HCT+ Meeting Minutes, 13/7, 2pm 1. Briefing: Latest figures: (as of 12 July) Total death: 8,856 Total injured : 22,309 House damaged (fully): 604,930 House damaged (partially): 288,856 Flash appeal: The Nepal Flash Appeal is now 46% funded. $196.1 million has been contributed against the appeal. An additional $214 million has been contributed outside of the appeal. (As of 10 am today) Evacuation vs. Relocation Issue The HC/RC shared that, as discussed during last week’s meeting, he sent a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs on behalf of the HCT. In the letter, he expressed appreciation for the government's pro-active approach to prevent further death and injury from landslides and also raised the main protection concerns associated with the evacuations. So far the RCHCO has not received a response but will follow up informally to understand government’s strategy regarding evacuations. In the meantime, the Protection, Shelter, and CCCM co-leads have worked hard to come up with a set of excellent guidance and support materials for humanitarian partners and agencies in the field. OCHA will share an update and final guidance note on, if and under which, conditions HCT members can support government with their planned evacuations. This clear guidance is supported by "Rapid Population Assessment Tool" to support humanitarian needs assessments to be undertaken with the local authorities and focusing on the population that is to be evacuated. The guidance note also addresses, transport, return and site assessments. He reminded everyone to be proactive but also apply caution on this issue. The HC/RC pointed to the various incoming reports from different districts such as Chitwan and Dhading where people are refusing to be evacuated for fear of losing the livelihood/livestock. He shared that so far, there have been no reports of use of force while evacuating the people and hoped that this would continue in the future. Terai Flood Preparedness The HC/RC provided highlights of his meeting on flood preparedness planning with MoHA last week. He stated that MoHA welcomed and appreciated the collective efforts of the HCT. As a next step, the RC/HC proposed that he will send a letter to MoHA. He also pointed out that the planning documents will be shared with the HCT and will be uploaded on the website as well. Two preparedness meetings for the last of the 18 historically flood affected Districts will take place in the next two weeks. The HC/RC shared that as a part of the Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) for the monsoon flood, RCHCO staff visited fourteen districts in the Central and Mid-Far West development regions last week to take stock of the district level preparedness, and to discuss on the assessment and communication methods during the onset of the flood. He requested HCT to contact Prem Awasti (prem.awasthi@one.un.org) if further details are needed. Prioritization for air cargo The HC/RC raised the need to prioritize relief items looking at the capacity and the short time window. He shared that considering the heavy demand for logistics services, particularly air lifting, the inter-cluster coordination group has drawn up a scheme to prioritise emergency relief items and locations for air cargo. This will allow the Logistics Cluster to continue serving the humanitarian community in line with the current operational needs. The draft outlines key parameters for the prioritisation, and includes a list of priority relief items and priority locations proposed by the ICC. Action Point: The draft will be circulated to the HCT by email for review and endorsement within 24 hours of circulation. Transition The HC/RC stated that he had asked OCHA to initiate discussions with UNDP Early Recovery colleagues to start looking into a consultative planning process for the transition. He reminded that the HCT is half-way through the duration of the Flash Appeal while the government-led reconstruction is expected to take shape very rapidly. He urged everyone to be ready and wellprepared, in particular with OCHA's anticipated scaling down from the field by 30 September. He also reiterated the importance of engaging actively with the Reconstruction Authority once its CEO has been announced. 2. General Information / AoB: The HC/RC welcomed Ms. Geeta Kuttiparambil, Inter-agency GenCap Adviser and shared that she will be reaching out to the HCT and will be meeting all clusters very soon. He reminded everyone that while the GenCAP Adviser is co-hosted by OCHA and UN Women, this is an interagency arrangement to support all agencies. The HC/RC then went on to share that the Nepal Earthquake Humanitarian Bulletin provides a monthly overview of major developments and situation trends. The next issue is scheduled for release on 3 August. Cluster coordinators are requested to submit article proposals (1 paragraph) for the July issue to OCHA (Mr. Joseph Tabago – tabago@un.org) COB 15 July for consideration of the editorial team. Articles should highlight the collective response and not on agency-specific activities. The next issue would particularly like to highlight developments in the Shelter, WASH and Food clusters. The HC/RC shared that he is going on annual leave starting this Friday and Craig Sanders, UNHCR will be the RC/HC/DO a.i. until his return. The Next HCT will take place next Monday 20 July @ 14:00 hrs.