The meeting was called to order 11 am by Ann Zuehlke. Laurie O

Cataloging Committee Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Monday, April 1, 2013 @ 11am (PDT)
(via telephone conference call)
Attending: Heather Estrada (BMCC), Katrina Gaines (EOU), Beth Longwell - System Administrator (EOU),
Laurie O’Connor - Co-chair (Harney Co.), Dea Nowell - Recorder (Umatilla Co. SLD), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa),
Molly Hamlin (Planetree Health), Catherine Wick (Pendleton), Ann Zuehlke - Chair (Hood River Valley HS).
The meeting was called to order 11 a.m. by Ann Zuehlke. Laurie O’Connor recorder for this meeting as
Dea was travelling.
Discussion/Approval February 2013 CC minutes: Beth pointed out the RDA workshop she was taking in
April was not a free workshop. Correct second to last paragraph, page 1, by striking “some free” in front
of “training”. Ann Zuehlke moved to approve the December 2012 minutes as corrected. Catherine
Wick seconded the motion. Ann noted the minutes were approved as corrected.
CC President report: Sage User Council meeting, “other topics” (Ann): Ann attended the March 19th
User Council Meeting, and reported Brent Mills had been hired to work with Beth to maintain and
improve the Sage system. There was discussion on the new Sage budget, as presented by Karen Clay,
and that in effect the budget would remain the same ($192,500 annual). Cataloging training fund was
changed to $2,000 for coming fiscal year. The $30,000 LSTA project for bibliographic de-duplication
project was awarded to Sage from OLA “carryover funds”. Buzzy Nelson has offered to submit initial
request to state LSTA committee for 2-3 year cataloging development grant. Courier committee is
working to streamline ILL/courier system. Development committee is investigating a new teleconference
meeting platform—“Google Hangout”, and will test and report on its effectiveness. Laurie asked what
happened to the state-wide contract for “Go To Meeting”. Sage Options Committee will be losing Kat
Davis after June—still planning on Sage retreat for coming October. Laurie asked difference between
“development” and “options” committees. Beth explained “options” is looking for
structure/governance format for future w/o EOU, as they will be departing Sage. “Development” works
on Evergreen needs, improvements.
RDA subcommittee report: findings, timeline, training options, LTI (Katrina, Beth, Heather): A few
members of Sage CC will be attending the OLA/WLA preconference on April 24th, “RDA in Action—Using
RIMMF”, to be presented by Deborah Fritz , “The MARC of Quality”. This should help our committee
understand what RDA implementation will involve, as well as chart guidelines for interim cataloging
procedures—which RDA elements to integrate now, which to delete, etc. Laurie reported the ALCTS
webinar forwarded by Heather Estrada last February was worthwhile viewing—will resend the link to
the video. It was suggested we should develop an RDA resource link on the Wiki page. What to include?
Who would lead? Catalogers would really like a clear guideline on how to handle RDA bibs and hybrid
bibs! Beth reported Evergreen developers are working on RDA issues—display, incorporation. Expect
some implementation of RDA elements by late spring or early summer. Beth has not heard from LTI
related to their upcoming , free authority work with RDA incorporation, but Sage is signed up to receive
the service. Beth will report on Evergreen development and LTI program.
[Action item: Beth will report on progress with LTI RDA Authority Control and Evergreen development related to
RDA. Laurie will send link(s) about RDA training videos and resources to Sage Cat List. Sage members who attend
RDA workshops at OLA Conference later in April will report to this committee. CC will have RDA hybrids policy by
next CC meeting.]
LSTA funding: 2013 Carryover funds; application for 3 year cataloging development (Laurie, Beth):
LSTA Carryover funding from OSL of $30,000 for bibliographic de-duplication project was awarded to
Sage. Karen Clay, Beth Longwell, Buzzy, & Dea Nowell will look over parts of the RFP in preparation for it
to go out on Monday, 4/8/13, with a closing date of Monday, 4/29/13 at 4pm. [The Evaluations
Committee portion of the RFP reads as such: "Proposals will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee with
representatives from the Sage Council, Sage Cataloging Committee, Sage Development Committee, and
the Sage Systems Administrator. Committee members are Karen Clay (EOU), Buzzy Nielsen (HRCLD),
Beth Longwell (Sage) and Dea Nowell (UCSLD). The committee's recommendations will be forwarded to
the EOU VP for Finance & Administration for final approval."] (From Dea Nowell’s email report about the
process.) Beth said that the Cataloging Committee members need to help determine “matching
standards” for the de-duplication project once the vendor has been selected. Possible vendors for this
project include LTI, MARCIVE, Backstage, Equinox.
2014 LSTA application for 3-year cataloging development is being headed by Buzzy Nielsen. Beth will
contact Buzzy to see if this proposal is moving ahead. Brief proposal is due by 5 p.m. April 12, 2013. As
discussed with Ann Reed at Oregon State Library, this project could include:
Retaining a professional, qualified cataloging specialist for 2, possibly 3 years
Database cleanup
Special focus on Evergreen development as related to cataloging applications (which may have
additional potential for funding partners)
Establishing training modules for ongoing use, through various mediums, at all needed levels
Rewriting of Sage Cataloging Manual
[Action item: Beth will email Buzzy, with a cc to Laurie regarding applying for 2-3 year LSTA grant.]
Discussion future training opportunities/priorities, regional Sage Cat classes 2013 (Everyone!): Sage
training is up in the air—nobody is currently able to commit to a series of hands-on trainings, and until
RDA policy is formed by Sage CC, providing field-by-field training is impossible. Ann feels CC must
determine our RDA implementation before we can move training ahead. Laurie hopes that having
several members of this committee attending the OLA workshops related to RDA will be helpful. Laurie
commented she is receiving many comments from catalogers wanting clear guidelines to handling RDA
bibs. She also noted that there appears to be a bit of slippage on overall cataloging quality on Sage in
recent months, whether due to lapse in training opportunities or perhaps new people cataloging on the
system w/o any Sage training. We all need to be watching for suitable training ops for Sage catalogers,
even if these are just Webinar formats. Ann suggested CC should identify “qualified” training videos for
ongoing Sage certification, which could be tracked on our existing Excel sheet from MARC21 class.
Weekly tips were often helpful, but who wants to maintain? Laurie, Beth, and Dea will share potential
links to trainings in the next few weeks. Katrina agreed to remain on the cataloging mentors’ list for
now, but she reminded us that with EOU’s departure a new mentor for Sage NE region must be found.
[Action item: Laurie, Beth, Dea share potential training links. Everyone please watch for potential training ops!]
Planning for ongoing Sage cataloging training (Christina): Christina was not in attendance—no report
at this time.
[Action item: Christina will send something out regarding her ideas on this to the group for feedback.]
Report from System Admin: Evergreen issues, Authority Control, Weekly Tip, empty bibs, other Sage
news (Beth): Beth reported the new database server has arrived, and she expects Equinox will be
working to initialize it within a week or so. Everyone should see marked improvement in system
performance. Because of the system slowness, Beth has not been able to complete the authority
control work with LTI—until new server is in place, she can only download 1,000 records at a time.
Hopefully, this project will move along smoothly with new database server.
Committee Housekeeping -- formalizing structure of the committee (Ann): Ann has discussed this with
members of the Sage User Council, and formalizing the structure of the committee does not appear to
be a priority at this time. One advantage to our less formal structure is that is gives everyone the
opportunity to jump in and participate when they are able or when they have a topic that is important
to them. Formalizing may make committees less inclusive.
Items to discuss, report to Sage User Council May 21st (?) meeting:
RDA concerns and planning efforts from CC
Attempts to identify and provide Sage trainings, webinars and others
Updates on 2 LSTA projects: implementation of the Bibliographic De-duplication project, and
application process for the 2014 3-year cataloging development proposal
Next meeting: Monday, June 3, 2013, at 11 am (PDT) - via teleconference.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:53 am (PDT).