Table S9. Data resources and references for eQTLs, co-expression networks, and Bayesian networks. Tissue Species Aortic Human endothelial cells Adipose tissue Human Blood Brain Fibroblasts Heart Islet cells Kidney Liver Lymphoblasts Monocytes Muscle eSNP Co-expr. Bayesian Dataset data modules networks yes yes no 147 heart transplant donors [1] yes yes yes 1,675 individuals from two Icelandic cohorts [2] Human Human Mouse Mouse yes yes - yes no yes yes no no yes yes 1,008 obese patients [3] 150 female twins [4] C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] C57BL/6J x C3H ApoE -/- mouse cross [6,7] Mouse Mouse Human yes yes yes yes yes yes yes C57BL/6J x C3H wildtype mouse cross [8] C57BL/6J x BTBR Lepob mouse cross [9] 1,675 individuals from two Icelandic cohorts [2] yes no no 1,469 unrelated individuals [10] Mouse Mouse - yes yes yes yes C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] C57BL/6J x C3H ApoE -/- mouse cross [6,7] Mouse Human yes yes no yes no C57BL/6J x BTBR Lepob mouse cross [9] Umbilical cords of 85 Western European individuals [11] Mouse Mouse Mouse Human Human Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Human yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no yes yes no yes yes yes yes no C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] C57BL/6J x BTBR Lepob mouse cross [9] C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] 427 individuals [8] 1,008 obese patients [3] C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] C57BL/6J x C3H ApoE -/- mouse cross [6,7] C57BL/6J x C3H wildtype mouse cross [8] C57BL/6J x BTBR Lepob mouse cross [9] Umbilical cords of 85 Western European individuals [11] Human yes no no 400 children of families with a proband with asthma [12] Human yes no no 60 HapMap participants of European descent [13] Human Human Human yes yes yes no no no no no no 270 HapMap participants [14] 726 HapMap3 participants [15] 30 European and 30 Yoruba HapMap participants [16] Human Human Mouse Mouse yes yes - no no yes yes no no yes yes 150 female twins [4] 1,490 unrelated individuals [17] C57BL/6J x A/J mouse cross [5] C57BL/6J x C3H ApoE -/- mouse cross [6,7] Mouse Mouse - yes yes yes yes C57BL/6J x C3H wildtype mouse cross [8] C57BL/6J x BTBR Lepob mouse cross [9] References 1. 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