NJAATSP Senior Essay Contest 2014-2015 STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM for the SENIOR ESSAY CONTEST American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese New Jersey Chapter (NJAATSP) RULES: 1. One entry will be accepted per school for each category (heritage speaker and traditional learner). 2. Teacher of a student candidate who is currently enrolled in Spanish must fill out this application and return it to NJAATSP postmarked by February 13, 2015. 3. Nominating teacher must be a current member of NJAATSP. 4. An envelope (stamped and addressed to the school's Guidance Office - attention head of Guidance) must accompany this form. 5. NJAATSP will mail the essay question to the Guidance Office. 6. Applicant will be called to the Guidance Office to write the essay. No resources (computers, dictionaries, etc.) may be used. 7. Applicant must do the writing unassisted, without the aid of a dictionary and under the supervision of a guidance counselor. 8. Guidance will send the essay to NJAATSP postmarked by Feb. 28 to: Maria Papaleo, 31 Fernwood Terrace, Nutley, New Jersey 07110. 9. Late entries postmarked after Feb. 28 will be disqualified. 10. Student must be a current student studying Spanish and must be registered to take the National Spanish Exam for 2015. STUDENT INFORMATION First Name ______________________________________Middle Initial______________ Last Name________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ Zip Code _________ Phone Number ________________________________________________ Email____________________________________________________________ What is your principal language of communication at home? _____Spanish _____English _____ Other (specify)________________________________________ What is your principal language of communication outside your home? ____Spanish ____English ____Other (Specify) _____________________________________________________ Future plans for college: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of School: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ __ City: __________________________Zip Code:__________ Name of nominating teacher (must be current member of NJAATSP) ________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Email of nominating teacher __________________________________________________ Head of Guidance Office: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: (_________) _________________________________ DEADLINE FOR MAILING THIS APPLICATION: POSTMARK FEBRUARY 13, 2015 Mail to: Maria Papaleo, 31 Fernwood Terrace, Nutley, New Jersey 07110.