et’ ‘ill’ sound as in chenille, feuille, papillon (rhymes with fille) ‘eau’ in gâteau –ryhmes previously seen ‘oiseau’ 6 (W/B 06.07.15) 7 (W/B 13.07.15) SC : I can : extract information from a series of similar short sentences. join in with reading text aloud to tell a familiar story The Very Hungry Caterpillar SC: I can : use vocabulary from other contexts to create a new story using a scaffold Assess and Review