Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Ministerial Order Land Use Objectives Regulation Version 8.10 Updated October 5, 2015 Land Use Objectives for Biodiversity Morice Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) Area Part 1 - Interpretation Relationship with the Forest and Range Practices Act Objectives Pursuant to section 93.4 of the Land Act, the following objectives are established as land use objectives for the purposes of the Forest and Range Practices Act, and apply to the Morice Land and Resource Management (LRMP) area shown on Map 1. Any footnote or map referenced in an objective is an integral part of that objective. If there is a discrepancy in the areas shown on the maps and the spatial information on the legal planning layer of the BC Geographic Warehouse, the spatial information will take precedence. This order takes effect on the date that notice of the Order is published in the Gazette. Part 2 – Objectives Objective 1: Maintain seral stages across the Morice LRMP area for the applicable Resource Management Zone as specified in Table 1 and as shown on Maps 2, 3, and 4. Table 1. Seral Stage Distribution Requirements for the Morice LRMP RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ZONES BEC VARIANT High Biodiversity Emphasis Areas (HBEA) Area Specific Management (ASM)1 General Forested Area (GFA) 1 Early* Seral Maximum (%) Mature* + Old* Seral Minimum (%) Old* Seral Minimum (%) 1. Friday/Nakinilerak/ Hautête Lakes HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 16 28 7 50 37 71 48 86 21 33 70 42 84 16 26 2. Morrison Lake HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 16 28 7 50 37 71 48 86 21 33 70 42 84 16 26 3. Thautil/Gosnell HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 16 28 7 50 37 71 48 86 21 33 70 42 84 16 26 4. Nanika River HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 16 28 7 50 37 71 70 86 70 70 70 42 84 16 26 5. Upper Morice River HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 16 28 7 50 37 71 70 86 70 70 70 42 84 16 26 6. Lower Morice River HBEA CWHws2 and MHmm2 16 71 70 The Crown forested areas within Area Specific Management Areas will contribute to the seral condition targets of the General Forested Area. * ** *** ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 28 7 50 37 50 86 50 50 42 84 16 26 7. Nadina/Owen ASM CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 70 70 83 70 70 62 34 82 8 17 8. Grease Trail Buffer ASM CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 70 70 83 70 70 62 34 82 8 17 9. Le Talh Giz/Old Fort Mtn ASM CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 64 50 83 50 50 62 34 82 8 17 10. Lower Nadina River ASM CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 64 50 83 50 50 62 34 82 8 17 11. Upper Nadina River ASM CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 64 50 83 50 50 62 34 82 8 17 12. GFA and ASM areas not listed elsewhere in this table. CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSFmc and ESSFmv3 ESSFmk SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 27 38 9 64 48 64 37 83 10 20 62 34 82 8 17 Early is defined as <40 years; Mature is 100-140 years; Old is >140 years. CWHws2 and MHmm2 are combined due to their small incidence in the plan area and similarity in Range of Natural Variation. ESSFmv3 is combined with ESSFmc, and SBSwk3 is combined with SBSmc2 due to their small incidence in the plan area. Objective 2: Manage for old growth forests by retaining all timber within Old Growth Management Areas (OGMAs), as identified on Map 5. Objective 3: Maintain structurally complex mature and old forest by retaining wildlife tree retention (WTR) areas distributed across the Morice LRMP area on Map 1 as per Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2. Wildlife Tree Retention Requirements for each Cutblock >5 ha and ≤250 ha BEC Variant CWHws2 and MHmm2 ESSF combined SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 combined Minimum % WTR Required N/A 3.3 8.3 9.1 Table 3. Wildlife Tree Retention Requirements for each Cutblock >250 ha Resource Management Zone GFA and ASM HBEA BEC Variant Average % WTR Minimum % WTR ESSF combined SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 combined ESSF combined SBSdk SBSmc2 and SBSwk3 combined 15 15 15 10 10 10 25 25 25 20 20 20 Objective 4: For the purposes of Objective 3, ensure that all wildlife tree retention areas include one or more of the following high value wildlife tree attributes: Diversity of wildlife tree retention strategies (e.g., a range of patch sizes combined with dispersed trees); Diversity of habitat types; Internal decay (heart rot or natural/excavated cavities present); Crevices present (loose bark or cracks suitable for bats); Large brooms present; Active or recent wildlife use; Tree structure suitable for wildlife use (e.g., large nest, hunting perch, bear den); Large trees for the site (height and diameter) and veterans; Representative of the size, age and species of the pre-harvest stand; Objective 5: Retain 100% of the forested area within “No Timber Harvesting Areas”2 identified on Map 6: a. Grease Trail 100m buffer b. Morrison Lake 30m buffer c. Babine Lake East Arm 30m buffer d. Bulkley River floodplain e. Swan Lake/China Nose f. Upper and Lower Morice River floodplains g. Upper and Lower Nadina River floodplains h. Nanika River floodplain i. Starr Creek j. Herd Dome k. Morice Range/Nanika Lake l. Tahtsa-Troitsa 2 The Crown forested areas within No Timber Harvesting Areas, Parks and Conservancies will contribute to the seral condition targets of the General Forested Area. Part 3 – Implementation Effective Date This order and the land use objectives in this order, take effect on the date that notice of this order is published in the Gazette. The applicable period under Section 8(2) of the Forest and Range Practices Act is one year, starting on the date this order comes into effect. Eamon O’Donoghue Regional Executive Director Skeena Region Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Date