Background information and instructions

What is the problem that we are addressing?
According to the survey that UNICEF supported in Montenegro in August 2010, just one out
of five citizens wouldn't mind the child with disabilities to be the best friend of their child.
UNICEF, together with the Government of Montenegro, Parents Associations and many
other partners, has been implementing the It’s about ability campaign since September 2010
with the aim of promoting antidiscrimination and inclusion of children with disability in
Montenegro’s society.
Children with disabilities have the same right as others to participate in and enjoy the arts, sports and
other fun activities. So, schools, sports centres, theatres, museums, playgrounds, beaches and libraries
should be accessible by everyone without inhibition, including children with disabilities.
The voices of children and young people themselves show the contrary of what many citizens fear
about inclusion. Children with and without disability speak of sincere friendship, having good time
together in classes, school trips and extracurricular activities.
Today, in general, Montenegro’s children with disability have few opportunities to do sports
and often their parents are not aware that there are disability sports organizations that provide
them with such opportunities – Montenegro’s Paraolympics and Special Olympics.
Sports brings people together. Through sports, children with and without disability can
become friends, develop different abilities and show their potentials. Therefore, promoting
inclusion through sports is one of the priorities of the It’s about ability campaign in 2012.
What are we asking the marketing agency to do?
Marketing agency should produce a short – up to 30 second - TV commercial that promotes
antidiscrimination of children with disability, shows their potential to do sports and promotes
their friendship with the peers.
Who is the target audience?
Target audience is Montenegro’s public.
How are we going to do this – by saying what key things?
Key messages should be simple, clear, short and easy to remember.
Campaign’s name must be included in the TV commercial: It’s about ability. (Govorimo o
We are doing this to make the target audience do what – objective?
We want the target audience to encourage sports of children with disabilities and their
friendship with children without disability. As a result, we want to have an increase in the
number of children with and without disability doing sports together. We also want to have
an increase in the number of the children with and without disability being engaged in sports
within Montenegro’s Special Olympics and Paraolympics.
We are interested in obtaining a high quality TV commercial for a decent price. Please have
in mind that this TV commercial is part of a non-profit communication for development
of the country. The entire campaign is based on building a coalition of partners that supports
the process of creating an inclusive society in Montenegro. All media joined this coalition by
providing free space for campaign materials. Marketing/video production agencies are part of
that coalition and we are inviting you to join us by providing us with a free
service/significant discount for the production of this TV commercial.
Please separate in the budget the prices related to:
The creative idea/concept that you are proposing for the TV commercial
The production of the TV commercial
Please note that video quality of final product should be 16:9 Full HD (1920 x 1080), 25
FPS, progressive if possible. Adequate video recording equipment should be used for
the TV commercial filming.
You are free to propose more than one idea/concept for the TV commercial and/or several
versions of the same idea/concept.
The TV commercial should be ready for broadcasting the latest on June 1, 2011.
Please explain in your offer what deadlines you are proposing for different phases of the
production according to the idea/concept of the TV commercial that you came up with.
Please have in mind that the process of making the TV commercial will include:
Consultation on the idea and concept proposed by the agency with UNICEF and
Upon finalization of the idea and concept for the TV commercial, a first cut of the TV
commercial should be presented
First cut of the TV commercial must be tested on a sample of a target group and their
feedback should be shared with UNICEF
Based on the feedback from the pre-testing and from the consultation with the task
group, a final version of the TV commercial should be made
Final version of the TV commercial must be tested on a sample of a target group in
order to get their feedback and make any last corrections if needed
Please bear in mind that:
Any children filmed for this purpose must have a signed UNICEF form where their
parents/guardians agree on it. UNICEF will provide you with the forms.
Any filming of children, especially children with disabilities, should be coordinated
carefully with the parents and guided by the best interest of the child.
If any filming is planned in a school or an institution for children, it can be done only
upon written approval of the director of the institution and of parents/guardians of the
children to be filmed.
If you need more information/clarification please contact:
Jelena Perovic
UNICEF Communication Officer
Tel. 069 225 315
Momir Krivacevic
UNICEF Communication Assistant
Tel. 069 356 682