Student, Visitor and Staff Identity Cards

Student, Visitor and Staff Identity Cards
Introduction and Scope
Date: March 2013
These statements and procedures apply to all students enrolled at Gloucestershire
College; to all visitors to Gloucestershire College; to all contractors working at
Gloucestershire College; to all staff employed by Gloucestershire College. Everyone
on College sites is expected to follow this guidance and these procedures.
All new College students and employees will be issued with an identity (ID) card.
All visitors to the College and contractors working in the College will be issued with a
temporary ID card by reception staff which should be handed in when leaving the
College. This includes visitors and clients of the salons, Student Services
Department, the gym and the restaurant.
Visitors and contractors need to return temporary ID cards on leaving the College.
Everyone on a College campus must wear their ID card at all times.
ID cards must be visible at all times unless equipment is being used, or activities
being undertaken which would make it dangerous to wear an ID card.
The reason an ID card must be worn is for the security and safety of students,
visitors, staff and contractors.
The information on all ID cards will be kept secure in accordance with data
protection regulations. It may be made available to the Police if requested and the
correct paperwork is provided.
Your ID card will make sure you:
1. can be identified while on campus;
2. get reduced fares on Stagecoach West buses
3. can borrow books and resources from the College library;
4. can enter the examination room on the day of an exam;
5. can hand in and collect your coursework;
6. can buy things from College shops or dining rooms (from September 2011)
Issuing ID cards to students
When you have enrolled on a College course and paid all relevant fees you will be
issued with an ID card. This will be free of charge.
You will usually be given your card on the day you enrol on your course.
You will be given a new ID card for each year of your course. You must wear the
card that has been issued for the current year, and not one from a previous year.
Your card is issued to you only and cannot be given to anyone else.
Managing students not wearing their ID cards
Tutors will check that all students in their class are wearing a current ID card.
Any students not in possession of an ID card will be given a day pass, date stamped
for that day only. They will also be marked with a ‘Q’ on the register. Heads of
School will regularly check the compliance of their students with the policy. Any
student repeatedly receiving a Q mark will be spoken to.
Students in public areas not wearing their ID card will be asked to produce it then
wear it. If a student is not in possession of their ID they will be taken to the student
services department where a day badge will be provided. If the student has lost their
ID a new card will be issued.
Visitors and contractors
Issuing ID cards to visitors and contractors
When you report to a reception desk on arrival at the College and have
signed into the College you will be issued with a temporary ID card by either
a receptionist or member of the security staff. This will be free of charge.
Your card is issued to you only and cannot be given to anyone else.
Managing visitors or contractors not wearing their ID cards
If you are not wearing your ID card while you are on College sites you will be asked
immediately to put it on.
If you cannot produce your ID card when asked to put it on you will be taken to the
Reception where you will be asked to identify yourself as a visitor or contractor, after
which you will be given a temporary ID card
Issuing ID cards to staff
When you are employed by the College you will be issued with an ID card.
This will be free of charge.
You will usually be given your card on your first day of employment (including
fixed-term/temporary staff)
Your card is given to you only and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
Managing staff not wearing their ID cards
If you are not wearing your ID card while you are on College sites you will be asked
immediately to put it on.
If you cannot produce your ID card when asked to put it on you will be taken to
Reception where you will be asked to identify yourself as a member of staff and
issued with a temporary ID card.
If you lose, damage or have your ID card stolen you will be subject to the same
conditions as students, as detailed above. Replacement staff cards are available
from the HR Department at a cost of £5.
Staff responsibilities
You are expected to support these procedures and wear your ID card at all times on
College premises. The only exception will be if you are using equipment or
engaging in activities which make it dangerous to wear an ID card.
You are required to make requests for others to produce ID cards in a respectful
way. Training is available to help staff perform this role in the right manner and in a
way that does not cause offence.
If when you ask someone to show their ID card they become aggressive you are
expected to withdraw and inform a member of the Security team.
At the beginning of classes all lecturers are expected to check that students are
wearing their ID cards. In workshops, sports or outdoor activities staff will need to
use discretion but ensure that students wear their ID cards on leaving.
If a student wears or produces an ID card that is not dated with the current academic
year you must treat them as if they do not have a valid ID card.
Date of issue: March 2013
Date for review: March 2013
SMOG Index: 14.6