Organ Transplant

Rubi Herrera
Professor Bridges
Biology 1409
August 07, 2013
Organ Transplant
Adults can consent their approval of donating organs in case death while they are
alive. This can happen by signing up when acquiring driver’s license. If this selfapproval is not made, a family member can assist with the decision. Not every person that
dies can be a donor. Most donors have a death related to brain dead, head trauma or
stroke. The Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) contacts Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network (OPTN) to match recipients. When matching patients they look
at things such as blood type, height, weight. They also consider the waiting time and
severity of illness among other things.
After the doctors ensure that the patient is brain death and nothing can be done.
They notify the OPO and the waiting patient is brought immediately to the hospital to
ensure that the organs stay healthy. Organs are removed from deceased patient in a
surgical operation just like if they were alive. They are also surgically closed to not affect
open-caskets funerals. Before, removed from the donor, each organ is flushed free of
blood with a specially prepared ice-cold preservation solution that contains electrolytes
and nutrients. The transplant have to be done fair quickly and some organs are more
delicate than other. Hearts and lungs must be transplanted within approximately four
hours after being removed from the donor. Livers can be preserved between 12 - 18
hours; a pancreas can be preserved 8 - 12 hours; intestines can be preserved
approximately 8 hours; kidneys can be preserved 24 - 48 hours.
Next, the patient must ensure extreme careful care. After surgery doctors will
continue with regular checkups and laboratory tests. Immunosuppressant medications are
anti-rejection medications that should be taken for at least 6-months. Get to know
pharmacist to ensure medication are taking correctly. They also should keep a healthy life
style, eat well, and exercise regularly.
Most organ donations are successful but there are some rejection cases. This is
cause by the transplanted organ. Even though rejection is rare it happens because
medications are not taken as follow. After an organ transplant, you may experience shortterm medication side effects such as: hair growth, acne, mood swings, round face,
enlarged gums, and increase of weight.
Overall, organ donation is a very important thing. There are thousands of patient
waiting to be save. The new technology has made it easier to ensure that most organ
donations successful. Also the body of the deceased person its left in good shape to be
able to perform a open-casket funeral. Organ donation can save many lives and to me is
something back to society and leaving your mark in the world even after you are dead.
"After an Organ Transplant: Medication, Preventing Rejection, Diet, and More."
WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 07 Aug. 2013.
"Organ Transplantation: The Process." Donate the Gift of LIfe. US Government, n.d.
Web. 07 Aug. 2013.
Organ Transplant Process. Rep. New York Presbyterian Hospital, n.d. Web. 07 Aug.