Disinfecting Procedure
Universal Precautions for Preschool and Daycare
Treat all blood, and bodily fluids as infected secretions .
Wear disposable gloves when in contact with blood, stool, urine and / or vomit. Dispose of
gloves after each use and wash hands thoroughly using soap and disposable paper towels.
The purpose of proper handling of bodily fluids is to protect
ourselves from infection that could cause Hepatitis B, HIV infection or AIDS. Universal
Precautions insure that blood and bodily fluids are handled properly.
See Glove Removal Guidance; Handwashing Posting.
Clean and disinfect blood & bodily fluid spillage immediately. Use gloves and absorbent
material (e.g. Speedy Cleanz, Vo-ban) for discard. Then properly disinfect the area. Nonwashable surfaces (rugs & upholstery) can be disinfected through steam cleaning. The Head
Start Building Maintenance Technician is available to disinfect non-washable surfaces.
 A disinfecting solution can be made using cool water and non-scented chlorine bleach.
 The amount of bleach and water depends if the item is something that would come in
contact with food/mouth or the type of surface to be cleaned.
 Please see the “Cleaning Toys Guidance” and the “Cleaning and Sanitizing Guidance”
for Tips Regarding Bleach.
 Disinfecting solution needs to be prepared each time it is used.
 Disinfecting solution must be in a locked cabinet at all times.
 The bleach solution should be left on the surface for 10 to 20 minutes and then rinsed
with clean water.
*Stainless steel and food/mouth contact items - 1 tablespoon of
bleach per gallon of cool water.
*Non-porous surfaces- 1/3 cup bleach per gallon of cool water.
*Porous surfaces – 1 2/3 cups bleach per gallon of cool water.
Spills of body fluid should be cleaned up and surfaces disinfected immediately.
A. Take care to avoid splashing any contaminated material onto the mucous
membranes of your eyes, nose or mouth, or into any open sores you may have.
B. Wipe up as much of the visible material as possible with disposable paper towels
and carefully place the soiled paper towels and other soiled disposable material in
a leak-proof, plastic bag that has been securely tied or sealed.
C. Prior to using a disinfectant, clean the surface with a detergent and rinse well
with water. Follow the manufacture’s instruction for preparation and use of
D. Floors, rugs, and carpeting that have been contaminated by body fluids should be
cleaned by blotting to remove the fluid as quickly as possible, then disinfected by
spot cleaning with a detergent-disinfectant. Additional cleaning by shampooing
or steam cleaning the contaminated surface may be necessary.
E. Universal Precaution Procedures for NMCAA Buses
All buses will have on board at all times the following supplies for the
purpose of clean up and the disinfecting of bodily fluids.
Supplies for clean-up and disinfecting on buses include:
Paper towels; Universal Precaution Kit; Additional germicidal disinfectant
surface wipes; additional fluid control solidifier if needed.
Staff will follow the Universal Precaution procedures included in the
Universal Precaution Kit and in the Health Policy / Procedure Manual.
All materials used for disinfecting blood or vomit will be properly disposed
of after use.
4. Any tools and equipment used to clean spills of bodily fluids must be cleaned and
disinfected immediately. Other blood – contaminated materials must be disposed of in a
plastic bag with a secure tie.
A. Mops and other equipment used to clean up body fluids should be:
 Cleaned with detergent and rinsed with water.
 Rinsed with a fresh disinfectant solution;
 Wrung as dry as possible
 Air dried
 Wash your hands even though you wore gloves
5. Children’s clothing stained with blood /or bodily secretions will be bagged and sent
home for laundering. Solid feces may be dumped in the toilet before bagging and
sending clothing home.
P:\Head Start Files\ADMIN\Procedures manual\Health\Disinfecting Procedure 12-15