Section Topic Start Date End Date/Quiz Guide

Baylor University
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Advanced Speech-Language Pathology, CSD 43C8 (3 Hours)
Fall 2011, MWF 10:10 – 11:00
Course Syllabus
Course Leader: Dr. J. David Garrett
CSD Department Chair, Graduate Pgm Director
Office Phone: 710-2567
Home Phone: 836-4664
Course Guidebook (Required):
An Advanced Review of Speech-Language Pathology: Preparation for Praxis and Comprehensive
Examination by Celeste Roseberry-Mckibbin and M.N. Hedge Third Edition (Purple & Gold Book)
Order from:
Additional Readings:
This Capstone Course will use the basic structure of the Guidebook. However, during this course you
should be referencing most of the textbooks you have used throughout your undergraduate program.
Your section Professor may also be providing additional readings and/or handouts. We will also be
asking you to research different areas and submit that information in your final Portfolio.
Course Organization / Structure:
Sect. Topic
Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Physiology of the
Speech Mechanism, Acoustics, Speech Science
Professor: Dr. J. David Garrett
Language Development in Children
Professor: Dr. Jungjun Park
Language Disorders in Children
Professor: Dr. Kathy Whipple
Articulatory-Phonological Development and
Disorders in Children, Phonetics
Professor: Dr. Michaela Ritter
Assessment and Treatment: Foundational
Principles and Procedures
Professor: Dr. Kathy Whipple
Audiology and Hearing Disorders
Professor: Dr. Jeanne Dodd Murphy
The Rest of the Story
Medical Speech-Language Pathology
Professor: Dr. Karen Colson
Start Date
Aug 22
End Date
Quiz Date
Sept 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Partial)
Sept 12
Sept 23
Chapter 3
Sept 26
Oct 7
Oct 10
Oct 21
Oct 24
Nov 4
Nov 7
Nov 18
Nov 21
Dec 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 2 (Partial)
Chapter 5
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 8
Grading Scale:
The standard scale will be used for this class. Grades may be shifted according to the performance of the
class as a whole. Individual performance, attendance, positive and active class participation may also be
reflected in your grade.
Assignment Schedule:
Sect. Topic
I to
Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Physiology of the
Speech Mechanism, Acoustics, Speech Science
Professor: Dr. J. David Garrett
Language Development in Children
Professor: Dr. Jungjun Park
Language Disorders in Children
Professor: Dr. Kathy Whipple
Articulatory-Phonological Development and
Disorders in Children, Phonetics
Professor: Dr. Michaela Ritter
Assessment and Treatment: Foundational
Principles and Procedures
Professor: Dr. Kathy Whipple
Audiology and Hearing Disorders
Professor: Dr. Jeanne Murphy
Portfolio Due
Of Grade
Sept 9
3 Weeks
Sept 23
2 Weeks
Oct 7
2 Weeks
Oct 21
2 Weeks
Nov 4
2 Weeks
Nov 18
2 Weeks
Nov 18
All Weeks
The Rest of the Story
Medical Speech-Language Pathology
Professor: Dr. Karen Colson
Dec 6
2 Weeks
Big Picture!:
As you see from the schedule, we will be covering a great deal of information. Much of this information
will relate or expand on the knowledge you have obtained throughout your major coursework. As
Seniors, you are beginning to seriously think about the future and how the information you have obtained
relates to your future goals. This course is not simply a review! It is designed to identify the most
important knowledge and skills that you should have at graduation, reinforce and expand the depth of
your knowledge and skills, and provide you with an understanding of how the individual puzzle pieces fit
together for your future in Speech-Language Pathology. The most important thing you can do to make
this course a valuable part of your professional development is to set up a consistent study schedule.
During this course you will be doing projects (both group and individual projects) that will help you
develop a deeper understanding of the field. Project groups will be formed at the beginning of the
semester and will be used for all group projects.
CSD Major – Attendance Policy:
The attendance policy of the College of Arts & Sciences states: “To earn course credit in the College of
Arts and Sciences, a student must attend at least 75% of all scheduled class meetings. Any student who
does not meet this minimal standard will automatically receive a grade of ‘F’ in the course. Departments
and individual faculty members may establish more stringent requirements regarding attendance,
punctuality, and participation.” As a CSD Major, you are basically expected to attend all classes. In the
event you are unable to attend a class session, it is your responsibility to obtain (a) class notes and/or
handouts from another student, and (b) any changes in the class schedule. You are also expected to take
tests on time. If you are ill, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor prior to the time of the test. If
you miss a test without prior approval from your instructor, you will be subject to receiving a zero for the
test. When returning from the illness, it is the student’s responsibility to take the makeup exam within 3
days or the student will automatically receive a zero for the test.
Class Behavior:
The best classes are those that involve interactions between the professor(s) and students.
As Seniors taking an advanced Capstone seminar, you are expected to be involved in the class.
Discussions about relevant issues, sharing your experiences about relevant issues, and adding your own
insights to the class are not only welcome, but are the expected behavior for this seminar. Disruptive
behavior, such as cell phones, non-group discussions, late arrivals, poor attendance, working on non-class
related things during class, or any other disruptive behavior is unacceptable. The professor(s) reserve the
right to raise or lower the calculated grade based on class behavior. Plagiarism or cheating will result in a
failing grade for the course or the assignment (at the discretion of the professor).
Throughout the course you will be building a Portfolio. If done properly, you will have a wonderful
source of information for future use. You should set up seven dividers (one labeled for each major
section). Included in each section will be your typed and expanded notes, reviews of information, copies
of key information about that area, handouts, and individual/group projects. The Portfolio will be due
Friday, November 25th and will comprise a full 16% of your grade. There will be very high expectations
for the quality of your Portfolio. A complete Portfolio with all of the basic information required will
begin with a grade of C. Each section of the portfolio should be completed by the end of each section!
Keep up! There may be surprise inspections of the portfolio during the semester.