Sir Guy Carleton School Profile - Ottawa

School Profile 2013-2014
Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
Grades 9 to 12 Vocational Program
55 Centrepointe Dr.
Nepean, Ontario
K2G 5L4
Phone: 613-723-5136
Fax: 613-723-8497
School hours:
9:00 a.m. - 3:01 p.m.
School Website1
Kevin Bush
Vice Principals
Dean Bridgewater
Nancy Dlouhy
Office Administrator
Peggy Van Ryckeghem
Chief Custodian
Rob Corby
School Council Chair
Lisa Stevenson
Superintendent of Instruction
Neil Yorke-Slader
School Trustee
Pam Fitzgerald
Chair of the Board
Jennifer McKenzie
Director of Education/
Secretary of the Board
Jennifer Adams
General Board Information:
Phone: 613-721-1820
OCDSB Website2
Accessibility Information3
Our School
General Information: Sir Guy Carleton is a system school that
offers students a Vocational Education. There is an emphasis
on practical and active approaches to education where students
are provided daily opportunities to learn in a hands-on manner
which will benefit them throughout their lives. Students graduate
from our regular program with an Ontario Secondary School
Diploma or one of the two MOET recognized Certificates. We
also offer a General Learning Program, a Behaviour
Intervention Program and a Physical Support Program for
students with special needs.
Special Programs: Technical and academic programs form a
strong partnership with complementary learning opportunities
between theory and practice. Our excellent school facility
includes a variety of shop areas equipped with job-focused
opportunities such as auto service, cosmetology,
communications technology, welding, green industries, child
care, health care, and hospitality. Sir Guy was awarded the
Specialist High Skill Majors program (SHSM) in the area of
hospitality! Students who complete the program requirements
for this sector-specific program receive a “Red Seal” affixed to
their diploma. We are hoping that other SHSM sectors will
follow in our technology program. The academic program is
equally effective, with resources designed specifically to meet
the needs of our students. Computer technology forms a
significant part of the programs in all departments.
Our Students
Sir Guy Carleton is a system school which draws its population
from the western zones of the Ottawa-Carleton District School
Board. Entry to our program is via an application process from a
student’s home school. Sir Guy Carleton’s total enrolment is
consistently around 500 pupils. This includes 80 students in the
General Learning Program (GLP). Our Physical Support
Program (PSP) has been in operation for the past four years
and provides service to students with physical challenges. Our
Behaviour Intervention Program (BIP) currently supports 16
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Our Staff
The staff at Sir Guy
operates as a team.
Members of that
team include more
than 45 teachers, 24
special education
assistants, culinary
staff, office staff, technicians, and custodial staff. Sir Guy staff
has specialized training and experience assisting students to
maximize their learning potential. All staff focus on fostering
positive self-esteem among our students. Our staff members
coach sports teams and facilitate a variety of clubs. Offering
their expertise and time ensures that students experience not
only academic success, but also social and spirit-building
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Our Community
Parents and Community
The Sir Guy Carleton community is a strong, caring partnership of students, staff, parents,
neighbours, business and industry. Our community is the National Capital Region. The
School Council reflects the region’s diversity. We foster and build upon our school’s
strength by maintaining positive ties with the many businesses spread throughout the
region. Through such projects as our Open House Day, we bring the local community into
Sir Guy to share the positive learning experiences and results of our horticulture classes,
foods programs, and other technical shops. On Thanksgiving weekend, Sir Guy acts as
host with support from Woodroffe, Merivale and Brookfield high schools to provide a
complete turkey dinner to any member of the greater community who wishes to attend.
Mission Statement
The Sir Guy Carleton School community is dedicated to our unique students and will
always provide a positive learning environment, which emphasizes vocational training,
independent living and preparation for the world of work and post-secondary training,
including apprenticeships and college programs.
Picture of Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Academic programs are offered at a variety of levels to ensure that all students are
provided with opportunities to be successful in their skill progression. In grades 9 through
12, our regular program consists of College, Open, Locally-developed and Non-credit
(remedial) courses, in accordance with Ontario Curriculum guidelines. The Grade 11 and
12 program includes College and/or Workplace level courses. Co-operative education and
work experience programs, which provide students with the opportunities to work in the
community are important components of the program at the Grade 11 and 12 levels.
Classroom Organization
Presently, Sir Guy Carleton is a semestered school. Students take eight courses throughout the
year. A typical student’s day is filled with a balance of academic and technical courses that prepare
them for their working lives after high school.
Special Education
All students at Sir Guy receive support from the special education staff, with an Individual
Education Plan (IEP) provided for each student’s learning needs. Sir Guy Carleton also has three
OCDSB “system” programs (GLP, BIP, PSP) where entry is through a central school board
process. The General Learning Program (GLP) has four components: academic, technical skill
development, Personal Life Management and workplace education. Life skills are an important part
of the program. Sir Guy Carleton also has a Behaviour Intervention Program (BIP) to assist
exceptional students with behavioural concerns. The Physical Support Program (PSP) provides
opportunities for students with physical challenges to maximize their academic learning and life
skills, while supporting their physical needs.
Clubs and Activities
Sir Guy students participate in a wide variety of intramural sports activities. Also, V.O.C.O.M.,
selected N.C.S.S.A.A., and school tournaments are available. For several years in a row, the
Ontario Physical Health Education and Athletic Association (OPHEAA) has awarded Sir Guy
Carleton SS with top honours for participation in healthy active living initiatives. Clubs and activities
such as weight training, crafts, guitar, games, autobody, woodworking, Students Taking Action
Globally (STAG), Eco-club, walking and running, bicycle repair, homework, and men’s & women’s
reading clubs are popular extra-curricular choices. We feature an Outdoor Education Program
which is a credit course! The music program, which accepts all students whether they have
experience or not, allows Sir Guy to offer students the opportunity to play in various musical
ensembles including drum, guitar, and orchestral. The students’ leadership team promotes school
spirit through dances, contests, and talent shows.
Safe and Caring Schools Initiatives
Sir Guy is proud to be the ‘Home of the Knights!’ Respect initiatives and student leadership training
opportunities contribute to our inclusive atmosphere. Building positive relationships, articulating
feelings and ideas, and preparing students to be at their best in the community and the best for the
world are important outcomes. Particular focus is on successful transition to high school. Our Link
Crew Training program and our Grade 9 “Community of Care” initiative are examples or our
commitment to successful transitions. We continue to promote an anti-tobacco campaign called
Exposé which is a Smoke-Free Youth Project; it is offered by the City of Ottawa’s Public Health
department and was introduced in order to encourage healthy lifestyles.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Facilities and Resources
Sir Guy is situated on Centrepointe Drive, close to the City of Ottawa building in Nepean.
Our school facilities include:
 welding and machine shops
 autobody and autoservice shops
 construction and fine woodworking shops
 greenhouse and gardening facilities
 computer and business technology labs
 cosmetology and aesthetics lab
 child care and health care classrooms
 an industry standard restaurant kitchen and bakery area
 academic classrooms and science laboratories
 computer labs
 library
 gym and weight room facilities
 music room with practice rooms
 visual art room
Google Map of Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Achievement and School Improvement Planning
Measures of Student Achievement and Success
The school regularly surveys Sir Guy graduates in order to keep track of successes and
identify areas in which we could improve our program. In past years, our school has been
recognized provincially for its improvement on the Grade 10 Literacy Test. Each year we
build upon these past successes. Sir Guy staff also recognizes the need to employ
qualitative measures alongside the more common quantitative evaluations. We focus on
annual themes to ensure positive personal attributes are developed alongside literacy and
numeracy skills. Success for our Knights occurs during and after their formal schooling.
Our graduates find productive jobs upon graduation. These graduates recognize the
contribution that school makes in fostering job skills and work ethic.
Class Photo
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
Sir Guy Carleton continues to work closely with Ottawa Technical Secondary School
(OTSS) -- the east-end vocational school in the OCDSB, with Ministry officials, with our
School Council, and with the Senior Administration of the OCDSB, to develop courses and
programs that meet the needs of students within the context of required skills demanded
by the greater community. Sir Guy Carleton has a Ministry-approved Technology program
which helps students to learn a wide variety of technical skills while earning credits
towards their certificate or diploma. The school implemented a SHSM in Hospitality and
Tourism in 2009. Our “ACE” (Advanced Culinary Education) program is unique within our
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
board. Students from high school across the board join the Sir Guy family for a portion of
the year in order to earn SHSM credits and explore a possible career in Hospitality and
Tourism, including an opportunity to take part in a dual-credit course in conjunction with
Algonquin College.
In order to support literacy improvement, a number of program initiatives have been put
into place. SAGE is an individual literacy improvement program available to all students
and is run in the school by trained volunteers in small group settings. Also, the school
ascribes to the DEAR reading program in which the entire school reads for a specified time
each week regardless of which subject the student may be in at that moment. The school
also makes use of the computer-based “Autoskills” reading and math programs.
Further, within the context of building bridges within the community, the school works with
a variety of community groups to establish Sir Guy as a school at the HUB of its
community which includes:
● A Health Clinic staffed by a medical doctor and qualified nurse. This clinic is open one
morning per week
● Rideauwood counselling services
● Partnerships with the City of Ottawa, Algonquin College’s Nursing Program, Youth
Services Bureau, Community Health Centres, Pathways, and the University of Ottawa
and Algonquin College.
Sir Guy staff continue to promote the Skills Portfolio which is presented to all students
upon graduation from the school. This includes the student’s Ontario High School Diploma
or the Certificate of Education, their Ontario Student Transcript, and a comprehensive
assessment of the skills which they have mastered in each or the areas of Technical
Studies. These skill assessments will include ratings on the essential Employability Skills
as identified by the Conference Board of Canada. Sir Guy is indeed “The School that
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Leadership Recognition
“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative
to achieve a positive outcome.”
At Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School, we are proud of our students’ leadership
contributions. While here, they participate in numerous workplace and co-op placements
where their positive attitude and work ethic are continually praised. This commitment is
evident in the litany of community activities in which they are a part. Some of these events
include: organizing and servicing the school’s Open House Day and coordinating the
Thanksgiving Dinner initiative which serves over 900 people. Students are also involved in
the Board’s environmental education initiatives, a recycling project and the District-wide
Students’ Council. Our students have taken the initiative to develop a strong Student
Leadership Team and to create many leadership opportunities at Sir Guy and within the
community. In 2010 the President of the Sir Guy Student’s Council served as the Chair of
the Eastern Ontario Student Association. Our school is clearly the “School that Works”
because of our students and our dedicated staff.
The people at Sir Guy Carleton are dedicated and caring professionals. Our office and support
staff is an integral part of our students’ educational experience and they are a positive influence on
our school culture. Our teachers have a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields, and many
are experienced in a technical trade and thus they have the opportunity to share these experiences
with students. The school has a variety of clubs including band, weight training, bicycle repair,
comedy club, men’s and women’s reading clubs, and homework and library clubs which are
organized by our staff and students. In addition, our staff is committed to ongoing curriculum
development; indeed, they have been members of the writing team for the locally-developed,
Ministry-approved, courses in math, science and English, as well as an Integrated Technology
package. Our Hospitality staff is instrumental in representing and promoting the school through
many catering events such as the 25 Year Pin Dinner and the Food Fair at the World of Work. Key
staff members are involved in mentoring new teachers in training from U Ottawa in order to ensure
that our students are given the very best educational experience. Finally, as a collective group, we
continue to be involved with a variety of community events including the ALS Walk and Terry Fox
Run. In 2012-13 a group of our students and staff are going to the Dominican Republic to assist in
a school-based project. In short, the teachers at Sir Guy are not simply classroom teachers; they
are school teachers who aim to equip student to make a positive impact in the community.
The School Council at Sir Guy Carleton is a passionate and committed group who has the best
interest of our students in mind. In the past, the council has organized many fundraising activities
including Musical Evenings, Craft Fairs, and Gala Dinners in a partnership with the Ottawa
Hospital. They are active in our Open House Day. We encourage community and School Council
input and we value their counsel and insight. In recent past they have been involved in sponsoring
workshops for parents highlighting the challenges of raising adolescents.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Sir Guy Carleton proudly co-hosted the 2009 Vocational Schools Conference. Sir Guy staff
(along with staff from OTSS) showcased the school, the shops, and our students in a twoday conference. Staff members have prepared and served up meals at the women’s
shelter, Chrysalis House. They also presented the shelter with clothes and toys for
Christmas. Each year, our school assists in providing some of our neediest families with a
Christmas hamper. Every month, our SHSM students plan, cater, and serve a threecourse luncheon for local seniors. In addition to this, we have our traditional Thanksgiving
Dinner for those who might not otherwise have one. Our Open House Day in May, our
partnership with the Peter Clarke Seniors Center, and catering opportunities through our
SHSM program provide plenty of contact for our students with the community. It provides
an opportunity for the general public to see what kind of quality items the students at Sir
Guy Carleton create.
URL References
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship