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Tuesday, April 8, 2014
12:30 pm
Eden Roc Hotel, Miami, Florida
Call to Order
Dr. Persing welcomed the members to the 93rd Annual Business Meeting of the American
Association of Plastic Surgeons and called the meeting to order. Dr. Persing reminded members
that the membership ballots had been distributed and he asked all members to complete the
ballots. He appointed Drs. Ronald Zuker, Bohdan Pomohac and Gary Price as Tellers with
Dr. Zuker serving as the Head Teller.
Dr. Stephan Ariyan, Parliamentarian, declared a quorum present.
Approval of the Minutes of the April 23, 2013, Annual Business Meeting
Dr. Persing called to members’ attention the Minutes of the April 23, 2013, Annual Business
Meeting, which had been summarized in the President’s Newsletter that is available on the AAPS
website as well as distributed electronically to all members.
VOTED to accept the Minutes of the April 23, 2013, Annual Business Meeting as circulated to
the membership.
Report of the Secretary
Dr. Mary McGrath, Secretary, reported that the AAPS membership continued to grow. The
current membership included: 220 Life Fellows and 589 Active Fellows for a total of 809
members of which 14 are Honorary and 21 are Distinguished Fellows.
The following members had left the active practice of plastic surgery and requested transfer to
Life membership:
Hallene A. Maragh, Richmond, VA
Timothy A. Miller, Los Angeles, CA
Leroy Young, St. Louis, MO
VOTED to approve the requests for transfer to Life Membership.
Dr. McGrath asked members to observe a moment of silence for the following
members who passed away since the last meeting and whose memoirs are published in the
program book:
John H. Culbertson, Jr.
Clifford C. Snyder
Robert J. Duran
Hugh G. Thomson
Albert F. Fleury, Sr.
Andrew W. Walker
Harold K. McComb
R. Christie Wray, Jr.
Thomas D. Rees
Dr. McGrath reported that 41 applicants for membership including 9 second-time applicants and
3 third-time applicants had completed their applications in a timely manner and fulfilled all the
membership qualifications. In accordance with AAPS By-Laws all prospective candidates were
presented in the Fall Newsletter and presented to the Board for information and formal ranking
prepared and distributed to all Active and Life Fellows. Based on membership scoring and Board
recommendation, a slate of 32 candidates was selected for inclusion on the membership ballot.
Dr. McGrath thanked the members present for their vigorous efforts to continue to seek out the
highest and best-qualified candidates for membership in AAPS.
Christopher JM Brooks, MD
Reuben A Bueno, Jr, MD
Michael Cedars, MD
Andrew Chen, MD
Ernest S Chiu, MD
Prevel D Christopher, MD
Melissa A Crosby, MD
Daniel A Delvecchio, MD
Amanda A Gosman, MD
Aldo B Guerra, MD
Lynn Jeffers, MD
John Y Kim, MD
Joshua Korman, MD
Roberto D Lachica, MD
Samuel J. Lin, M.D.
Qing Feng LI, Ph.D., M.D.
Michele A. Manahan, MD
Robert J Mann, M.D,
Terence M Myckatyn, M.D.
John C Oeltjen, Oeltjen, M.D., Ph.D.
Andre Panossian, MD
Gregory D. Pearson, MD
Russell R. Reid, M.D. Ph.D.
Christine Rohde, MD, MPH
Amorn N Salyapongse, MD
Sheel Sharma, MD
Jesse A Taylor, MD
Mayer Tenenhaus, MD
David Teplica, MD, MFA
Jan Jeroen Vranckx, MD,PhD
Albert S Woo, MD
Liza C Wu, MD
Report of the Officers
A. Report of the President
Dr. Persing thanked everyone for the privilege of presiding as President of the Association for the
past year and expressed his deepest gratitude to the Board for their hard work and support. He
also thanked all of the committees for their efforts over the past year with special thanks to Drs.
Buchman and Narayan for putting together an extraordinary program this year and implementing
several new and exciting innovations. Dr. Persing also noted that for the first time, AAPS
abstracts were published in PRS. Dr. Persing also noted the work of the membership committee,
which put in an exceptional amount of time in refining the membership application process. He
also thanked Dr. David Larson for his efforts to increase the activity of the Cannon membership.
There were also several collaborative efforts ongoing with sister societies, including discussions
with PSRC regarding a possible joint meeting, collaboration with ACAPS on their Winter Retreat
and in the joint educational session at the Annual Meeting, and the upcoming ICONS project.
B. Report of the President-Elect
Dr. Stephan Ariyan gave a report of the President-Elect, noting that there had been regular
conference calls of the Presidential line, at which time the Strategic Plan was reviewed, and as
such much of the strategic planning of the Association had come to the Board. Moving forward,
AAPS Annual Business Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2014
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strategic planning would now be the responsibility of the Board, with ideas and issues coming
from a newly formed Issues Committee.
C. Report of the Treasurer
Dr. Donald Mackay reported that the Association is in solid financial position with total assets as
of December 31, 2013, of $4,361,907 and total liabilities of $126,445. With total revenues of
$943,620 and total disbursements of $769,670 the Association had a Net Cash Operating Total of
VOTED to approve the report of the Treasurer.
Report of Committees
A. Membership Committee
Dr. Gary Price reported on the committee’s efforts over the past year to revise the
membership application process to create a more objective way of assessing applicants and
get more member involvement in the review process. A point system has been designed to
accomplish this and revision No. 5 has been accepted by the Board and will be utilized during
the upcoming application cycle. Dr. Price thanked the committee for their hard work; Drs.
Mark Constantian, Lisa David, Arun Gosain, James Grotting, Scott Hultman, Alan
Matarasso, Galen Perdikis, Lee Pu, and Charles Verheyden. He also thanked Dr. Moshe Kon
for sharing the EURAPS point system from which this was based.
ICONS Project
Dr. Tom Lawrence presented a report on the ICONS Project, noting that it was a joint effort
of the AAPS and the PSF, led by a task force consisting of Drs. Lawrence, Phillips,
Verheyden and Vedder. Dr. David Lavine would be conducting the interviews, and the first
round was planned to be held in the fall during the time of the ASPS Meetings. This would
preserve the contributions of plastic surgery leaders for future generations.
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
Dr. Sheri Slezak presented proposed amendments to the bylaws as follows:
 The Association is an open meeting and does not require anyone to have an invitation
 Changes the name of the Finance Committee to the Investment Oversight Committee
 Eliminates the Local Arrangements Committee – this function has been handled by
the Association management company.
VOTED to approve the amendments to the bylaws.
Dr. Persing asked for the report of the Tellers and announced that all candidates have been
elected and will be inducted into Fellowship as the Class of 2014 and who will be formally
introduced at the 2015 Annual Meeting in Scottsdale.
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April 8, 2014
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E. Program Committee
Drs. Steve Buchman and Deepak Narayan, Co-Chairs of the Program Committee thanked the
Program Committee for their hard work this year. They reported that a record number of 495
abstracts were received this year and they were able to accept 63 papers for oral presentations
and 39 for poster presentations.
He also reported the total number of registrants at 481 with 443 professional attendees and 38
guests/spouses. There were 263 registrants for the Aesthetic Symposium and 283 registrants
for the Reconstructive Symposium. Both of the Symposia received very positive feedback.
Dr. Persing thanked Drs. Buchman and Narayan and their committee for their excellent work
this past year and the excellent program they had put together. Dr. Persing also thanked the
Reconstructive Symposium chairs Drs. Chuck Butler and Paul Cederna, and the Aesthestic
Symposia Chairs Drs. Bill Little and Peter Rubin for their hard work and attention to detail in
putting together this year’s programs.
Report of the Nominating Committee
Dr. David Larson thanked the members of the Nominating Committee, Drs. Steven Buchman,
Paul Cederna, Lawrence Colen and Arun Gosain. He then presented the report of the AAPS
Nominating Committee reporting that after careful consideration, the AAPS slate of officers for
the year 2014-2015 was as follows:
Stephan Ariyan, MD
Michael L. Bentz, MD
Vice President
James Zins, MD
Mary McGrath, MD
Donald Mackay, MD
Thomas Lawrence, MD
John Persing, MD (Past President)
William Crawley, MD
Nicholas Vedder, MD
Dr. Persing thanked Dr. Larson for the Report of the Nominating Committee and asked the
membership for other nominations from the floor. Hearing none, it was
VOTED to approve the report of the Nominating Committee as presented.
Dr. Persing thanked the outgoing Trustees, Drs. Arun Gosain and Andrew Lee, for their excellent
service to the AAPS for the past three years.
Dr. Persing then asked for nominations from the floor for the two positions on the Nominating
Committee for next year.
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April 8, 2014
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VOTED to elect Drs. Paul Cederna and Sheri Slezak to serve on the Nominating Committee for
Dr. Persing announced that the next meeting will be at the Westin Kierland Hotel in Scottsdale,
Arizona, April 11-14, 2015.
Dr. Persing then asked Dr. Steve Ariyan to come to the podium to accept the AAPS gavel.
Dr. Ariyan thanked Dr. Persing for his service to AAPS as President during the past year and
expressed sincere gratitude for the honor to serve as President of the AAPS. Dr. Ariyan presented
the Presidential Plaque to Dr. Persing commemorating his year as AAPS President.
Dr. Ariyan indicated that he is looking forward to carrying the Strategic Plan forward over the
next year and will be implementing innovation and enhanced education in the programming for
next as well as improving academic efforts. He thanked the membership for the honor of serving
as their President.
There being no further business to come before the 92nd Annual Meeting, Dr. Ariyan adjourned
the meeting to a close at 1:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary H. McGrath, MD, MPH