June: instructor rock hunt July: Each day is split into three parts: Inquiry based activities, discussion with Dr. Chowns, and collegial planning and differentiation Day and standard Activity Discussi on topic Day 2PLATE TECTONICS SES2 and SES6: Day 3SCULPTING EARTH’S SURFACE: SES3 and SES6: Day 4ROCKS AND FOSSILS: SES4 and SES6: Pre-evaluation and introduction, weather data collection: Flatium and Crumplium, Radiometric Age Dating of fossils, Earth, The Biography DVD chapter, layers of Earth model mantle convection lab, and development of the ocean/atmosphere analogies, accretion activity, Half-Life Cards. Weather data collection, Pangaea puzzles, Pangaea flip charts, tectonic sandbox, Geoblox fault activity, ocean floor spreading and dating, concept mapping, plate tectonics mapping. Weather data collection, comparison of teacherbrought soil samples, soil horizons and geology of Carroll County field trip (McIntosh Park), Pebble in My Pocket literature activity. Weather data collection, geologic time scale activity, pancake lab, uniformity and succession activity with geologic columns, rock cycle and literature, identifying fossils and localities. Geologic Time Scale with Fossils inquiry lesson Day 5- WEATHER Climate change through time, Pangaea climate flip charts, Greenhouse Effect in a Bottle, El Nino AND CLIMATE: investigation and demonstration, reading weather SES5 and SES6: charts, Weather Front modeling, Coriolis effect demo. Weather charting and prediction activity, Summary: Teachers present one differentiated lesson Formation of the universe Plate tectonics weatherin g and erosion principles of geology. Weather COLLEGIAL PLANNING AND DIFFRENTION Day 1 FORMATION OF EARTH: SES1 and SES6: SES1. a. Formation of Earth and the Solar System, layers of earth, distribution of major elements, origin of heat sources, mechanism that drives plate tectonics 1. Accretion activity: heavy paper, weights, 2. Nebular Theory: worksheets 3. Planetismal activity: copies or internet access 4. Video of formation of the elements: youtube 5. Earth is like a ….candy analogy: candy boxes, paper 6. Physiographic relief model: Flinn Models 7. Earth, The Biography DVD chapter: 1 DVD per student 8. Mantle convection lab: oil, glass containers, candles in containers, matches, small cans for props b. Explain how composition of Earth’s layers is determined and compare it to other objects in the solar system 1. Table comparing different traits- layering, magnetic field, gravity, minerals, atmosphere, density, size. : internet access, copies 2. Cosmic Dust: beads: sheet protectors: http://www.orientaltrading.com/opaque-ponybeads-a2-57_3.fltr?prodCatId=388805&tabId=2 c. Describe how the decay of radioactive isotopes is used to determine ages of rocks and fossils. 1. Flatium and Crumplium: 2. Half-life problems: cards 3. Date the Dinosaur- get dinosaurs from oriental trading for models: rework this… http://www.orientaltrading.com/dinosaurs-a2-16_1070-12-1.fltr?Ntt=dinosaurs d. Describe formation of Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans 1. Comet water : worksheet, video 2. Ocean/atmosphere analogies: paper, markers e. Describe rock cycle, hydrologic cycle, carbon cycle, other important geochemical cycles 1. Chalk diagrams: chalk 2. Demo: water plant in a 2-L bottle of water, watch for bubbles 3. Plastic bags on limbs to show transpiration 4. Weather data collection, Pangaea puzzles, Pangaea flip charts, tectonic sandbox, Geoblox fault activity, ocean floor spreading and dating, concept mapping, plate tectonics mapping. SES2. Students will understand how plate tectonics creates certain geologic features, materials, and hazards. a. Distinguish among types of plate tectonic settings produced by plates diverging, converging, and sliding past each other. b. c. d. e. 1. Pangea puzzles: American History Museum 2. Flipcharts: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~braile/edumod/flipbook/flipbook.htm 3. Geoblox 4. Tectonic sandbox 5. Long paper outline of events 6. DVD: convection currents 7. Latitude and longitude activity Relate modern and ancient geologic features to each kind of plate tectonic setting. Landforms, sea floor spreading, mountain building, trenches, Hawaii, Yellowstone, Ring of Fire, tsunami 1. Geoblox 2. Concept mapping 3. Plate tectonics in a shoebox 4. See animations on Scotese’ website http://www.scotese.com/ 5. Mapping activity 6. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/fosrec/Metzger3.html 7. Subduction zones and EarthQuakes: http://www.geosociety.org/educate/lessonplans/realevidence-subductingplate.pdf Relate certain geologic hazards to specific plate tectonic settings. 1. plates internet activity 2. plates and fossils3. Moutain Building in a box: lessons 2.1-2.4 http://www.teachingboxes.org/mountainBuilding/lessons/lesson2_activity4.jsp 4. Associate specific plate tectonic settings with the production of particular groups of igneous and metamorphic rocks and mineral resources. 1. long paper outline 2. Explain how plate tectonics creates and destroys sedimentary basins through time 1. Plate tectonics in a shoe box ASSESSMENT: Building the Theory comparison of teacher-brought soil samples, soil horizons and geology of Carroll County field trip (McIntosh Park), Pebble in My Pocket literature activity SES3. Students will explore the actions of water, wind, ice, and gravity that create landforms and systems of landforms (landscapes). a. Describe how surface water and groundwater act as the major agents of physical and chemical weathering. 1. weathering lab- bottles, rocks chips 2. ice activity: milk boxes, plaster of paris, small balloons 3. modeling Glaciers b. Explain how soil results from weathering and biological processes acting on parent rock. 1. dirt shirt! 2. Field trip 3. Comparison of teacher samples c. Describe the processes and hazards associated with both sudden and gradual mass wasting. 1. Graphing 2. Youtube videos 3. Components of mass wasting http://web.eps.utk.edu/~faculty/103/103_Lab3_Landslides&MassWasting.pdf d. Relate the past and present actions of ice, wind, and water to landform distribution and landscape evolution. 1. http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES07/ES07.html f. Explain the processes that transport and deposit material in terrestrial and marine sedimentary basins, which result, over time, in sedimentary rock. a. Bottle of rocks- layering of differentiated rock. b. http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/how-sedimentary-rocks-are-formed/ c. http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/how-sedimentary-rocks-are-formed/ d. Pebble In my Pocket geologic time scale activity, pancake lab, uniformity and succession activity with geologic columns, rock cycle and literature, identifying fossils and localities. Geologic Time Scale with Fossils inquiry lesson SES4. Students will understand how rock relationships and fossils are used to reconstruct the Earth’s past. a. Describe and apply principles of relative age (superposition, original horizontality, cross-cutting relations, and original lateral continuity) and describe how unconformities form. b. Interpret the geologic history of a succession of rocks and unconformities. c. Apply the principle of uniformitarianism to relate sedimentary rock associations and their fossils to the environments in which the rocks were deposited. d. Explain how sedimentary rock units are correlated within and across regions by a variety of methods (e.g., geologic map relationships, the principle of fossil succession, radiometric dating, and paleomagnetism). e. Use geologic maps and stratigraphic relationships to interpret major events in Earth history (e.g., mass extinction, major climatic change, tectonic events). SES5. Students will investigate the interaction of insolation and Earth systems to produce weather and climate. a. Explain how latitudinal variations in solar heating create atmospheric and ocean currents that redistribute heat globally. b. Explain the relationship between air masses and the surfaces over which they form. c. Relate weather patterns to interactions among ocean currents, air masses, and topography. d. Describe how temperature and precipitation produce the pattern of climate regions (classes) on Earth. http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES07/ES07.html predicting the weather e. Describe the hazards associated with extreme weather events and climate change (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, El Niño/La Niña, global warming). f. Relate changes in global climate to variation in Earth/Sun relationships and to natural and anthropogenic modification of atmospheric composition. SES6. Students will explain how life on Earth responds to and shapes Earth systems. a. Relate the nature and distribution of life on Earth, including humans, to the chemistry and availability of water. b. Relate the distribution of biomes (terrestrial, freshwater, and marine) to climate regions through time. c. Explain how geological and ecological processes interact through time to cycle matter and energy, and how human activity alters the rates of these processes (e.g., fossil fuel formation and combustion). d. Describe how fossils provide a record of shared ancestry, evolution, and extinction that is best explained by the mechanism of natural selection. e. Identify the evolutionary innovations that most profoundly shaped Earth systems: photosynthetic prokaryotes and the atmosphere; multicellular animals and marine environments; land plants and terrestrial environments. g. Relate modern and ancient geologic features to each kind of plate tectonic setting. Landforms, sea floor spreading, mountain building, trenches, Hawaii, Yellowstone, Ring of Fire, tsunami 8. Geoblox 9. Concept mapping 10. Plate tectonics in a shoebox 11. See animations on Scotese’ website http://www.scotese.com/ 12. Mapping activity 13. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/fosrec/Metzger3.html 14. Subduction zones and EarthQuakes: http://www.geosociety.org/educate/lessonplans/realevidence-subductingplate.pdf h. Relate certain geologic hazards to specific plate tectonic settings. 5. plates internet activity 6. plates and fossils7. Moutain Building in a box: lessons 2.1-2.4 http://www.teachingboxes.org/mountainBuilding/lessons/lesson2_activity4.jsp 8. i. Associate specific plate tectonic settings with the production of particular groups of igneous and metamorphic rocks and mineral resources. 3. long paper outline 4. j. Explain how plate tectonics creates and destroys sedimentary basins through time 2. Plate tectonics in a shoe box ASSESSMENT: Building the Theory 2013-14 MSP CLASS PAULDING COUNTY YEAR 1 SCHEDULE Day 1: Formation of Solar System and Earth Time Standar Activity with description Materials needed d/elem ent 8:00 Introduction, 1st pretest Google survey List of supplies for field trip 8:30 SES1.b Set up: teachers look at coins in their pockets, other materials in room, Coins, youtube what elements are they made of? How were those elements formed? access, Then: watch this video Copy of periodic Video on formation of elements: video about how the smaller table elements were formed during the Big Bang, but the heavier elements formed in Super Novas (4 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKqvjEE0wFg , go back to original objects: Discuss which things were made by fusion and then explosions 9:00 SES1.b What are the steps in a Super nova? http://library.thinkquest.org/25763/supernova.htm make question sheet Explain that a star has to have a certain mass to become a supernova, ours won’t it will become a white dwarf. Computer access, worksheet 9:40 SES1.a Nebular Theory Graphic Organizer (fix into a ppt) Computer, graphic organizer, ppt 10:00 SES1.a 11:00 11:15 10 minute break What affects if a planet can have life? Interactive designed to show observer the effects of sun temperature and planet distance from sun on chances of life showing up on a planet. Students summarize what it takes to make a planet habitable, create a recipe card for life on a planet make instructions http://kepler.nasa.gov/multimedia/Interactives/activationlab/ SES1.a 12:00 1:10 Accretion activity: students model accretion of planetismals SES1.b 2:2:30 NASA website on planet formation: http://kepler.nasa.gov/multimedia/Interactives/keplerFlashAdvDiscov ery/ Lunch on your own Solar system placemats: create a table comparing the composition of the inner and outer planets. Propose an explanation for the difference between the two types (solar wind, etc) Cosmic Dust: Students identify percentages of elements in a sample, then match the samples to known objects. Twizzler half life, worksheet on decay 2:30SES1.c 3:00 3:00 - SES1.c Flatium to Crumplium 3:15 3:15SES1.c Half life cards 4:00 4:00 Tim Chowns lecture 5:30-6 Computer time 2013-14 MSP CLASS PAULDING COUNTY YEAR 1 SCHEDULE Day 2: AAS Soil Trip Time AM PM Standard Activity and explanation Adopt A Stream Training Soil survey Heavy paper, string, weights, big tacks, cork boards, bulletin boards Computer access Computer access Placemats SM w.sheet : SM Samples, worksheets SES1.c SES1.c Material 2013-14 MSP CLASS PAULDING COUNTY YEAR 1 SCHEDULE Day Earth Structures Time 8 Standard Activity and explanation Pretest 8:15 9:15 SES 1.b 10:00 10:10 10:40 SES1.b SES1.a 11:40 SES1.b 12-1 1:10 Geoblox: Slice of Earth. This can be assembled onto wall Earth is like a…..Candy analogy. Participants compare their candy (M&M, Whopper, jelly bean, etc) to earth. Make a Venn Diagram break Physiographic model: introduce, come up with ways to use Mantle convection lab: We can do this here and then refer to it for plate tectonics, this way we have enough time… Earth the Biography DVD, 1st section: show : teachers draw what they see lunch Comet water: watch video, answer Q’s from WS Teacher domain video on how water got to Earth. Read article, answer questions material Boxes of candy Large paper models Mantle convection kit: SM DVD Video, article, questions 2:00 3:00 3:40 4 5 Make ocean water: create a formula for it, have teachers come up with a ratio. Then attempt to create a thermocline with colored fresh and colored sea water Atmosphere/ocean analogies; given a list of words, students make analogies 10 minute break Tim Lecture Collegial planning Water, salt, scale, food coloring- glass bowls for Mantle convection lab List of words, large paper 013-14 MSP CLASS PAULDING COUNTY YEAR 1 SCHEDULE Day 4: Plate Tectonics Time 8 8:30 9:15 10:30 10:40 11 12-1 1:15 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 Standards Activity and explanation pretest Pangea puzzles: American History Museum: print on magnet SES2.a sheets, paint metal sheets Geoblox: print on heavy stock paper, 3 sets SES2.a Break Long paper outline/show assessment get long paper, copies Plate tectonics in a shoe box: 6 Lunch SES2.a Latitude and longitude lesson copies SES2.b http://www.geosociety.org/educate/lessonplans/realevidencesubductingplate.pdf 2.b 4 part mapping activity 2.b Plate internet activity Tim Lecture Materials Register tape, shoe boxes Worksheet, ruler, globes 6 boxes, string, brads, balls Big maps from UWG Computer, worksheet 013-14 MSP CLASS PAULDING COUNTY YEAR 1 SCHEDULE Day 5: Rock Cycle Time 8 8:15 9:00 10:00 10:10 10:30 11:00 12:00 1:10 2:15 3:00 Standards Activity and explanation pretest SES1.e What is the difference between a rock and a mineral? Lab: students classify lab samples, make a Venn Diagram SES1.e Types of rocks: identify samples: borrow from IMPACT? 0r create from homegrown samples break Law of Superposition: fold towels, two ways, take a poll: Square or rectangle? Then, introduce which towel is”oldest” Stratigraphy worksheets Stratigraphy boxes Lunch SES3. a Water weathering lab: 1. Balloon in plaster of paris demo 2. Rocks in bottles of water 3. Glacier demos with soap bars 4. SES3.b How is soil made? Tim or Judy: Can you come up with a way to teach this? Soil Horizon Template: Dirt shirt! This will take a while to set up…but it is so much fun!!! Materials 4:00 5:00 Tim Lecture Collegial planning and computer time