Establish the command structure to manage shelter operations to

NW Ohio Mass Care Sheltering Model
Functional Exercise: May 17 2012
Evaluator Form
Community Preparedness and Participation: Develop and implement training and exercise programs to
enable citizens to support emergency response and recovery operations in response to an incident.
Activity: Integrate Public Outreach and Non-Governmental Resources into Emergency Operations Plans and Exercises: Definition:
Include sufficient planning for alerts and public warnings, emergency public education and information, evacuation, mass care, health
and medical services, non-governmental volunteer and donations resource management, and establish clear roles and protocols for
volunteers for all ESFs and Annexes. Evaluate plans through exercises that include non-governmental entities, volunteer operations,
and the general public.
Activity: Provide Education and Training for the Public in All Mission Areas: Definition: Ensure the public is educated and trained in
prevention, protection, response, and recovery for all hazards, with specific consideration for high-threat hazards for the area in which
they live, work, or attend school and for special needs
ComF 2.1
Integrate citizen participation in the planning process at all levels
___Not Met
The planning committee consists of the American Red Cross, public health,
Medical Reserve Corps, Community Emergency Response Teams,
emergency management, hospitals, fire/EMS, agencies that support persons
with functional needs and consumer advocates.
ComF 2.1.1
Incorporate, in all plans, procedures, and protocols (including outreach, training
and exercises, and volunteer opportunities), consideration for individuals with
disabilities and their caregivers
The mass care model includes accommodations for persons with functional needs
and their caregivers.
___Not Met
ComF 2.1.5
Incorporate in all plans, procedures and protocols (including outreach, training and ___Met
exercises, and volunteer opportunities), consideration for companion and service
___Not Met
The mass care model includes accommodations for service animals.
ComF 2.4.1
Emergency Operations Plans, to include alerts and warnings, public education and
emergency public information, evacuations, mass care, and non-governmental
resource management
The Lucas County Emergency Operations Plan includes an updated annex
regarding mass care operations.
___Not Met
ComF 3.1
Plan, conduct, and evaluate public education programs for citizen prevention,
protection/mitigation, response and recovery capabilities
___Not Met
The planning committee engages in a cycle of planning, exercising, reviewing,
making improvements, implementing changes, conducting additional exercises
and repeating the cycle regarding the mass care shelter model.
NW Ohio Mass Care Sheltering Model
Functional Exercise: May 17 2012
Evaluator Form
On Site Incident Management: Establish the command structure to manage shelter operations to meet
Activity: Implement On-Site Incident Management: Definition: In response to an incident, arrive on scene and provide initial scene
report while beginning response operations; carry out management, planning, and coordination of on-site incident
Activity: Direct On-Site Incident Management: Definition: In response to indication of an incident, implement management, planning,
and coordination of on-site incident
Res.B1a 4.2
Initiate and implement the Incident Command System (ICS)
Participants actively discuss the need for an incident command structure within the ___Not Met
shelter setting.
Res.B1a 5.1.2
Establish the command structure to manage the incident and meet objectives
Through activity participants establish the command structure needed to run the
shelter for the fictitious incident provided in the scenario.
___Not Met
Res.B1a 4.2.5
Transfer command between oncoming and outgoing Incident Commander as
___Not Met
Through roll play participants describe the process for transfer of command and
identify needed items to be discussed at the briefing conducted between current
and incoming command.
Res.B1a 4.2.4
Request additional resources as necessary for operations and on-site incident
___Not Met
Through roll play participants identify how to request additional resources needed
to run their assigned area in the shelter.
Res.B1a 3.3.4
Monitor/measure performance of assigned resources and request additional
resources as needed
___Not Met
Through roll play participants identify the need to reassign or remove a shelter
worker not performing their roll satisfactorily in the shelter setting.
NW Ohio Mass Care Sheltering Model
Functional Exercise: May 17 2012
Evaluator Form
Volunteer Management: Develop just-in-time training program for volunteers to perform required tasks in
a shelter setting.
Mass Care:
Mass Care is the capability to provide immediate shelter, feeding centers, basic first aid, bulk distribution of needed items, and related
services to persons affected by a large-scale incident. Mass Care is usually provided by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), such
as the American Red Cross, or by local government. This capability covers those individuals who have disabilities that can be
accommodated in general population shelters.
Activity: Develop and Maintain Plans, Procedures, Programs, and Systems
Activity: Develop and Maintain Training and Exercise Programs
Activity: Direct Mass Care Operations: Definition: In response to requests made by agencies, provide management and coordination
of Mass Care Capability
Activity: Shelter General Population
: Definition: Provide temporary shelter for those individuals displaced during an incident
Res.C3a 1.3
Develop plans, policies, and procedures for the provision of mass care
services to general populations in coordination with all responsible agencies
___Not Met
Various agencies are present at the functional exercise to include the
American Red Cross, Medical Reserve Corps, Community Emergency
Response Teams, hospitals and their representatives, other agencies that
support functional needs populations, and consumer advocates.
Res.C3a 1.3.4
Develop processes and criteria for conducting an assessment (functional,
cultural, dietary, medical) of the general population registering at the shelter
to determine suitability for the shelter, and the transference of individuals
and caregivers/family members, to more appropriate care facilities.
___Not Met
Participants understand the process for screening of incoming individuals to
be sent to the appropriate areas of the shelter to include disaster health
services or the general population.
Res.C3a 6.4.1
Res.C3a 6.1.2
Coordinate with Functional and Medical Support Shelter Capability to
ensure that individuals are referred to appropriate settings and appropriate
functional and medical care is provided
Establish processes to address issues identified in the assessment of shelter
Once screened and at disaster health services, participants use tools to assess
incoming clients for suitability to remain in the shelter. If suitability is
inappropriate, personnel understand how to link clients with a higher level
of care or obtain the needed resources for the client to remain in the shelter.
___Not Met
Res.C3a 6.1.3
Make arrangements to transfer individuals and caregivers/family members
to appropriate care facilities when necessary
___Not Met
Shelter workers understand how to obtain transportation for a client that
needs to move externally to a higher level of care.
Res.C3a 6.4
Request additional resources and equipment necessary to support shelter
___Not Met
Participants understand how to request additional equipment/resources
needed to run the shelter.