Inquiry: Solar cooker Name: …………………………….. Teacher:……………………. Date Set:…………………. Subject: 11 Physics Progress Check:………………. Due Date: ………………… Conditions of assessment: Write your name and date on the paper You must adhere to the school assessment policy This cover sheet must be attached to your assignment This sample courtesy of Darrin Timms Focus Areas: KCU, IP, & EC Task Type: ERT Context: Today SOLAR ENERGY supplies just 1.5 GW - less than one per cent of the worlds energy needs. Estimates of how big solar energy will become vary from 5 per cent to 50 per cent of the worlds energy needs by 2050. One thing is clear, the use of clean energy will dramatically increase, driven by the issues of global warming, and depletion of reserves of fossil fuels. Several technologies need to be examined when discussing solutions to the worlds energy needs. One of these is solar thermal power. Solar thermal power plants or Concentrating Solar Power Plants, produce electricity in much the same way as a coal fired power station. The only difference is that the steam is produced by sunlight rather than burning coal. Task: Your task is to answer the following question: “Can a recycled Austar dish be a viable alternative energy source for the average home user?” You will make a statement in answer to the research question that says either “A recycled Austar dish can be a viable alternative energy source for the average home user? or that it cannot be. You will need to support your argument with results obtained in class. Your article should include the following: Introduction: (600 words) o Discuss the growing threat of global warming and the exhaustion of fossil fuels as a way of contextualising the need for renewable energy sources such as solar energy. You should make it clear how this impacts on you. o Research the E.M. spectrum, energy, optics, specific heat, wavelength and frequency as necessary and link these concepts to task question. If they do not directly relate to the question then they are not relevant. This will provide the concepts and terms to be used later. o Research the topic Solar Thermal Energy and how it could be part of the mix of renewable energy solutions. o State examples of where Thermal Solar Plants are currently in use and relevant facts about their energy output. o State the advantages of this technology, and the projected growth of this technology. o Create a variables grid that shows the factors that impact on this technology. Results: from class experiment using an Austar dish. Must be in tabular form. Graphs must be labelled and included here. Consider graphing different variables against each other to identify patterns, trends and interrelationships (many of the results will be analysed as a class and collated together as secondary data). Discussion (500-600 words): o Analyse your tabulated and graphical results in a meaningful manner that will allow you to draw a conclusion later. Include % error calculations. o Justify your conclusions with the following: you need to explore the scenarios you have tested and researched to decide if a recycled Austar dish can be a viable alternative energy for the average home user? Your argument should have about three major points in support of your opening statement (your thesis). In your arguments you should explain the results in terms of the following concepts and interrelationships: refraction, reflection, focal point, focal length, centre of curvature, specific heat capacity, thermal conduction, absorption, emission, radiation, wavefronts. You must cite data to support your explanations. o Calculate and compare the amount of useable solar energy obtained from the Austar dish to the average amount of raw solar energy hitting the earth. Then compare this value to the average house hold. o Compare the efficiency of the Austar dish to photovoltaic cells o Construct and use the variables grid to identify possible sources of error which may have affected the energy efficiency compared to the photovoltaic cell and the raw energy of the sun. o Discuss (and justify) possible modifications and refinements you could make to the design to improve the energy efficiency of the Austar dish. Conclusion Bibliography Knowledge and Conceptual Understanding EXIT STANDARDS Linking and application of algorithms, concepts, principles, theories and schema to find solutions in complex and challenging situations. Systematic analysis of primary or secondary data to identify relationships between patterns, trends, errors and anomalies Students compares and explains the complex concepts and interrelationships between light, energy and optics D B Students compares and explains the concepts of light, energy, optics Student explains the concepts of light, energy, optics Student describes light, energy and optics Student has linked and applied algorithms, concepts, principles, theories and schema to find a solution to finding alternative viable energy sources in the home in complex or challenging situations. Student has applied algorithms, principles, theories and schema to find a simple solution for viable alternative energy sources Student has applied algorithms, principles, theories an schema relating to light, energy, and optics Student analyses the primary and secondary data to identify patterns and trends, errors and anomalies between energy, optics, light and specific heat Student analyses the primary and secondary data to identify obvious patterns and trends, errors and anomalies between energy, optics, light and specific heat Identification of obvious patterns and errors Student collects data Student has linked and applied algorithms, concepts, principles, theories and schema to find a solution to finding alternative viable energy sources in the home in complex and challenging situations. Student systematically analyses the primary and secondary data, trends and patterns, errors and anomalies in this data to identify the relationships between energy, optics, light, specific heat C B Has identified, and justified any possible outliers and has made links between these effects on the energy efficiency Uses % error calculations to support argument regarding the use of recycled Austar dishes in the home. Has identified possible outliers and has described their affects on the calculated results Has performed % error calculations Has identified possible outliers in experiment Has qualitatively identified errors in experiment exploration of scenarios and possible outcomes with justification of conclusions/ recommendations Explains and explores the average home energy consumption and makes links with argument regarding the use of recycled Austar dishes in the home Explores possible ways of converting solar thermal energy obtained from Austar dish into useable energy in the home Explores possible modifications and refinements to improve % efficiency of Austar dish and makes links to different variables and experimental errors. Has described the average home energy consumption and has made links with the argument regarding the use of recycled Austar dishes in the home Has described some methods of converting light energy to useful energy Has described modifications to Austar dish design to improve its efficiency. Has described the average home energy consumption. Has described some methods od converting light energy to useful energy Has described modifications to design of the Austar dish analysis and evaluation of complex scientific interrelationships Evaluating & concluding Investigative processes comparison and explanation of complex concepts, processes and phenomena relating to Solar Thermal Energy A Student recognizes simple isolated phenomena Recording of data Teacher notes Equipment: Austar mirror dish and stand 100mL beaker Data logger and thermometer probe/gun Ruler String Tape measure Light intensity probe Cardboard Red light intensity probe Procedure: Create a variables grid 1. Using the photovoltaic cell, measure and calculate the energy/m2 2 Measure the light intensity emitted from the sun and convert to watts/m2 1 lux = 1.464x10-7 watts/cm2 3. Use cardboard to qualitatively determine the position of the focal length of the dish 4. Suspend the beaker at the focal length and calculate the temperature change of the beaker and calculate the energy emitted 5. Move the beaker at different intervals slightly above and below the “focal point” repeat to gather average results 6. Use the data from 4. To graph and determine the focal point of the dish. Calculate the energy at this point 7. Calculate this energy per m2 by measuring the diameter of the austar dish and calculating its area. Energy/ m2 8. Using mathematical manipulation skills, determine the theoretical value of the focus point (mirror/lens formula) 9. Get the students to compare these values and explain why they might not match 10. Get the students to design a new dish that will minimize spherical aberration (changing to parabolic curve rather than spherical using auto cad etc) 11. Get students to create a variables grid of all of the possible errors and explain how those errors will affect their results 12 Statistically analyse results 13 Calculate the carnots engine formula to measure efficiency 14 Calculate the angle of deviation- reflective error due to the refraction through the mirror 15 Discuss heat transferrance and discuss the movement of the sun and how the focal point does not change when the sun moves 16. Possible extensions: - Change the colour of the beaker to absorb as much heat as possible ie. Black vs white vs transparent vs blue etc - Calculating specific heat and Latent Heat: 1. Heat the water in a beaker using the data logger to obtain the following graph: temperature Time time = rate / temperature Rate of Heating : (units = oC /min) Q/min = SPH x Mass x Temperature/min (units = Joules/min) 2. Then if you calculate the weight of mass lost over a specific time period (e.g. 10 mins). But the beaker must be boiling first. i.e. initial mass (@100oC)= 200g; and final mass (10 mins later after continuous boiling) = 175g Thereforem = 25g (massfinal –massinitial) Qto boil = Q/min x time Eg. Lets say that Q= 2516 and the time that we boiled was for 10mins, therefore: = 2516 x10 = 25160 Joules of energy in 10 mins Latent heat = Qused / mass = J/g Calculating the focus point of a Austar dish There are 5 ways to find the focus point of an austar dish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Measure CAD Graphmatica Spherical model Parabolic model 1. Measure: Using Austar dish and a piece of cardboard, adjust the cardboard to find the most concentrated light and measure how far this is from P (along the principal axis) errors include: parallax error, finding the prinicipal axis, movement of cardboard while measuring, measurement units. Repeat this experiment several times to get an average 2. CAD 3. Graphmatica 4. Spherical model Assuming that the dish is spherical: Lets say that the chord is 1000mm and depth is 200mm 200mm 1000mm Therefore the model on the graph would look like: 200 500 r r- 200 r Using pythagoras’s theorem: C2 = A2 +b2 Where c= radius of circle (r) A= 500 B = r-200 Therefore: R2= y2 + x2 = 5002 + (r-200)2 = 250 000 + (r-200)(r-200) = 250 000 + r2 – 200r -200r + 40 000 = 290 000 + r2 -400r 2 2 R -r = 290 000 -400r 0 = 290 000 – 400r -290 000 = -400r -290 000/-400 = r 725 = r Therefore the focus point = ½ r = 725/2 = 360cm 5. Parabolic model 500 (x,y) (500, r-200) (o,f) F-y P(x,y) 200 Y+d 500 Dimetrix Y = -d Q Y = ax2 @ (500,200)dimt. 200 = a 5002 A = 200 /5002 = 8 x 10-4 Therefore, y = 8x10-4x20 Now: fp = pQ ( x o ) 2 ( f y ) 2 y d x 2 ( f y )2 y d @(1000, 800) 10002 ( f 800) 2 800 d @( 200, 3200) 20002 ( f 3200) 2 3200 d 20002 ( f 3200) 2 3200 2400 2400 20002 ( f 3200) 2 10002 ( f 800) 2 800 10002 ( f 800) 2 x 2 1600x 164 2400 2 x 2 160 x 164 0 x 2 160 x 5.76 106