Latin American Student Groups African, Latino, Asian, Native

Latin American Student Groups
African, Latino, Asian, Native American Programming Board (ALANA) The African Latino
Asian Native American Programming Board - also known as ALANA - serves as the umbrella
organization for multicultural students on campus. We provide support and guidance to students
when organizations are planning education and cultural programs that cater to the Cornell
community. ALANA meets once every month.
Association of Peruvian As a cultural organization, APC aims to showcase and promote
awareness of the abundant and diverse Peruvian culture. In addition, we look forward to
engaging in close observance, discussion and analysis of the various events and issues related
to Peru and its neighboring South American countries. Meets every other Wednesday at 5pm in
156 Goldwin Smith.
Ballet Folklórico de Cornell strives to promote and increase awareness of Latin American social
and cultural traditions through dance. The purpose of BFC is to sponsor Latino/Latin American
culture through performance art, specifically ballet folklorico, or folk dance. In addition, BFC
hopes to enrich and support student diversity through performances. Risley Dance Studio
Thursday, 4:30-6:00pm
Colombian Student Association To create a sense of community among the Colombian (and
some other Latin countries) at Cornell and a space to celebrate, divulgate and continue our
traditions and cultural expressions. To represent the Colombian community at Cornell, including
their relatives and residents of the greater Ithaca area who are part of the Colombian community
or are willing to establish a close relation with Colombia. To provide orientation and information to
the new Colombian students/families and actively incorporate them in the association's activities
such as parties, movies, seminar and talks with speakers from Colombia To celebrate Colombian
art and culture by organizing and sponsoring conferences, presentation, performances and
events open to the Cornell and Ithaca communities, involving their participation. Meets once a
month. Dates and times to be scheduled.
The purpose of CU IMAGE shall be to strive to increase the admission and enrollment of
underrepresented students, specifically African-American, Latino/a, Native-American, and biracial/multi-ethnic, at Cornell University. The primary goals of CU IMAGE shall be to expose
promising underrepresented students the benefits of a world-class university and to encourage all
members of the Cornell community to take an active role in creating a university that more
accurately reflects the diversity of our nation. CU IMAGE shall accomplish these goals by
coordinating and participating in volunteer recruitment activities including recruit-a-thons, student
hosting, high school visits, campus discussions, and community outreach. CU IMAGE shall
actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other offices and organizations committed to the
recruitment and retention of a talented and diverse student body. Through the collective,
organized efforts of students, faculty, and staff throughout Cornell University, CU IMAGE shall
strive to perfect Ezra Cornell’s founding vision to create “…an institution where any person can
find instruction in any study.” Meets on Mondays 4:30 - 5:30 RPCC rm 220.
CUSLAR Student Group The Committee on U.S./Latin American Relations is a Cornell
University based group, founded in 1965, which seeks to promote a greater understanding of
Latin America, and the Caribbean. The members of CUSLAR are a diverse group of people
united in our concern about the role of the U.S. in the social, political, and economic affairs of the
region. Within this context we support the right of the people of Latin America and the Caribbean
to self-determination, and support their efforts to free themselves from a legacy of colonialism,
exploitation, and oppression. CUSLAR works for peace, justice, and greater mutual
understanding in U.S./Latin American relations through education, solidarity, and support of
human rights.
JGSM Hispanic-American Business Leaders Association (HABLA)The Latino population is
now the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. This explosive growth has generated
buzz about how this demographic shift will impact the future of business, the workplace, politics,
education and our communities. These developments prompted the founding of HABLA to
generate awareness and create dialogue about the need to develop leaders that understand our
unique experience as Americans of Hispanic descent.
JGSM Latin American Business Association To promote awareness of Latin America culture
as well as the business environment and opportunities there. In addition, LABA seeks to provide
current and potential LABA members with the adequate support to take full advantage of the their
experience at The Johnson School. Meets every two weeks-please contact one of the
representatives to check the time.
La Asociacion Latina The year 2009 marks LAL\'s 34rd year in existence at Cornell. Since
1975, LAL has served as a catalyst for the U.S. Latina/o community. With the goal of uniting the
U.S. Latina/o community at Cornell, LAL has worked towards providing the community with the
historical and political contexts necessary to advance nuestra gente. LAL achieves this, and other
goals, by coordinating political, educational, social, and cultural events. Several prominent figures
of the U.S. Latina/o community have lent meaningful insight into the Cornell Latina/o struggle.
LAL played a major role in the 1993-Day Hall Takeover. Shortly after, the first issue of La Lucha
was printed by LAL. In keeping with its goals, LAL has remained a vehicle for mobilization as
issues confronting the Latino community arise. Meets Mondays 6pm.
Latina/o Graduate Student Coalition The LGSC is a Latina/o graduate student organization on
the Cornell University campus. It provides a space for Latina/o students to come together and
share information on funding and research opportunities, in addition to network, socialize and
become involved with social and political issues relating to Latina/os on and off campus.
Moreover, the Coalition strives to provide an environment that promotes diversity and successes
of Latina/os at Cornell and beyond. Meetings are usually held on Thursdays, from 6PM to 8PM.
Los Aficionados del Espanol is a multicultural organization committed to Bringing together
students of Cornell University that share an interest in the Spanish language and its related
cultures; Providing social opportunities that allow students to practice the language; Informing
the Cornell community of the importance that Spanish language and culture has in the U.S. and
the world. We put out a Spanish publication every semester compiled of members' works.
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan M.E.Ch.A.’s main objective is to provide a sense of
community and security, building bridges between other Latino and non-Latino organizations, and
increasing the recruitment and retention of Chicanos/as. M.E.Ch.A. also intends to help the
Chicano community develop an understanding of Chicano history, as well as an involvement in
current issues. This intent, along with the academic support, cultural events, and recruitment
efforts of high school students is meant to inspire success at Cornell. Some of our past events
have included speakers on immigration issues, cultural awareness events and attendance at the
northeastern conferences at various universities. Meets Mondays @ 5:00PM at 434 Rockefeller
New American Cornell The purpose of this organization is to fulfill the need for a new Latino and
minority publication group at Cornell University. The Cornell New American will solidify the Latino
cultural and intellectual presence on the Cornell Campus and most importantly highlight the
contributions of current Latino leaders. The New American will feature recent news in Latin
America and in the Cornell Latino community, and articles from undergraduates, graduate, and
professors doing related research in various departments across the University. The Cornell New
American also aims to encourage the communication and interaction between Latinos and their
American peers. The New American is committed to build close relationships among student
groups with Latin American and multi-cultural backgrounds. The New American welcomes any
person of any background, any outside group/entity of any type with good will to participate in its
organization and activity. Lastly and most importantly The New American will serve as a channel
to introduce Latino culture to the University community at a mainstream level, and it provides a
platform for exchanging information, news and opinions. Meets Fridays and Saturdays 4 to 8:30
at Kennedy Hall.
Proyecto Palante Proyecto Pa’lante is dedicated to the construction of solidaristic communities
and social networks at Cornell and in the Central New York area through the promotion of Latin
and world music and dance, a fusion of artistic production with community organizing, and the
critical investigation and analysis of modern culture. Meets th last Thursday of the month, 7pm,
location TBA.
PRSA - Sangre Taina Our mission is to foster a sense of community among Puerto Rican
undergraduate students at Cornell; to coordinate and sponsor culturally and politically educational
activities dealing with the Puerto Rican issues, to promote and develop programs that will seek
the involvement of the Puerto Rican students at Cornell and with the Puerto Rican and Latino
community in Ithaca; and to coordinate the organization of a support network of Puerto Rican
alumni. Meets Tuesdays 5:00 pm (bi-weekly)
Quisqueya: Dominican Students Association Quisqueya: Dominican Students Association
was founded at Cornell University in 1995 with the intention of spreading awareness concerning
the Dominican experience and culture to the Cornell community. Quisqueya sponsors and
participates in informative as well as social events that aid in addressing issues concerning
Dominicans and other Latinos. Quisqueya also tries to maintain historical and current information
about the Dominican Republic as a resource that is available to the community. Quisqueya aims
to develop academic and personal support services among students and professionals in efforts
to recruit and retain Dominican students at Cornell University.
Sabor Latino Dance Ensemble Founded in 1992, Sabor Latino Dance Ensemble strives to
educate the Cornell and surrounding Ithaca community about Latino culture through music,
dance, and visual arts. We are the first Latino dance troupe on Cornell University\'s campus and
have traveled to represent our Latin American and Carribean roots through dances such as
Merengue, Plena, Mambo, Bachata, Cumbia, and Flamenco, as well as our ties to our experience
as Latinos in the U.S. through dances such as Salsa (on 1 and on 2), Latin-jazz, Latin hip-hop,
Reggaeton, and Latino house. Through our annual concert, workshops, and community service,
we present the significance of music and dance in our cultures. Meets every Sunday at 9:30pm
Salsa Mundo Salsa Mundo is dedicated to the enhancement of the Latin music, dance and arts
community at Cornell through organization of social dances, concerts, educational forums,
exhibits, and the formation of a Casino-style Rueda de Casino and partnered Salsa dance troupe
(comprised of both choreographed and non-choreographed dimensions). Salsa Mundo is further
devoted to the learning and teaching of classical Afro-Latin Salsa and predecessor dance
forms—such as Rumba, Yambu, Guaguanco, Bomba and Plena—which have their origin in
subaltern cultural spaces of the Spanish Caribbean. In addition to dance, Salsa Mundo is
committed to spreading an awareness of, and appreciation for, Afro-Latin culture, diaspora, and
historical experience. Fridays 7:30PM, locations vary.
Science Organization of Latinos (SOL) is a group of undergraduate students in various fields of
science and mathematics. Our backgrounds range from biology, chemistry, ecology, public
health, sociology, and the humanities - and everything in between. Our career goals range from
graduate school to medical school to industry. With the small number of minority scientists and
health professionals in the nation, the needs of the minority population are not being addressed.
As a result, our mission is: 1. To promote equity in education by attracting historically
underrepresented students into math, engineering, and science related fields, with a particular
focus on Latinos/Hispanics/Chicano students, including the K-12 population. 2. To assist our
members in pursuing career opportunities that best suit their potentials. 3. To assist our members
in obtaining professional, graduate, and fellowship positions. 4. To provide a social setting for
students to meet and exchange ideas. We are a multi-ethnic and diverse organization open to all
students in the Cornell community interested in our mission. Our activities are varied, and include
guest speakers, trips to graduate and medical schools, volunteer opportunities, and much more.
Teatrotaller (Spanish for "Theater-workshop"), was founded in 1993 by a group of enthusiastic
and energetic students in the Cornell campus. With the idea of preserving and promoting
Spanish, Latin American and Latino cultures through theater, Teatrotaller has devoted itself to the
production of plays in Spanish and "Spanglish." Now, over fifteen years later, Teatrotaller holds a
well earned reputation for excellence in artistic performances. Teatrotaller has also performed in
Leige, Belgium, Puebla and Mexico City, Mexico, Toronto, New York City, Boston, and
Philadelphia. Meets Monday and Wednesday 7:30pm-10:30pm.