Appendix C: Research Support for Faculty (April 2011-March 2012) 1. Title: Diagnosis and Management of Appendicitis at Canadian Pediatric Emergency Departments. Authors: Thompson G (PI), Gravel J, Blair G, Turner T, Silver N, Martin J, Reid S, Lynch T, Schuh S, Fitzpatrick E, Eccles R, Guimont C, Van Wylick R. Agency: University of Calgary Seed Grant Program Amount: $15,624 Date: 2011-2012 2. Title: Inhaled Magnesium in Refractory Pediatric Acute Asthma. Authors: Schuh S, Johnson D, Plint A, Zemek R, Beer D, Willan AR, Guimont C, Black K, Thompson G, Ducharme F, Coates A, Freedman SB. Agency: Thrasher Research Foundation Amount: $500,920 Date: 2011-2013 3. Title: Pulmonary Deposition of Inhaled Magnesium Sulfate. Authors: Coates A, Leung K, Schuh S, Charron M. Agency: Seed funding by Research Institute Sick Kids ($20,000) and Divisional ED funding Amount: $5,000 Date: 2011 – 2012 4. Title: Interval Pediatric Appendicitis Score as a Predictor of Pathway in Suspected Appendicitis. Authors: Kulik D, Schuh S, Doria AS, Langer J, Tomlinson G. Agency: Fellow Trainee Start Up Fund, University of Toronto Amount: $11,000 Date: 2011-2013 5. Title: Severe Influenza in Infants, Children and Youths: Role of Clinical and Epidemiologic Risk Factors. Authors: Tran D, Bettinger J, Ipp M, Mcgreer A, Richardson S, Schuh S, Dery P, Le Saux N, Moore D, Salvadori M, Vaudry W, Gubbay J, Loeb M, O’Connor D, Sauve L. Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Amount: $241,553 Date: 2012 – 2016 6. Title: A randomized trial of nebulized epinephrine combined with oral dexamethasone compared to standard bronchodilator treatment of acute bronchiolitis. Authors: Plint A, Ali S, Barrowman N, Beer D, Black K, Casper T, Coyle D, Dalziel S, Doan Q, Gouin S, Johnson D, Joubert G, Klassen T, Kuppermann N, Osmond M, Patel H, Porter R, Ruddy R, Schuh S, Zorc J, Correll R. Amount: $6,302,374 Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Date: 2012-17 7. Title: Impact of Emergency Department Probiotic Treatment of Pediatric Gastroenteritis on Daycare Attendance: Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Analysis. R Authors: Johnson D (Co-PI), Sherman P (Co-I), Willan A (Co-I), Mittmann N (Co-I), Schuh S, Freedman SB Agency: Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation Amount: $46,673 Date: 2008 – 2012 8. Title: Is Electrolyte Maintenance Solution Administration Required in Low-Risk Children with Gastroenteritis? Authors: Freedman SB, Boutis K, Parkin P, Goia C, Atchison D, Schuh S Agency: Physicians' Services Incorporated Amount: $169,200 Date: 2010 – 2012 9. Title: Isotonic versus hypotonic IV maintenance fluids in children: a randomized controlled trial Authors: Geary D (Co-PI), Freedman SB (Co-I), Beck C (Co-I), Freidman JN (Co-PI) Agency: Physicians' Services Incorporated Amount: $46,742 Date: 2010 – 2012 10. Title: Population Based Cohort to Determine Effect of ED Pediatric Gastroenteritis Strategies on Admission and Return Visit Rates Authors: Bahm A (PI), Freedman SB (Co-SRA), Guttmann A (Co-SRA) Agency: Physicians Services Incorporated Amount: $20,000 Date: 2011 – 2013 11. Title: Children with Acute Gastroenteritis: Predictors of increased length of stay in the emergency department Authors: Schindler N (PI), Freedman SB (Co-SRA), Black, K Agency: IWK Health Centre Amount: $2,000 Date: 2011 – 2013 12. Title: Impact of Emergency Department Probiotic Treatment of Pediatric Gastroenteritis: Randomized Controlled Trial Authors: Freedman SB (PI), Schuh S, Farion K, Sherman P, Johnson D, Willan A, Goeree R, Gouin S, O’Connell K, Roskind C, Gorelick M Agency: The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Amount: $1,500,000 Date: 2011 – 2015 13. Title: Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) Authors: Klassen T, Hartling L, Jabbour M, Johnson D, Scott S, Sinclair D, Lang E, Freedman SB, Black B, Gouin S, Stang A. Agency: Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Program - Knowledge Mobilization Amount: $1,200,000 Date: 2011 – 2015 14. Title: Abdominal X-Ray Use and the Misdiagnosis Rate in Children with Constipation Authors: Freedman SB, Thull-Freedman J, Manson D, Schuh S, Rumantir M Agency: The Hospital for Sick Children, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Research Fund Amount: $7,298 Date: 2012 – 2013 15. Title: Management of Acute Gastroenteritis: Synthesizing Evidence to Inform North American Practice. Authors: Freedman SB, Hartling L (Co-PI), Johnson D, Gouin S, Black K, Fitzpatrick E, Bialy L, Klassen T, Belanger F, Hilliard B, Jabbour M. Agency: The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Amount: $100,000 Date: 2012 – 2013 16. Title: Prognosticators of persistent concussion symptoms following pediatric minor traumatic head injury Authors: Zemek RL (PI), Freedman SB, Osmond M, Vassilyadi M Agency: The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Amount: $17,700 Date: 2012 – 2013 17. Title: Ondansetron Use in Children with Dehydration in a Developing Country Authors: Freedman SB, Bhutta Z Agency: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Explorations Grant Amount: $100,000 Date: 2012 – 2013 18. Title: Impact of Emergency Department Probiotic Treatment of Pediatric Gastroenteritis on Daycare Attendance: Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Analysis. Authors: Freedman SB, Schuh S, Sherman P, Willan A , Mittmann N . Agency: Institut Rosell Lallemand Annual Grant Competition. Amount: $155,018 Date: 2008 – 2012 19. Title: Controlled Radiography for Ankle Injury Cases in Kids in the Emergency Department (CRACKED): Implementation of Best Evidence for Imaging of Pediatric Ankle Injuries. Authors: Boutis K (PA), Groodendorst P, Grimshaw J, Goeree R, Schuh S, Johnson D, Plint A, Babyn P, Naranyanan U, Sayal A, Butler N Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Amount: $100,000 Date: 2009-2011 20. Title: Case Mix Study Authors: Boutis K, Pecaric M, Andrews M, Pusic M Agency: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical Education Research Grant Amount: $25,000 Dates: 2009-2011 (3 years) 21. Title: Learning ECG Interpretation Using Deliberate Practice Authors: Pusic M, Howard N, Boutis K, Pecaric M Agency: Glenda Garvey Teaching Academy Education Project Grant Amount: $15,000 Date: 2010-2012 22. Title: Is electrolyte maintenance solution administration required in low-risk children with gastroenteritis? Authors: Freedman S, Boutis K, Parkin P, Atchison D, Schuh S Agency: Physician Services Incorporated Amount: $169,200 Date: 2010-2012 23. Title: The Learning Curve of Elbow Radiograph Interpretation Authors: Boutis K, Pusic M, Pecaric M Agency: Pediatric Consultants, Medical Education Amount: $5,000 Date: 2011-2012 24. Title: Serum Biomarkers and Quality of Life in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury. Authors: Hutchison J, Anderson V, Post M, Boutis K, Guergeurian AM, Sananes Agency: Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation-Victorian Neurotrauma Initiative Collaborative Amount: $505,527 Date: 2010-2012 25. Title: Hinting Strategies for Improving the Efficiency of Medical Student Learning of Deliberately Practiced Web-based Radiographs. Authors: Boutis K, Pusic M, Pecaric M, Kalet A, Shiau M Agency: Educational Dean's Fund Amount: $20,000 Date: 2011-2012 26. Title: Fracture Severity in Overweight versus Non-overweight Children Presenting to a Paediatric Emergency Department. Authors: Kwan C, Howard A, Boutis K Agency: RTSUF Amount: $3,000 Date: 2011-2012 27. Title: Learning Retention and the Optimal Timing of Refresher Education. Authors: Boutis K, Pusic M, Pecaric M, Beckstead J, Babyn P Agency: Royal College Medical Education Research Grant Amount: $40,000 Date: 2011-2014 28. Title: Dating Fractures on Radiographs: How Accurate is this Compared to Post-Mortem Histopathology Authors: Shouldice M, Moharir M, Keppron C, Chiasson D, Stimec J, Lubo-Mueller E, Boutis K Agency: Pediatric Consultants, Hospital for Sick Children Amount: $7,455 Date: 2011-2013 29. Title: Health Advocacy Training in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowships in Canada and the US Authors: Kwan C, Boutis K, Lalani A, Ratnapalan S. Agency: Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Funds Amount: $3,875 Date: 2012 30. Title: Serum Biomarkers of Brain Injury after Administration of Ketamine to Young Children: A Pilot Study Authors: Finkelstein Y, Hutchison M, Post M, Solano M, Boutis K Agency: Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Funds Amount: $7,500 Date: 2012 31. Title: Identifying Genomic Determinants Associated with Ketamine Neurotoxicity in Young Children Authors: Finkelstein Y, Hutchison M, Post M, Boutis K, Kim R Agency: McLaughlin Centre Amount: $50,000 Date: 2012 32. Title: Salter-Harris I Fracture of the Distal Fibula: Clinical versus Reality Authors: Boutis K, Narayanan U, Schuh S, Plint A, Stimec J, Miller E, Brison R. Agency: Physician Services Incorporated Amount: $170,000 Dates: 2012-2014 33. Title: Computer Adaptive Case Presentation – A Novel Application for Learning The Skill of Radiograph Interpretation. Authors: Alansari K, Boutis K, Pusic M, Pecaric M, Babyn P, Banerjee J, Higgins M, Alanazi A. Agency: Qatari National Priorities Research Program Amount: $720,000 Dates: 2012-2014 34. Title: Serum Biomarkers of Brain Injury after Administration of Ketamine to Young Children Authors: Finkelstein Y, Hutchison M, Post M, Solano M, Boutis K Agencies: Smarttots Foundation and SickKids Foundation (K Boutis as official mentor) Amount: $200,000 Date: 2012 35. Title: Identifying Mitochondrial Changes Associated with Ketamine Neurotoxicity in Young Children Authors: Finkelstein Y, Hutchison M, Post M, Solano M, Boutis K, Maynes J Agency: Hospital for Sick Children, Innovation in Neuroscience Amount: $50,000 Date: 2012 (1 year) 36. Title: Interdisciplinary eUS-Guided Peripheral Vascular Access Training. Authors: Fischer JW. Agency: Division of Emergency Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children. PEM Collaborative Research Grants. Amount: $3,500 Date: 2011 37. Title: “Pharmacological Treatment of Rett Syndrome by Stimulation of Synaptic Maturation with IGF-1.” Authors: O Khwaja, M Shannon, L Rappaport, I Holm, M Sur, M Gregas, Y Finkelstein. Agency: Harvard University’s Catalyst Pilot Grant for Clinical and Translational Research Amount: $50,000 Date: 2011- 2013 38. Title: Dose-Response Efficacy and Safety of IGF-1 in Girls with Rett Syndrome. Authors: Y Finkelstein (PI), Omar Khwaja, Leonard Rappaport, Ingrid Holm, Mriganka Sur, Matt Gregas. Agency: 2011 Ontario Rett Syndrome Association Research Grant Award Amount: $25,000 Date: 2011 – 2013 39. Title: Pharmacological Treatment of Rett Syndrome by Stimulation of Synaptic Maturation with IGF-1. Authors: O Khwaja, M Shannon, L Rappaport, I Holm, M Sur, M Gregas, YFinkelstein. Agency: International Rett Syndrome Association Amount: $200,000 Date: 2011 - 2013 40. Title: The pharamcokinetics of antibiotics delivered in the emergency department setting. Authors: D Scolnik, Y Finkelstein, M Tessaro. Agency: Apotex Fund Amount: $15,000 Date: 2011 - 2013 41. Title: Intentional self-poisoning in Canadian Teens: Identifying risk factors for future suicide and repeat attempts to facilitate secondary prevention – a population-based study. Authors: Y Finkelstein, D Juurlink, M Sivilotti. Agency: Pediatric Consultants Partnership Grant for Creative Professional Activity, Hospital for Sick Children Amount: $8,900 Date: 2011 - 2012 42. Title: Pediatric Pharmacogenomics Authors: Y Finkelstein Agency: Career Development Award, Division of Emergency Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario Amount: $2,200 Date: 2012 43. Title: Cellular Toxicity of Anaesthetics in Children with Mitochondrial Disease. Authors: Y Finkelstein, J Hutson, K Boutis, J Maynes Agency: Rare Disease Foundation and BC Children’s Hospital Foundation (BCCHF) Award: Amount: $3,500 Date: 2012 44. Title: Pediatric Research and Clinical Summer (PeRCS) Program Award, Hospital for Sick Children Authors: Supervisor Y Finkelstein, (Student: Janine Hutson) Agency: Pediatric Research and Clinical Summer (PeRCS) Program Award, Hospital for Sick Children Amount: $2,500 Date: 2012 45. Title: Ketamine Neurotoxicity in Children undergoing Procedural Sedation. Authors: Y Finkelstein (PI), K Boutis, J Hutchison, J Maynes. Agency: 2012 PEM Divisional Research Grant, Hospital for Sick Children Amount: $7,500 Date: 2012-2013 46. Title: Pharmacogenomic Determinants of Ketamine Neurotoxicity in Young Children. Authors: Y Finkelstein (PI), K Boutis, J Hutchison, M Post, S Soriano, R Kim. Agency: McLauglin Centre for Genomic Medicine 2012 Accelorator Grant, University of Toronto Amount: $50,000 Date: 2012-2013 47. Title: Physicians Services Incorporated Resident Grant Authors: Principi, Tania (PI), Collaborators: Schuh, Suzanne Agency: Physicians Services Incorporated Resident Grant. Amount: $19,000 Date: 2008 – Present 48. Title: Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Research Grant Authors: Principi, Tania (PI), Collaborators: Schuh, Suzanne, Agency: Candian Association of Emergency Physicians Research Grant. Amount: $4,890 Date: 2008 – Present 49. Title: Childhood Epilepsy in Northern Uganda. Authors: Grace Akello, James Tumwine, Kevin Chan. Agency: American Academy of Pediatrics, i-CATCH grant. Amount: $6,000 Date: 2011-2014