Lab -3Preservation of Specimens A- Refrigeration for keeping ( Media , solution culture ) B- Freezing (All the organs , Lymph glands, milk put in suitable container and surround it extremely with piece of dry ice and send with clinical pathology chart . This suitable for long distance to keep the coldness for long time (12-16) hours ( size of organ 3 inch³ ) Preservative Chemicals : 1- Feces : - 3-5% formaline for parasite , - Freeze for virology and toxicology (put in aluminum fouls and freeze). 2- Organs : - Freeze for bacteriology and virology test . - Organ and tissue put in 50% glycerin for virology. - 10% formaline for histopathology study. 3- Fluids (serum , plasma ,cerebrospinal, synovil) (for isolated pox)(saline + 1% agar ) (100 cc saline + 1gm agar) or 50% glycerin and phosphate buffer (50%) . 4- Urine : 1-2 drop of formaline 40% for 30 ml of urine for cytological examination . - General preservative Thymol (500 mg tablet) take 30 ml of urine for general examination . - Chemical examination of urine : 1- Refrigeration (4ºC)after 1 hour from collection time . 2- 10 ml of urine in test tube and add 1ml of Tolune 5- Serum : 1- Freezing for six month to year avoid freezing and Thawing . 2- Phenol 0.5% (0.5gm/100ml) ,(15 ml (3ml 50 mg 10mg ) 3- Merthiolate : 1/10.000 for serum. Questions : Q1- What are the types of method used to keep serum ? Q2- Mention the methods for keeping urine sample ? All 100ml) Lab. -4- Parasitology There are three methods for diagnosis and it is essential to make a correct diagnosis and to evaluate the parasitosis quantitively as well as qualitatively : 1- The physical examination include appearance of feces (consistency, colour , odour, abnormal constitute ). 2- Requirement : plastic gloves ,Rubber gloves , beaker, wooden spatulas, containers the size determined by the amount of feces . 3- Examination must be done not longer than 24 hours and at least ( 5 – 10 gm ) . The methods is : A- Direct method : 1/2 gm fresh and concentration solution the filtered by sieve the residue diluted for few minute unit the bubble have all escaped then carefully float a cover – glass on the top this method used in heavy infestation parasitosis. B- Flotation : Take 1-2 gm of fresh feces mixed with concentrate NaCl (30-50 ml) inside small beaker make mixing and sieving and then put cover slide for 10-20 minutes, remove like covered put on glass slide and examine under low power microscopic ; suspended the eggs that have light specific gravity float up specially nematode and cestoda the eggs stick on the cover slide. C- Sedimentation : Take 2-3 gm of fresh feces mixed with 60 ml water the suspension is strained through fine sieve ,the filtrates is stored for one hour and supernatant is decanted it is necessary to repeat the sedimentation then stirred homogeneously with glass bar a few drops are applied to microscope specially the specific gravity eggs mostly trematoda and metastrogylus . D- Sedimentation for lung (Baermann - apparatus) It consist of glass funnel clamped to a standard to the bottom of the funnel a rubber tubing is fitted (10 cm long) the funnel cover with gauze meshes (double layers) and fill with water at (30-40)ºC for (3-6) hours the nematode larvae will be swimming in petridish for detected lung worms Dictycolous viviparous . - Mac Master method for counting eggs by using 60 ml saturated NaCl + 2gm fresh feces in special slide full the two chamber (2 x 0.15 ml) count the eggs in two chambers N x 100 = e. p.g. (eggs per one gram feces) There are three genus of 1- Nematode (Hemonchus , Ascaris, Ostertagia in sheep & goat , Oxyuris equi in horse) 2- Trichostrogylus (Parascaris equirum in horse) , strongylus spp. 3- Cestoda (Taenia spp., Moneizia, Diphlidum caninum) Skin Parasite : The are many types of ectoparasites , ( Mite, Lies) Psoroptes scabiei Sarcoptes scabiei It affected all area of the body that affected all the area without wool cover the wool. at face, muzzle, ear. Causing dry hairs Causing dry hairs The method for diagnosis the a gents by skin scraping by scalp from the marginal lesion even oozing blood then put it in petridish boiling and adding KOH 10% and heat gently until air bubble appear for dissolve the keratin to see the mites. Keeping time (preservative) of feces : - Cooling at (4 ºC) for 3 days - Formaline (5-10%) - Potassium Dichromate (2.5%) for coccidia