Guide to policy and procedures for teaching and learning Section 3: Internal monitoring and review Template and guidance for producing Faculty Annual Quality Assurance Reports Introduction 1 The template provided retains the basic structure and headings of the Annual Programme Report template in order to assist Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) (ADTLs) in analysis and comparison of programmes across their respective Faculties. 2 Faculties should provide a brief account of any changes, including in their management and organisational structure, in the past year. Faculties should also comment on significant events such as Periodic Review, new or re-accreditation, new partner approval/Memoranda of Agreement etc. 3 Faculties should include assurances that programmes are being appropriately managed and evaluated. Please confirm that all Annual Programme Reports have been submitted and discussed at relevant Boards of Studies. Also confirm that Reports followed the University template and provided analysis and evaluation of data and other information in relation to: admissions, examinations and assessment, student progression, graduate destinations, external examiners reports and student evaluation. 4 The report must contain examples of identified good practice. Quality assurance 5 In seeking reports on the 2012-13 academic year, the University continues to use a system of Annual Reports from each Board of Studies in relation to each programme for which they have responsibility. UBTL has approved a template and associated guidelines for such Annual Reports which can be found at : 6 These Annual Reports will be informed by the following data which will be made available to Schools and Departments for all Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate programmes: a Cohort Statistics Report containing student retention and performance data which will be made available during the Autumn Term 2013 by the RISIS Office; national data on degree classifications made available on the Planning and Strategy Office website; ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 1 employment statistics available on the Careers, Placement and Experience Centre website; and results and feedback from the National Students Survey (NSS) and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) made available by the Planning and Strategy Office website. 7 The Board would therefore ask each Faculty Board for Teaching and Learning to: confirm that they have received and reviewed Annual Reports from each Board of Studies within their Faculty. Where reports have been delayed, these should be specified in the report of the Faculty and an indication provided as to when those reports will be available. provide assurance that Boards of Studies have considered, analysed and evaluated: o Cohort (progression) analysis data including progression between Parts, withdrawals, suspensions, transfers, overall pass rates, DNQ rates and degree classifications; o Placement provision and employment statistics; o Evaluation and review data (including module and programme evaluation, Periodic Review, reports of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies and NSS/PTES data) For the 2012-13 academic year; and identify any particular issues in these areas arising out of the Annual Programme Reports of which UBTL should be made aware. Guidance for completion of the Report Scope of the Report Please list the Schools and/or Boards of Studies covered by the report. Progress of actions from Annual Programme Reports in 2012-13 8 Identify actions taken in response to the previous year’s reports in Table A in the template. Recommendations for DELT/Areas for further consideration by DELT and summary of issues 9 (ADTLs) are asked to highlight any issues raised that could be considered quality assurance matters which DELT need to be made aware. Also, Faculties must provide a summary of issues raised and actions taken in response in Table B in the template. Changes in the Scope of the Report since 2012-13 ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 2 10 List any new programmes which commenced during the Session 2012-13 and provide the number of students on the programme, broken down by Overseas and Home students. 11 List any programmes which were discontinued School/Department/Programme Area responsible for the programme. and the Cohort analysis 12 ADTLs are asked to comment on significant trends in relation to retention, progression, performance and degree classifications. Employability 13 ADTLs should comment on employability within the Faculty including effectiveness of placement schemes, employment statistics and innovative careers learning in programmes. Programme evaluation and review 14 ADTLs are asked to comment on the overall strategy of programme evaluation in their respective Faculties and how issues are identified and responded to. Please comment on appropriateness of School’s responses to feedback. It is no longer necessary to identify common themes or issues with institutional policy as this will be reviewed in detail through the Thematic Summary of External Examiners Reports. Resources 15 ADTLs should comment on provision of learning and teaching resources available across schools/departments and any areas of further resources needed. Please also identify areas of resource needed as identified in the School Planning and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching process. Space requirements should also be included in this section. Management of Collaborative Provision 16 ADTLs should identify areas of collaborative provision including the development of new collaborations across Schools/Departments. Please include information on how collaborations are managed and the methods employed by the School/Departments to maintain effective working relationships. Provision for student with disabilities ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 3 17 ADTLs are asked to reflect on provision made for students with disabilities. Comments should be provided on innovative practice rather than compliance with standard procedures. Successful achievement of programme aims and learning outcomes 18 ADTLs are asked to comment on the effectiveness of programmes achieving their stated aims and learning outcomes and discuss how the Faculty measures achievement in this area. Events/Outreach/Communication 19 Briefly include school/departmental events relating to recruitment, conversion, widening participation, web-based promotion etc. ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 4 Faculty Annual Quality Assurance Report Template Faculty of X Faculty Annual Quality Assurance Report 2012-13 Please refer to the Guidelines on producing Faculty Annual Quality Assurance Reports when producing this Report. Please return your completed Report to the secretary of the Sub-Committee of Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching by Monday 24 February 2014. Section 1: Introduction and summary tables Schools/Board of Studies Programme Management and Evaluation I confirm that all Annual Programme Reports have been submitted and discussed at relevant Boards of Studies. I also confirm that Reports followed the University template and provided analysis and evaluation of data and other information in relation to: admissions, examinations and assessment, student progression, graduate destinations, external examiners reports and student evaluation. Date of report ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 5 Table A Update on progress with actions from the previous report Action Timeline for completion Person responsible for action (role) Update on Progress 1 2 3 4 Table B Summary of any issues AND action taken or proposed in response Issue Performance indicator(s) Person responsible for the action Action taken or proposed (role) 1 2 3 4 Changes in the scope of the report Table C New programmes and discontinued programmes New programme Student numbers in 2012-13 ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Discontinued programme Page 6 School/Department/Programme Area Cohort (progression) analysis Employability Evaluation and Review Resources Management of Collaborative Provision Provision for students with disabilities Achievement of programme aims and learning outcomes Events ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 7 Identification of Good Practice Faculty of XXX School Theme/subject ©University of Reading 2016 Example of good practice Tuesday 9 February 2016 Contact details (for SDTLS or specific individuals) Page 8 Timetable Autumn Term 2013 Mid-October 2013 Centre for Quality Support and Development to circulate the Template and guidelines for Annual Programme Reports to Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) and Schools. Mid-October 2013 Cohort Statistics Report, External Examiners’ Reports relating to undergraduate programmes, NSS results and other data to be made available to Schools and Departments. Late Oct-Dec 2013 Boards of Studies to consider data and prepare Annual Programme Reports in respect of undergraduate programmes for submission to Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) via the Faculties Offices by Friday 13 December 2013. Mid-Nov 2013 External Examiners’ Reports relating to taught postgraduate programmes and PTES results to be made available to Schools and Departments. Nov 2013-Jan 2014 Boards of Studies to consider data and prepare Annual Programme Reports in respect of taught postgraduate programmes for submission to Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) via the Faculties Offices by Wednesday 15 January 2014. Spring Term 2014 January 2014 Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) to consider Annual Programme Reports for undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes and prepare (draft) Faculty Annual Quality Reports for submission to the Faculty Boards for Teaching and Learning. February 2014 Faculty Boards for Teaching and Learning to approve Annual Programme Reports and Faculty Annual Quality Reports for submission to the SubCommittee on the Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching by Monday 24 February 2014. The Centre for Quality Support and Development to consider Annual Programme Reports relating to collaborative programmes at undergraduate and taught postgraduate level and prepare the Annual Overview Report on Collaborative Provision 2012-13. 6 March 2014 Sub-Committee on the Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching to consider Faculty Annual Quality Reports and the Annual Overview Report on Collaborative Provision 2012-13, and prepare an evaluative summary for submission to the University Board for Teaching and Learning on Wednesday 19 March 2014. 19 March 2014 University Board for Teaching and Learning to consider Faculty Annual Quality Reports, the Annual Overview Report on Collaborative Provision and evaluative summary from the Sub-Committee on the Delivery and Enhancement of Learning and Teaching. ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 9 Summer Term 2014 May 2014 University Board for Teaching and Learning to report through the Faculty Boards for Teaching and Learning to Boards of Studies on actions taken as a consequence of the Board’s consideration of the Faculty Annual Quality Reports. July 2014 University Board for Teaching and Learning to approve the approach to the Framework for Annual Quality Assurance Reports from Faculty Boards for Teaching and Learning for 2013-14. Professor Gavin Brooks Pro-Vice-Chancellor Meeting of the University Board for Teaching and Learning, 19 September 2013 ©University of Reading 2016 Tuesday 9 February 2016 Page 10