MPM 2D0 Solving Quadratic Equations Assignment Name: Review of 4 Methods of Solving Quadratic Equations 1. Solve by Graphing the Corresponding Quadratic Function. Show all work and include a clearly labelled graph. a) 𝑥 2 = 4𝑥 − 4 b) 2𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 − 12 = 0 2. Solve the following quadratic equations by Factoring. a) 4𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 = 9 b) 16𝑥 2 = 25 c) −5𝑥 = −𝑥 2 − 6 d) 3𝑥 2 4 + 5𝑥 4 1 2 − =0 3. Solve the following quadratic equations by completing the square. a) −4𝑥 + 𝑥 2 − 2 = 0 b) 3𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 6 = 0 4. Solve the following quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula. Write the solutions as approximate solutions to the nearest hundredth. a) 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 1 = 0 b) 4𝑚2 − 𝑚 − 11 = 0 c) 30𝑥 2 − 17𝑥 − 450 = 0 5. Solve each of the following equations using the most appropriate method. a) 𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 = 0 c) b) 36𝑥 2 − 49 = 0 2𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 − 7 = 0 d) 𝑥2 4 𝑥 1 −3+9=0 Answers 3 1. a) x = 2, 2 b) x = 4, − 2 3. a) 𝑥 = 2 ± √6 5. a) 0, 3 b) 7 6 b) 𝑥 = 7 ,−6 c) 3 5 5 2. a) 𝑥 = 4 , 0 b) 𝑥 = 4 , − 4 1±√19 3 −3±√65 4 4. a) -0.38, -2.68 d) 2 3 2 ,3 c) 2, 3 1 d) 𝑥 = 3 , −2 b) 1.79, -1.54 c) 4.17, -3.60 Assignment Solving Quadratic Equations 4263577 4263578 4263579 4263580 4263649 1110371 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Below Level 1 Know ledge and U 80 - 100% 70 - 80% 60 -70% 50 - 60% Solving Quadratic 0 Level 4 80 - 100% Knowledge and Understanding Solving Quadratic Equations using 4 methods. Demonstrates complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used 4263583 to solve the Demonstrates co problem(s); logic is mathematically sound. 4263584 Demonstrates su Level 3 70 - 80% Level 2 60 -70% Level 1 50 - 60% Below Level 1 Demonstrates substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s); logic is mathematically sound. Demonstrates some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s);logic contains some errors. Demonstrates very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) ; logic is faulty or not included. Demonstrates insufficient understanding of the concepts needed to solve the problem(s)or nothing is included 4263586 4263650 Demonstrates ve Demonstrates ins 1110372 Thinking 4263585 Demonstrates so 0 Thinking 4263591 Explanation is Explanation is tho thorough, detailed, and understandable; frequent use of math terminology and notation. 4263592 Explanation is minimal yet understandable and includes some detail; some use of math terminology and notation. 4263593 Explanation is limited with little or no detail and is difficult to understand; infrequent or no use of math terminology and notation. Explanation is difficult to understand and contains little or no detail; no use of math terminology and notation. 4263651 4263594 Explanation is min Little explanation is given and solution contains little or no detail; no use of math terminology and notation. 1110374 Little explanation Explanation is limi Explanation is diff Completion 0 Completion 4263589 All components All components a and steps are included and correct. 4263590 All or most components and steps are included and mostly correct. 4263595 All or most compo Some components and steps are included and somewhat correct. 4263596 Some component Very few components and steps are included and somewhat or not correct. Insufficient components and steps are included and/or not correct. 1110375 4263652 Communication Very few compo Insufficient comp Format and Prese 0 Communicatio n Format and Presentation Work is presented in a very clear and 4263597 organized Work is presente manner that is easy to follow. 4263598 Work is presented in a clear and organized manner that is mostly easy to follow. Work is presented in a somewhat clear and organized manner but may be hard to follow. 4263599 4263600 Work is presente Work is unclear, u Work is unclear, unorganized, and hard to follow. Graphs are accurate and 4263654 neatly drawn. Graphs are accu All details are clearly labelled and justified. Graphs are fairly accurate and neatly drawn. Most details are clearly labelled and justified. Graphs are drawn with some accuracy. Some details are labelled and justified. 1110388 4263653 Communication Very little w ork is Graph 0 Work is presente Communicatio n Graph Very little work is shown. Graphs are drawn with little accuracy. Few details are labelled and justified. 4263655 4263656 4263657 4263658 Graphs are fairly Graphs are draw Graphs are draw Graphs are not d Graphs are not drawn or are incomplete.