Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Unit _3_Table of Contents Unit Title: Writing About Reading Section 1|Page Unit Essential Questions Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis) Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English) Unit Assessment Checklist Unit Assessment Rubric Sample Unit Calendar Page Number Skip Done English Done Done Skip Skip if time do Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Unit Title: Stage 1 Standards: (Alpha-numeric listing of standards incorporated in the unit) Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.) Goals: (These should be aligned to the Goals above) Learning Targets (aligned to goals) Grade 2 Content Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing Nominations and Awarding Favorite Books Identify Desired Results W.2.1, W.2.5, W.2.6 RL.2.1, RL.2.2, RL.2.3, RL.2.4, RL.2.5. RL.2.7, RL.2.10 SL.2.1., SL.2.2, SL.2.3, SL.2.4, SL.2.5, SL.2.6, L.2.1, L.2.2, L.2.3, L.2.6 SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP Good writers share, support and expand their opinions. Good writers use masters’ text or structures as models for opinion writing. Good writers revise and edit. Good writers get stronger by setting goals and making plans for writing. Good writers express their opinions by using present tense verbs and adjectives and compare characteristics about books. Session 12: I can write a nomination for a book that I have a strong opinion about. Session 15: I can find rest stop punctuation in mentor texts to observe how and author uses them. Session 16: I can read and study mentor texts to learn about introductions and conclusions. Session 16: I can revise my work by adding introductions and conclusions. Session 17: I can use a checklist to reflect on my writing. I can use present tense verb phrases. Session 18: I can share my ambitions and goals for writing with others. I can use adjectives. Session 12: I can support my nomination by providing reasons and details. Session 13: I can use quotation marks around exact words to provide evidence from the book that support my opinion. Session 14: I can compare two books to explain why one is better or best. Session 15: I can use rest stop punctuation to highlight ideas for my reader. Session 19: I can speak clearly and share my nominations with others. 2|Page Dates of Unit: I can use conjunctions to connect two ideas. I can compare two books. Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Stage 2 Determine Assessment Evidence ENGLISH Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?) Academic Language Function(s): Academic Language Stems: Easy for Beginners Express feelings or preferences, Compare I like (title of book/character). and Contrast It/She/he (present tense verb phrase) and it_____(present Adjectives, conjunctions and present tense tense verb.) verb phrases, comparatives I like Cam Jansen. Better, funnier, more interesting She is a detective and she takes mental pictures. (Title of book) is better than (title of book) because it is (comparative). Academic Vocabulary: Nomination Rest stop punctuation Evidence Quotes Quotations Medium for Intermediate I think (title of book/character) is a (adjective) book/character because _______ and __________. (Title of book) is (comparative) than (title of book) because_________________. Difficult for Advanced and Fluent In my opinion (title of book/characer) is a (adjective) book/character because ________ as well as__________. While both books are (adjective), (title of book) is better than (title of book) because_______. While both books are enjoyable, Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the UFO is better than Junie B. Jones Aloha-ha because Cam Jansen always helps people and never causes trouble. Assessment Tools: 3|Page Goals Rubric Assessment Checklist Student Name 4|Page I can use conjunctions to connect two ideas. I can compare two books. I can use adjectives. I can use present tense verb phrases. Session 18: I can share my ambitions and goals for writing with others. Session 16: I can revise my work by adding introductions and conclusions. Session 17: I can use a checklist to reflect on my writing. Session 15: I can use rest stop punctuation to highlight ideas for my reader. Session 14: I can compare two books to explain why one is better or best. Session 13: I can use quotation marks around exact words to provide evidence from the book that support my opinion. Session 12: I can support my nomination by providing reasons and details. Session 12: I can write a nomination for a book that I have a strong opinion about. Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Unit 3 Assessment Checklist Bend 3 Notes Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion B = Beginning 5|Page D = Developing P = Proficient M=Mastery Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Unit of Study Assessment Rubric Learning Target Mastery Proficient Developing Unit #3 - Unit Title: Writing about Reading 6|Page Beginning Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Language Learning Target 7|Page Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction SAMPLE UNIT CALENDAR Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Bend 1: Day 1: Session 1. Writing Letters to Share Ideas about Characters Learning Goal: I can write a letter sharing my opinion about my favorite characters. Day 2: Session 2. Getting Energy for Writing by Talking Learning Goal: I can rehearse my opinion writing by sharing my big ideas with another person. Language Goal: I can use present tense verb phrases. Day 7: Session 5. Keeping Audience in Mind Learning Goal: I can write a stronger opinion letter by thinking about my audience. Language Goal: I can use adjectives. Day 3: Session 3. Writers Generate More Letters: Developing New Opinions by Looking at Pictures Learning Goal: I can use the pictures to develop new opinions about the book. Day 4: Session 4. Writers Make Their Letters about Books Even Better by Retelling Important Parts Learning Goal: I can retell part of the story to help my reader understand my opinion. Day 5: Mini Lesson Choice Day Choose or Review a mini lesson of your choice. Day 8: Session 6. Using a Checklist to Set Goals for Ourselves as Writers Learning Goal: I can use a checklist to choose new goals to improve my writing. Bend 2: Day 9: Session 7. Writing About More than One Part of a Book Learning Goal: I can make my letter writing stronger by writing my opinion about more than one part. Day 12: Session 8. Reading Closely to Generate More Writing Learning Goal: I can grow new ideas by reading my book carefully and paying attention to details. Day 13: Session 9: Gathering More Evidence to Support Each of Our Opinions Learning Goal: I can support my opinion by using multiple pieces of evidence. Day 14: Mini Lesson Choice Day Choose or Review a mini lesson of your choice. Day 10: Session 7. Writing About More than One Part of a Book Learning Goal: I can make my letter writing stronger by writing my opinion about more than one part. Language Goal: I can use conjunctions to connect two ideas. Day 15: Session 10. Why Is the Author Using a Capital Here? Learning Goal: I can use mentor texts to answer my writing questions. Day 6: Session 5. Keeping Audience in Mind Learning Goal: I can write a stronger opinion letter by thinking about my audience. Day 11: Session 7. Writing About More than One Part of a Book Learning Goal: I can plan for the different parts of my letter before drafting. 8|Page Grade 2 Unit 3 Bend 3 Writing About Reading: Opinion Day 16: Session 11. Publishing Our Opinions for All to Read Learning Goal: I can use “fun little extras” to entertain the reader. Day 17: Ongoing Lesson Learning Goal: I can use a checklist to choose new goals to improve my writing. Day 18: Session 11. Publishing Our Opinions for All to Read Learning Goal: I can do a final revision to publish my book. Bend 3: Day 19: Session 12. And the Nominees Are… Learning Goal: I can write a nomination for a book that I have a strong opinion about. Day 21: Session 13. Prove It! Adding Quotes to Support Opinions Learning Goal: I can use quotation marks around exact words to provide evidence from the book that support my opinion. Day 26: Session 17. Using a Checklist to Set Writerly Goals Learning Goal: I can use a checklist to reflect on my writing. Day 22: Session 14. Good. Better. Best Learning Goal: I can compare two books to explain why one is better or best. Language Goal: I can compare two books. Day 23: Session 14. Good. Better. Best Learning Goal: I can compare two books to explain why one is better or best. Language Goal: I can compare two books. Day 24: Session 15. Readers Giving Signposts and Rest Stops I can use rest stop punctuation to highlight ideas for my reader. Day 27: Session 18. Keeping the Elaboration Going I can share my ambitions and goals for writing with others. Day 28: Session 19. Awarding Our Favorites: A Book Fair Celebration Learning Goal: I can speak clearly and share my nominations with others. Day 29: Session 19. Awarding Our Favorites: A Book Fair Celebration Learning Goal: I can speak clearly and share my nominations with others. 9|Page Day 20: Session 12. And the Nominees Are… Learning Goal: I can support my nomination by providing reasons and details. Language Goal: I can use conjunctions to connect two ideas. Day 25: Session 16. Writing Introductions and Conclusions to Captivate Learning Goal: I can revise my work by adding introductions and conclusions.