Mrs Arnold, Mrs Hall, Mrs O’Connor, Mrs Martell and Mrs Lowen Year Five Autumn Term Learning Literacy Classic fiction Biographies and autobiographies Recounts Instructions and Explanations Classic poetry Spelling, punctuation and grammar Reading comprehension Cursive handwriting Daily individual reading time Numeracy Number Sense – read, write, compare, round and order numbers up to 1,000,000, including decimals; multiply and divide numbers, including decimals, by 10, 100 and 1000; read and write decimal numbers as fractions; convert between different units of metric measure; solve problems involving converting between units of time. Additive Reasoning – add and subtract whole numbers with more than four digits using formal written methods; add and subtract mentally with increasingly large numbers; use rounding to check answers and determine levels of accuracy; solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations to use and why; use all four operations to solve problems involving measure using decimal notation including scaling; solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph; complete, read and interpret information in tables. Multiplicative Reasoning – identify multiples and factors; multiply numbers up to four digits by a one-digit number using a formal written method; multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts; divide numbers up to four digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context; solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these. Geometric Reasoning – identify 3D shapes from 2D representations; know that angles are measured in degrees and estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles; draw given angles and measure them in degrees; use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles; distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides and angles. Science Properties and changes of materials – properties; solubility; separating mixtures; thermal conductivity; irreversible changes; burning and heating; new materials. Swimming PE Music Whole class brass SingUp – singing in two and three part harmony Design and Technology “Bikelights” creation, based around the theme of water Food technology Computing Espresso Coding Education City WWW work (using Word) Internet research as part of our topic work Topic (to include Geography and Art) Coastlines – the environment (flora and fauna); features such as cliff, tide, dune, erosion, deposition, bay, shingle, sand and longshore drift; erosion and sea defences; dramatic coastlines around the world Cornwall’s Coast – As a source of industry (tourism, fishing etc.), under the waves, renewable energy using the sea/coast, protecting our coastline. Artists in Cornwall – Turner, his life and work; the Newlyn School; painting in the style of a modern-day Cornish artist. French Greetings Food and drink Likes and dislikes Asking for and giving directions French Christmas customs and vocabulary Religious Education Christianity – God and humanity – the belief that all human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, became sinful and can be redeemed. We will be looking at how these beliefs are expressed in words and pictures; The Christmas story and its importance for Christians. Curriculum Kernewek – Why people feel attracted to Cornwall as a centre of spirituality and spiritual experience; the Celtic Church and why Celtic Christian spirituality has become so important for some in Cornwall in the 21 st century. PSHE Showing you are a unique individual Reflecting on actions and taking next steps Labelling and accepting feelings Identifying and controlling feelings Health and wellbeing fortnight Positive behaviour through the use of ClassDojo Outdoor Learning Based on extracts taken from Michelle Paver’s “Wolf Brother”. The literature has a survival theme that will be present in all sessions. Spellings will be given every Monday. Reading Record Books will be checked every Wednesday; we reward three or more home reads a week. Year Five Home Challenges Week beginning Suggested activity 7th September Revise all of your times tables and complete the ones that are still a target to learn. Make a poster or mini-book to show what you have learnt in Health and Wellbeing fortnight. Do some written multiplications. What happens to the same number when you x 10, x 100, x 1000? Make a table listing ten items in your house and their materials. What properties do those materials have that makes them appropriate for use? Do some written column additions (two of each) TU +TU, HTU + HTU and ThHTU + ThHTU. Read another “Just So” story and rewrite it in your own words, paying particular attention to the use of commas and colons. 14th September 21st September 28th September 5th October 12th October HALF TERM HOLIDAY 2nd November 9th November 16th November 23rd November 30th November 7th December 14th December Play some Year 5 Maths games on Education City. When you get 100%, print your certificate to show us! Explain to someone at home the difference between a reversible and irreversible change in Science and give an example of each. Write a short biography (exactly 100 words) of any member of your family. Research wave energy and bring in any facts that you discover. Investigate limericks and write out your favourite (in cursive, of course!). Revise all of the spellings you have had this term. Practise your brass instrument for 15 minutes for the Christmas performance at St Breock Church. And lots of home reading please! If you require any further guidance or have any concerns please do not hesitate to come and talk to Mrs Arnold or Mrs Hall, or email