
‫בית הספר סגול למדעי המוח‬
‫אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
The Sagol School of Neuroscience opens the registration for the
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Neuroscience (IDPN). This interdisciplinary
program brings together 120 scientists from the Faculty of Life Sciences, School of
Psychological Science, Faculty of Medicine and its 17 affiliated Medical Centers,
Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Faculty of Management and
Faculty of Humanities. The students can join any of the 120 labs of the Sagol School
( and are encouraged to create
joint projects combining mentors from complementary disciplines. As Tel Aviv School
is also a partner in the ENC-Network, hence students can perform rotation at Tel Aviv
University (TAU) or joint research with any of the labs in the ENC-Network
Additional information about Tel Aviv University and the PhD program can be found
at the end of this doucoment.
Application procedure
Candidates should submit the following documents and the form bellow:
• Application form (Can be found at the end of this letter or can be downloaded
from the school website:
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Photo
• Grades and graduate certificate for
undergraduate and Master’s degree
• A copy of the thesis (PDF file is OK)
• Letters of recommendation (at least
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tel. 972-3-6409081, 972-3-6409385, FAX. 972-3-649136
‫בית הספר סגול למדעי המוח‬
‫אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
• Research Statement:
Please specify in brief (up to 1 A4 page) research areas and directions in
neuroscience, which you are interested to investigate during your graduate
studies. The research statement should be concise, well written - and include your
background, career goals and how the degree studies in the school will promote
you in achieving your academic goals.
Please also suggest several laboratories (among laboratories of the Sagol School
of Neuroscience: that combine
research directions that can answer the research questions that you are interested
to explore.
The documents should be sent to:
Ruthi Wolf,
Registration will close on April 30th , 2015.
Suitable candidates will be invited for an interview via Skype.
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tel. 972-3-6409081, 972-3-6409385, FAX. 972-3-649136
‫בית הספר סגול למדעי המוח‬
‫אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
Application form for the Ph.D. program in Neuroscience
1. First name: ________________ Last name: ________________________
2. Home address: _______________________________________________
3. Phone Number: _______________________________________________
4. Email: ______________________________________________________
5. Details of Education:
Field of Study
Year of
Title of Thesis
6. Supervisor of thesis: ___________________________________________
7. Attached are copies of scientific publications:
yes / no
8. Recommendations:
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tel. 972-3-6409081, 972-3-6409385, FAX. 972-3-649136
‫בית הספר סגול למדעי המוח‬
‫אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
Name: ______________________ Institution:_________________________
Name: ______________________ Institution:_________________________
Name: ______________________ Institution:_________________________
9. Research area in which you are interested
10. Research Statement:
Please specify in brief (up to 1 A4 page) research areas and directions in neuroscience,
which you are interested to investigate during your graduate studies. The research
statement should be concise, well written - and include your background, career goals and
how the degree studies in the school will promote you in achieving your academic goals.
Please also suggest several laboratories (among laboratories of the Sagol School of
Neuroscience: that combine research
directions that can answer the research questions that you are interested to explore.
Name of Candidate:________________________ Signature:_____________
Interested in performing an interdisciplinary PhD in neuroscience and
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tel. 972-3-6409081, 972-3-6409385, FAX. 972-3-649136
‫בית הספר סגול למדעי המוח‬
‫אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
understand how the brain functions in health and disease? Tel Aviv
University’s Sagol School of Neuroscience is the place for you.
The Sagol School of Neuroscience
At the forefront of interdisciplinary neuroscience discoveries, TAU is home to Israel’s
largest concentration of internationally renowned scientists and clinicians investigating all
aspects and levels of brain structure, function and dysfunction. Spanning seven faculties,
TAU’s neuroscientists combine fields as diverse as biophysics, psychology, neurobiology,
computer science, neurology and psychiatry and are leading
multidisciplinary research in areas including learning and
memory, neurodegenerative diseases, neuroimaging, behavioral
and cognitive neuroscience, neurological and psychiatric
disorders, brain cancer, and neurolinguistics.
A link to the laboratory web site can be found below:
The state-of-the-art basic neuroscience research being
performed on campus is complemented by advanced clinical research at 17 TAU-affiliated
hospitals and medical centers. This integration offers the TAU neuroscience community a
clear advantage over other research institutions in Israel, making TAU a center for
translational neuroscience.
Doctoral Program
The Interdisciplinary doctoral Program for Outstanding Students
in Neuroscience (IDPN) is highly competitive, offering a range
of demanding research programs that aim to produce new
generations of talented and well-rounded neuroscientists. It
exposes students to creative and analytical thinking methods,
while offering them hands-on research experience in over 120
neuroscience research laboratories across the TAU campus
and in affiliated hospitals.
The Schools’ students can participate in three rotations at a choice of seven different
faculties, including 17 affiliated hospitals and neuroscience companies.
The Schools’ students are eligible for extended fellowships throughout their PhD.
Sagol School of Neuroscience, Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel.
Tel. 972-3-6409081, 972-3-6409385, FAX. 972-3-649136