
Natural Sciences SSLC minutes
3S 0.04
12th March, 2013
15.15 – 17:05
Dr Paul Mitchell (Director of Studies)
Cath Haines (Student Experience Officer)
Linda Humphries (Subject Librarian)
Victoria Swann (MSci Final Year)
Helena Coker (MSci FInal Year)
Rupert Banks (BSc Final Year)
Elizabeth Hierons (MSci/BSc Year 2) (Minutes)
Emma Cahuzac (MSci/BSc Year 2)
Maria Ekundayo (MSci/ BSc Year 1)
Tom Hudson (MSci/ Bsc Year 1)
Rachel Myers (MSci Penultimate Year), Amy Gravestock (MSci Penultimate year),
Karina Bradshaw (Subject Librarian)
1. Minutes of the last meeting
It was agreed to check who had actions re: Physical Chemistry Tutor and The Ecology and
evolution lecture notes.
Organisation of future meetings – It was agreed that this needed to be discussed with the
new Senior Tutor, once appointed. Cath Haines (CH) offered to organise the next meeting.
2. Matters Arising
CH gave an update on the 3 South refurbishment. CH will continue to chase re: the slow
progress of the work, and will ask if students can be given notice about when the lockers are
being moved.
Action: CH
3. Library matters
Linda asked the Reps for their input on any matters which have arisen in the Library. Rupert
informed Linda that there were about 8 computers on Level 4 which aren’t turned on. Reps
are to let the librarians know which computers do not turn on.
Action: All Reps
Reps reported that students like the new Level 1 layout, students prefer big tables for
communal and group work.
Web of Science is now back in use, reps had no major issues to report.
Library skills sessions were also discussed, and reps agreed that they had improved..
4. National Student Survey: Natural Sciences data
Dr Mitchell drew attention to the fact that only 30 of the 70 students in their final year had
completed the National Student Survey. This is under 50% of the cohort. Final Years reps to
encourage final year students to complete the survey.
Action: Final Year Reps
5. Changes to Nat Sci taught programme
Details of the new changes to the Nat Sci Taught Programme were presented by Dr Mitchell,
and include the following changes:
Natural Sciences SSLC minutes
Previous Unit
New Unit
1 Ls1.1b
Semester 1 - BB10005 - Cell
Biology 1
Semester 1 - BB10006 - Cell and
Molecular Biology
1 Ls1.1b
Semester 2 - BB10006 - Cell and
Molecular Biology
Semester 2 - BB10005 - Cell
Biology 1
2 B2.2
Semester 1 - BB20110 – DNA
(Making, Breaking and Disease)
Semester 1 - BB20023 DNA(Making, Breaking and
N.B. Same unit just relabelled to
keep in line with Biology. Also has
a slight change in content
2 B2.2
Semester 2 - BB10007 - Genetics Semester 2 - BB20160 - Dynamic
Cell 2
2 B2.3
Semester 2 - BB20160 - Dynamic Semester 2 - BB20028 - Molecular
Cell 2
and Cellular Neuroscience
3 B3.1
Semester 1 - BB30123 Biological Ethics
Semester 1 - BB30208 Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics
3 B3.1
Semester 2 - BB30132 - Sexual
Conflict Only
Semester 2 - BB30132 - Sexual
Semester 2 - BB30131 - Evolution
In Deep Time
3 B3.2
Semester 1 - BB30167 Genomes
Semester 1 - BB30055 - Genes
and Genomes
3 B3.3
Semester 1 - BB20202 - Microbial Semester 1 - BB30045 - Cell
Cells and Genomes
3 B3.3
Semester 2 - BB30131 Evolution In Deep Time
Semester 2 - BB20203 - Microbial
Interactions With Their Hosts and
4 B4.3b
Semester 1 - Blank
Semester 1 - BB40130 - Research
N.B. Project now returns to
semester 1
In addition to these changes, Dr Mitchell informed the Reps that there will be no Honduras
field course running next academic year (2014/15). He said that he was also concerned
about the Year 3 Semester 2 module, BB40134, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,
which is a Level 4 module run in the final year of the BSc programme.
3 Physical
Previous Unit
New Unit
Semester 2 - CH30038 - Neutron
Scattering For Chemists
Semester 2 - CH30227- Advanced
spectroscopic techniques (recent
Chem change)
Natural Sciences SSLC minutes
Dr Mitchell was unsure whether this change also applied to MSci Students. Dr Mitchell to find
out if this change also affects the MSci Programme.
Action: PM
Previous Unit
New Unit
3 P3.1
Semester 2 - PH30032 - Laser
Semester 2 – PH30077 Electromagnetism 2
3 P3.2
Semester 1 - PH30077 Electromagnetism 2
Semester 1 – PH30028 – Condensed
Matter 2
3 P3.2
Semester 2 – PH 30078 –
PH 30079 - Superconductivity
Semester 2 PH 30085 – Fluid
Dynamics 2 & PH 30098- Networks 2
Or PH 30035- Medical Physics
Semester 1 PH30032 – Laser Physics
Semester 2 PH30089 – MPhys Labs
Previous Unit
New Unit
3 P3.1
Semester 1 - PS30101 Psychology of Pain
Semester 1 - PS30083 - Stress,
Immunity and Health
3 P3.1
Semester 2 - PS30083 - Stress,
Immunity and Health
Semester 2 – PS30156 - Effective
3 P3.3
New block
MSci only
It was also brought up that there were a number of Level I (FHEQ level 5) Chemistry units
available in the Final Year BSc programme. Dr Mitchell informed the Reps that BSc students
need to study at least 48 Level H (FHEQ level 6) credits in their Final Year and that the
remaining 12 credits can come from any level unit. However for MSci students, all units must
be Level M (FHEQ Level 7) or above their Final Year.
6. Tutoring
No personal tutor issues were reported.
7. Key Skills
Final Year Reps said they would benefit from presentation skills training. There were
suggestions that this could be done with personal tutors or in small tutorial groups.
A discussion over whether Key Skills information should come from the home departments
and if sessions could be faculty run, took place. It was agreed that this may not be the best
way forward because departments requirements differ. All reps to email CH if they would like
anything new in the Key Skills Programme.
Action:All Reps
Linda said that she would go to the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office and see
about the possibility of a university wide Key Skills Programme
Action: LH
Reps reported that the Biology practical stats lectures in year two started in the same week
that the practical work had to be handed in. Reps should let Dr Mitchell know the specific
Natural Sciences SSLC minutes
stats topic that needs to be covered and by which week it needs to be covered. Reps also
reported that no one knew which test they should follow. Reps to let Dr Mitchell have full
details of the issues.
Action: Year Two Reps
8. Standing Items
a. Final Years
Final Year Reps said that they had some last minute timetabling changes in Pharmacology
that they were not informed about. They said that they had found out via word of mouth from
other students on different courses studying the same module. This last minute change was
an 8.15 lecture on the morning of Thursday 13th March. Reps asked for contingency e-mails
to be sent to students in the event of timetable changes, or that a message could have
been put onto Moodle. Helena to convey this issue to Phillip Rogers to ensure it does not
happen again.
Action: HC
b. Year 2
The year two reps outlined their concerns about the lack of laboratory experience they
receive compared with other degree programmes such as Biochemistry, and that this lack of
experience is having a negative impact on students trying to secure placements. Lots of
students have been rejected from placements and told that it is because they have less lab
experience than another candidate. Students sitting the BB20020 and BB10007 stream this
year only receive 45 minutes of practical work this year. Emma to talk to Helen Edwards to
ask her about mentioning to Placement providers that Natural Sciences is a different course
to Biology and Biochemistry, and so students will have varying amounts of lab experience.
Action: EC
The reps also informed Drl Mitchell about their concerns regarding the BB10007 Genetics
MCQ exam on the 5th March. They said that the exam started 45 minutes late, nobody was
informed of their seat number prior to the exam, and that the invigilators were talking loudly
for the duration of the exam.
9. Any Other Business
A University Wide Moodle page for all students going on placement has been set up. This
will allow students to get in touch with other students also going on placement. the page
allows students to input details about their placements, including company, location and start
and end dates to let other students see who else will be living in a similar area. The page is
called UoB Placement Students. All reps and Placement Teams are to promote this to their
year and try and get as many students details in the database as possible. Action: All Reps
Cath said she would look into the option that summer placements could be included on this
Moodle Page too. Action: CH
A Final Year Biology project lecture was timetabled in a computer room. There were not
enough computers for everyone and computers were allocated on a ‘first come, first served
basis’, this was the second time this had happened. Reps to let Dr Mitchell know the name of
the unit, lecturer and when this happened.
Action: Final Year Reps
It was also discussed that a Chemistry Lecturer was approached by a Natural Scientist on
placement to see if it was possible that Natural Scientists could complete distance learning
whilst on placement. Although this is possible for chemists, because their placement counts
towards their credit for the year, Natural Science placements do not. In which case, Dr
Natural Sciences SSLC minutes
Mitchell said that the student would have to complete all 60 credits whilst on placement,
which the Reps decided would probably not be a very good idea.
10. Date Of Next Meeting
To be agreed via Doodle Poll, with a provisional date set in Week 28