MM#4a CSO LTCP EngLetter to BPRC_052610

777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300 • Washington, D.C. 20002-4239 • (202) 962-3200 • FAX (202) 962-3203
Blue Plains Regional Committee (BPRC)
c/o BPRC Chair Robin-Eve Jasper, District of Columbia
Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) ‘Engineers’ – DC-WASA, Fairfax, & WSSC
May 26, 2010
Recommended Cost Allocation Splits for DC-WASA’s CSO LTCP Facilities –
Capital and O&M Costs
District of Columbia
District of Columbia –
Water and Sewer
Fairfax County
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission
In order to evaluate the proposed suburban versus District cost allocations for DC-WASA’s
Combined Sewer Overflow Long-term Control Plan (CSO LTCP) and recommend
appropriate Capital as well as Operating and Maintenance (O&M) cost splits, the IMA
‘Engineers’ have reviewed the following:
1. All of the technical information provided by DC-WASA regarding the modeling and flow
assumptions associated with the proposed CSO LTCP facilities; and
2. The assessments of the Technical Work Group members (which included staff representatives
designated by the Blue Plains CAOs from all six BPRC jurisdictions/agencies).
That based on a review of the 1985 Blue Plains IMA, the IMA ‘Engineers’:
 Acknowledge that a portion of the Districts’ total flow to Blue Plains is from its combined
sewered areas (Section 4: Appendix 4A) and that treatment requirements and costs are
therefore different (Section 6: D.2.); and
 Recognize that CSO LTCP capacity issues are linked to Blue Plains capacity issues
(Section 6: Cost Allocation text, specifically - 6. A. Capital Costs – Pipelines and
Appurtenances, #1 and 6. B. O&M Costs – Pipelines and Appurtenances, #1).
Based on review of the technical material and presentations to the BPCAOs, the IMA
‘Engineers’ agree to the following cost allocation splits for those facilities that serve both
District and suburban flows:
 District of Columbia costs – 92.9% of Total Capital and O&M Costs
 Suburban costs – 7.1% of Total Capital and O&M Costs
This agreement recognizes that Suburban costs will include sub-allocations for all nonDistrict flow contributors (i.e., including Other Potomac Interceptor Users as well as Fairfax
County and WSSC). And that DC-WASA will develop further sub-allocations of those costs
based on the existing IMA capacity allocations - and provide that rationale along with
proposed project billing details.
DC-WASA General Manager, George Hawkins (on behalf of the District of Columbia)
Fairfax Director of Public Works & Environmental Services, James Patteson
WSSC General Manager, Jerry Johnson
Attachments: DC-WASA and Technical Experts presentations/assessments