
Unit #4 Summary: Homeostasis
Big Ideas
- Organisms have strict limits on the internal conditions that they can tolerate.
- Systems that maintain homeostasis rely on feedback mechanisms.
- Environmental factors can affect homeostasis.
What do you
need to know?
- Understand how
feedback loops work
- Activity: Mammalian Diving Response: pg. 340
Nelson Bio 12
- Note: Homeostasis (Password Protected)
- Activity: Detecting Temperature Changes
- Note: Circadian Rhythms (Password Protected)
- Lab: Circadian Cycles Take Home Study
This lab may be used to replace the Unit 1 Graded
Assignment if you choose to submit it.
- Lab: Conduct a stimulus response lab on an
- Video: Inside the Teenage Brain
(An interesting video that explains how the teenage
brain works, how it changes, and how sleep affects it)
- Activity: Homeostatic Disorders – Part One
- Lab: (DISSECTION) Mink Dissection
Identify SEVEN organs involved in homeostasis and
explain what their functions are (eg. Brain, kidneys,
pancreas, testicles, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid )
Excretory System
- Describe the
anatomy and
physiology of the
excretory system
- Note: Kidneys (Password Protected)
- Video: (Khan Academy) The kidney and nephron
- Activity: Use modeling clay to build the structure of a
functioning kidney with nephrons. Groups will then pair
up with other groups and will explain their structures to
each other. They may fix any mistakes at this point.
- Be able to explain
how the excretory
system is involved in
maintaining a water
balance within the
human body
- Note: Kidneys and Water Regulation Part One
(Password Protected)
- Activity: Nephrons
- Note: Kidneys and Water Regulation Part Two
(Password Protected)
- Video: (Khan Academy) Secondary Active Transport
in the Nephron
- Activity: On a blank sheet of paper, draw a flow chart
which shows the entire pathway of water regulation that
has just been described. You must include the
hypothalamus, pituitary gland, nephron, ADH, and
urine. (The flowchart on pg. 354 will help)
- Lab: Kidney Disorders
Student Copy / Teacher Copy
- Note: Kidneys and pH regulation
Nervous System
Saltatory Conduction
Electrotonic Conduction
Na+/K+ pump
Resting potential
- Describe the
anatomy and
physiology of the
nervous system
- Note: Nervous System (Password Protected)
- Activity: Complete the lab activity on page 452 of the
- Video: (Khan Academy) Anatomy of a neuron
- Animation: Resting Potential Tutorial
- Video: (Khan Academy) Sodium/Potassium Pump
- Video: (Khan Academy) Correction to
Sodium/Potassium Pump Video
- Animation: Sodium Potassium Pump
- Animation: Action Potential K+ and Na+ Channels
- Video: Voltage Gated Channels and Action Potentials
- Video: (Khan Academy) Electrotonic and Action
- Video: (Khan Academy) Saltatory Conduction in
- Note: Nervous System Graded Potentials (Password
- Activity: Neuron Transmission
- Video: (Khan Academy) Neuronal Synapses Chemical
- Animation: Chemical Synapse
- Animation: Action Potential and Neuromuscular
- Animation: How normal brain cells communicate
- Animation: Effect of Cocaine on brain communication
- Animation: Effects of Alcohol on brain
- Activity: Construct a diagram of a neuron/synaptic
cleft/neuron diagram and illustrate all of the processes
on the diagram that have been covered in the nervous
system section of this unit.
- Activity: Homeostatic Disorders – Part Two
(Password Protected)
Endocrine System
- Describe the
anatomy and
physiology of the
endocrine system
- Create a flowchart
for epinephrine,
thyroxine, and
- Video: Adrenal glands
- Note: Endocrine System (Password Protected)
- Video: Endocrine System: Pituitary Gland
- Animation: Action of Epinephrine on Liver Cells
- Animation: Mechanism of Thyroxine Action
- Lab: Blood Glucose Two Day Lab Study
Past Results
May 2008: Effects of Different Breakfasts on Blood
Reproductive System
- Explain how male
and female
hormones act to
- Note: Male Reproductive Hormones (Password
- Animation: Spermatogeneis
- Note: Female Reproductive Hormones (Password
- Flash Animation: Female Menstrual Cycle Hormones
- Google Doc Challenge: You will use your knowledge
of reproductive hormones to design a birth control pill
for females. You will be given a set amount of time in
class to create your pill and will quickly present your
medication to the class, explaining how the pill works
on a hormonal level.
Activity Follow-up Discussion: How the pill works
Acid-Base Regulation
- Lab: The Quest for Artificial Blood
- Note: Acid/Base Blood Buffer / Video of this note
- Note: Homeostasis and the human acid/base blood
buffer (A summary of the YouTube video above)
Tutorial Questions
1. How do certain classes of drugs help with neurotransmission in the brain?
2. What effects does aloe vera have on the human body?
3. How do common antidepressants work?
4. Why should people, especially young people, be carefully monitored when on antidepressants?
5. What are the possible side effects of statin drugs used to lower cholesterol?
6. Why has the deferral government proposed legislation to regulate natural health products?
7. Is urine salty? Why or why not?
8. Why does taking a hot bath and then getting out of the tub make you sleepy?
9. How would a constant lack of sleep affect your body?
10. What might cause a person not to feel pain?
11. Why do people faint?
12. How do sleeping pills work?
13. Do emotional tears have a different chemical makeup than tears caused by reflexes, such as being
poked in the eye?