cbse 3203 assignment 4 module 1 - educ-science-math-tech

Rizwana Din
CBSE 3203
Module 1: Assignment 4
3/3/15 Page 1
Group Members: Rizwana Din, Tahreem, and Bushra Chaudhry
Module 1: Assignment 4
Global Age has changed the teaching of literacy and impacted the diverse learner by
having a dynamic equality and gaining accesses to resources. The global age has changed the
teaching of literacy and impacted the diverse learner in significant ways. It provided so many
opportunities for us to develop our reading and comprehension skills to be literate in their
communities. Even for ELL students and students with learning disabilities, the technology has
enabled them to expand their reading skills and learning. It provided many opportunities for
students and teachers to be able to access these resources. Technology allowed us to use
collective intelligence, sharing of knowledge, and promotion of user contributions. There are
many benefits in which students can learn and be literate using technology, if it’s incorporated to
the curriculum.
Students need use technology to allow them to be competitive global citizens in
expanding their reading skills and learning skills to serve their communities by using the latest
digital tools to promote learning. Learning via technology has utilized every discipline and
offered numerable benefits to both the instructor and the student. The research tools have
integrated it into the curriculum and students have become highly motivated and many have
increased their academic achievement. Without Web 3.0, the global community will place new
challenges upon new and advanced skills by students would be taking productivity in the global
economy. The electronic learning has impacted how we both teach and learn. It should be
utilized in every discipline and offers numerable benefits to both the instructor and the student.
Rizwana Din
CBSE 3203
Module 1: Assignment 4
3/3/15 Page 2
When these tools are integrated into the curriculum, students became highly motivated and they
have increased academic achievement.
It is sad and a shame that a lot of the teachers aren’t aware or familiar with the latest
technology, like using smart board or using online interactive programs to teach children phonics
and basic learning skills so they don’t have qualifications or have no knowledge to teach children
tools and benefits in technology (like getting accesses to free resources on the computer or
implementing technology in their curriculum) in order to expand their learning and reading skills
better in a fun and interactive way. Not only can we use technology to teach students literacy and
learning by accessing to resources that are available for free, it can be a way for students and
teachers to communicate each other and monitor the students’ progress and assessment results so
they both can be at the same page. This has given a reflection for teachers to know and
incorporate what needs to added/changed to the curriculum and what they need to work on in
teaching the kids and using a different technique. Audacity allows students to be creative and do
digital editing. Students are highly motivated to enhance their narratives with music and/or sound
effects. Skype, using allows students to record their conference calls and
embark upon ongoing collaboration and endless collaborative projects.
Due to the demands of globalization there are conceptions of what it means to be literate
have changed rapidly in response to the demands of globalization. It is shown that using
technology using literacy helped low-performance literacy helped low-performance literacy
students expand their vocabulary and literacy skills by the time that they finished this program.
There are reading programs that include not only teaching children to learn to read, but to also
raise lifelong readers who enjoy reading. Teachers and teacher candidate are shown strategies on
how to use computer based animation to practice oral language as well as vocabulary teaching,
Rizwana Din
CBSE 3203
Module 1: Assignment 4
3/3/15 Page 3
and how to implement blogs, wikis, and discussion boards to improve their reading and writing
skills and post fiction and nonfiction stories. There was research conducted between the students
reading on literacy paper than doing literacy with technology. Students have been found having
good scores on literacy at technology. Studies have also been shown students having good scores
on standardized state exams when learning the New York State standardized test preparation
curriculum on technological programs and activities. Having shared virtual classrooms are
powerful communications that create a learning environment for promoting multicultural
understanding and technology enabled literacy. Digital portfolios allow students to monitor their
own progress and assess their literacy programs.
Studies has been shown that learning words from digital photos of activities and the
performing in the activities related to photos help students not only learn words but they retain
information as well. There is a famous quote that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Technology can be used for effective learning, better comprehension, and ability to use new
words in various contexts. Students can create their own websites, show cast their work where
they have opportunity to use their assignments and respond to peers collaboratively, while
instructors can monitor and assess the students’ work and connect with the students. There was a
whole school on technology (where the government funds these schools to raise the school’s
assessment grade on the students’ learning and students have been given laptops to do only for
educational purposes.) If they have been found doing anything other than educational purposes,
the principal knew and was monitoring their activity and he or she will punish them because the
principal is monitoring each students’ record of activity. The principal then goes on the students’
screen through technology to let that student know he or she is always being watched by
administration and principal on what they are doing on their laptops via webcam. With this new
Rizwana Din
CBSE 3203
Module 1: Assignment 4
3/3/15 Page 4
phenomenon of philosophy of technology advance, it has enabled students to progress and excel
their learning and expand their literacy skills by having access to free resources at their fingertips
with positive results. This happened when laptops were incorporated to the curriculum at schools
to the students’ education. Every student had a laptop in that school and their school grades went
up because they were motivated to learn with laptops. Students were able to use laptops at
classrooms and laptops were being used in instructional learning by teachers to teach students the
latest tools used for the learning standards curriculum.
Every student has the right to receive technology services with education in order to be
globally competitive citizens to serve their communities. Technology should be incorporated in
this new standardized learning curriculum because it has brought great results to students’
learning and being more literate. It helped motivated students to learn and helped students
communicate and receive progress on how they are doing in schools with assessments for both
students and teachers. Students and teachers can monitor the students’ progress. “Today’s
teachers” have to prepare “today’s youth to be globally competitive citizens and be active in their
communities with their gifts and talents by sharing their knowledge to everyone to benefit what
they learned. The teachers have to raise literate “global citizens.” The main challenge today is
how the instructors (elementary to university level) can catch up to integrate and use the
emerging technologies into their curriculum with focus on source ware and Web 2.0 tools.
Teachers need to be cognizant of the new changes and approaches in teaching literacy and new
tools of technology to motivate and enhance the literacy teaching and learning.
Rizwana Din
CBSE 3203
Module 1: Assignment 4
3/3/15 Page 5
Petruso, S. (2010). Chapter 1"Embedding Asynchronous and Synchronous Technologies &
Sourceware into Curricula" & Chapter 3 "Literacy-A Critical Constituent for Successful
Globalization" In Globalization: Technology, literacy & curriculum. Brooklyn, New York:
Pearson Custom Pub.