CHETWYND & DISTRICT MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 2015 – 2016 REGISTRATION PLEASE PRINT PLAYER NAME: _______________________________ _______________________________________ First Last Date of Birth (mm/dd/yr): ___________________________ Male: _______ Female: ________ Address: PO Box# ___________________ City: ______________________ Postal Code:____________ Primary Phone: ____________________Family’s Primary Email: ______________________________ Health Care Number: ______________________ PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS: School Registered infor 2015-16: _______________ LIVES WITH: _____ FATHER Father: ______________________________________ _____ MOTHER _____BOTH ___________________________________ Home Phone Mother: ______________________________________ ___________________________________ Home Phone Other:________________________________________ Cell Phone Cell Phone __________________ ________________ Name Relationship Phone Emergency Contact: ________________________________ Primary Ph: ________________________ PLAYER’S PLAYING HISTORY Last Division Played: _________________Last Year Played: _____________ Where ___________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY EXECUTIVE DIVISION: ___________________________ HCR # _________________________ Registration Fee: LessDiscount If Applicable: $ __________ ____$100 Early Registration for Returning Player ____New Player ____Full-time Goalie ____ +3 Family Member<$ __________> TOTAL REGISTRATION DUE $ ___________ PAYMENT: CASH $___________ CHEQUE $ ___________ 50%POST DATED CHEQUE Aug 01/15 $___________ DATE: _______________________ # _______ /19 RECEIPT No : _______________________ CHETWYND AND DISTRICT MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION PARENTS / GUARDIANS PLEASE READ AND SIGN ___ RESPECT IN SPORT Initial One parent, of every player is required to have the RESPECT IN SPORT (RIS) Parent or Coach’s program prior to October 01/2015. Per BC Hockey, there is now a 4 year expiry date to all RIS or Speak Out courses. If you have taken Speak Out or RIS parent or coach’s version before 2010you are required to update and retake the course. To complete this course, visit: ___ CODE OF CONDUCT/ FAIR PLAY Initial ALL PARENTS and PLAYERS are required to read, agree and abide to Chetwynd & District Minor Hockey Association’s Code of Conduct. Coaches and Volunteers are also to read, agree and abide by Chetwynd & District Minor Hockey Association’s Coaches Code of Conduct. ___ CDMHA POLICY AND PROCEDURES AND CONSTITUTION Initial Are available online at our website As a parent you are asked to read and review the policies and adhere by all rules set out in these policies. ___ PHOTO RELEASE Initial If for any legal reasons your child’s photograph cannot be taken or published, please contact CDMHA executive to discuss. ___ JERSEYS Initial CDMHA will supply each team with a full set of jerseys for the season. Player’s Jerseys are to be returned after each game and tournament to the team appointed jersey parent, and to CDMHA at the end of each season. Failure to do may result in a fee to the parents/player for replacement costs of the jersey. ___ FUNDRAISING Initial Parents of players registered with CDMHA are required to partake in all CDMHA fundraising activities in order to remain in good standings with the association. Funds raised by parents and the association help offset the cost of higher registration fees. I _________________________________, the legal guardian of ________________________________, Parent/Guardian name Player name have read and understand the above requirements for registration with Chetwynd and District Minor Hockey Association and agree to abide by these requirements in order for my child to play. Signature of Parent: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ CHETWYND & DISTRICT MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 2015 – 2016 REGISTRATION PLAYER NAME: _________________________________________ DIVISION REGISTERING FOR: MIDGET BANTAM PEE WEE GIRLS DOES NOT PERTAIN TO PRE-NOVICE OR NOVICE AGED PLAYERS In order to help provide the best hockey available to all registrants, PLEASE CHOOSE THE LEVEL OF HOCKEY YOU ARE MOST INTERESTED IN PLAYING *Divisions offered depend on number of registration GIRLS – Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget: _____ All Female team BANTAM or MIDGET Player: _____ Recreational House Hockey _____ Carded Hockey _____ Rep Hockey _____ BangetDivision PEE WEE Player: _____ Recreational House Hockey _____ Carded Hockey _____ Rep Hockey ATOM Player: _____ Recreational House Hockey _____ Developmental Hockey **Refer to opposite side for descriptions ATOM RECREATIONAL (HOUSE) TEAM - All divisions (Pre-Novice, Novice, Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget, Female) may have a team in this level - No body contact/non-hitting - Receives equal ice time play per BC Hockey and CDMHA policies - Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget, Banget and Girls Recreational divisions will play in the NERHL - May have exhibition games and tournaments with other leagues CARDED TEAM - Applies to Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget teams - Able to compete for BC Provincial championship - Allows body checking for Midget and Bantam divisions - Follows Recreational equal ice time rules - Can play in APL, not eligible for the NERHL REP TEAM - Applies to Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget teams - Competitive level of hockey - Teams are able to compete for BC Provincial championship - Allows body checking for Midget and Bantam divisions - Must have try-outs to declare a Rep Team - Try-out fees are non-refundable - Registration numbers for try-outs must meet CDMHA policy guidelines - Can play in the APL, not eligible for the NERHL ATOM DEVELOPMENTAL - Applies to Atom division - Must have try-outs to declare a Development team - Try-out fees are non-refundable - Registration numbers for try-outs must meet CDMHA policy guidelines - Can play in the APL, not eligible for the NERHL GIRLS DIVISION - Team consists of combined level of Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget female players, based on registration - Recreational hockey - Can play in either NERHL or APL league BANGET DIVISION - Consists of Midget and Bantam aged players - Recreational hockey - Male and Female players combined - Plays in the NERHL LEAGUES - PRDMHA: Peace River & District Minor Hockey Association / NERHL: North East Recreation Hockey League Chetwynd & District Minor Hockey Hudson’s Hope Minor Hockey Tumbler Ridge Minor Hockey Dawson Creek Minor Hockey Fort St. John Minor Hockey Taylor Minor Hockey Clearview Minor Hockey Fort Nelson Minor Hockey - APL: All Peace Hockey League Chetwynd Fort St. John Dawson Creek Grande Prairie and area Grande Cache Valleyview Peace River Manning and area East Smokey See: member association for a full listing of towns participating in APL