Deerfield Valley Farmers Day Horse Show

Deerfield Valley Farmers Day Horse Show
1. Beginner Western Showmanship
2. Adult w/t Showmanship
3. Junior Western Showmanship
4. Senior Western Showmanship
5. Adult Western Showmanship
6. Green Horse In-hand/Showmanship
7. Beginner English Showmanship
8. Junior English Showmanship
9. Senior English Showmanship
10.Adult English Showmanship
11.Lead Line equitation
12.Lead Line pleasure
13.Adult w/t equitation
14.Beginner Western equitation
15.Junior Western equitation
16.Senior Western equitation
17.Adult Western equitation
18.Adult w/t pleasure
19.Beginner Western pleasure
20.Junior Western pleasure
21.Senior Western pleasure
22.Adult Western pleasure
23.Green Horse Pleasure
24.Beginner 4H project class
25.Junior 4H project class
26.Senior 4H project class
27.Beginner English equitation
28.Junior English equitation
29.Senior English equitation
30.Adult English equitation
31.Beginner English pleasure
32.Junior English pleasure
33.Senior English pleasure
34.Adult English pleasure
35.Adult w/t Command
36.Beginner Western Command
37.Junior Western Command
38.Senior Western Command
39.Adult Western Command
40.Green Horse Command
41.Beginner English Command
42.Junior English Command
43.Senior English Command
44.Adult English Command
45.Walk- trot sit-a-buck
46.Open Sit-a-buck
47.Egg and Spoon
48.Pairs Race Adult
49.Pairs Race Youth or W/T
51.Speed Ball
52.Apple Bobbing
53.Beginner Keyhole
54.Junior Keyhole
55.Senior Keyhole
56.Adult Keyhole
57.Beginner Pole bending
58.Junior Pole bending
59.Senior Pole bending
60.Adult Pole bending
61.Beginner Barrels
62.Junior Barrels
63.Senior Barrels
64.Adult Barrels
65.Beginner Hurry Scurry
66.Junior Hurry Scurry
Deerfield Valley Farmers Day Horse Show
67.Senior Hurry Scurry
68.Adult Hurry Scurry
69.Trail Beginner Western
70.Trail Junior Western
71.Trail Senior Western
72.Trail Adult Western
73. Trail Green Horse
74.Trail Beginner English
75.Trail Junior English
76.Trail Senior English
77.Trail Adult English
Championship Classes (Division)
Beginner Western 1, 14, 19, 36, 69
Junior Western 3, 15, 20, 37, 70
Senior Western 4, 16, 21, 38, 71
Adult Western 5, 17, 22, 39, 72
Beginner anyone 17 and under, walk, trot only
Junior age 13 and under: walk, trot/jog, canter/lope
Senior age 14-17 walk, trot/jog, canter/lope
Adult age 18 and over walk, trot/jog, canter/lope
Lead line age 3-11 must ride independently walk only
Adult w/t age 18 & over walk, trot only
Green Horse is in its 1st or 2nd year of showing and rider
must be 13 years of age or older. Classes are walk trot
only. If the horse is shown in green horse, it may not be
shown in any other division. Any green horse caught
cantering anywhere on fairgrounds will forfeit their
championship points.
Trail Classes Must be completed prior to class #53.
 Show begins at 8:30 rain or shine
 Show management reserves the right to cancel
or combine classes with fewer than 4 entries
 Ribbons will be given for 1st-6th place, prizes
may be awarded for first place.
 15 Championship divisions will be awarded
Grand and Reserve ribbons with a trophy and
may receive a prize.
 Helmets must be worn: ages 17 and under
 The judge and show management reserves the
right to disqualify any horse or rider for any
reason including but not limited to: soundness,
health, and safety.
Lead Line 11, 12
Green Horse 6, 23, 40, 70
Adult w/t 2, 13, 18, 35
Beginner English 7, 27, 31, 41, 71
Junior English 8, 28, 32, 42, 72
Senior English 9, 29, 33, 43, 73
Adult English 10, 30, 34, 44, 74
Beginner Gymkhana 47, 51, 55, 65
Junior Gymkhana 48, 52, 56, 66
Senior Gymkhana 49, 53, 57, 67
Adult Gymkhana 50, 54, 58, 68
For more information contact:
Crystal Griswold 802-490 0918