Meeting of the Curriculum and Standards Committee of the Governing Body held on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 at 6.30 p.m. Present: Luci Amos Mary Potter Kay Allen Clifford Brindley Jennifer Green Sarah Pritchard Norman Poole Claire Stafford Jacqui Cashmore Jane Storer Alayna Harris Head Teacher Foundation Governor (Chair) Parent Governor Parent Governor (Observer) Parent Governor Staff Governor LA Governor Deputy Head (Observer) Clerk Staff Subject Team - PSHME (Items 1 to 4 and Item 6) Staff subject Team - Geography & History (Items 1 to 4 and Item 6) Action 1 Welcome and Apologies for Absence 1.1 Norman Poole, LA Governor, Jane Storer and Alayna Harris, Staff Subject Teams; and Cliff Brindley, Parent Governor were welcomed to the meeting. 1.2 Apologies for absence were received from Rev Anne Lee, Jane Barry, Lisa Smith and Paul Durbin. 2 Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests There were no changes to the register and no declarations of interest were raised with regard to items on the agenda. 3 Minutes of the last Meeting of the Committee Meeting held on 2 March 2015 Curriculum and Standards The Minutes of the Curriculum and Standards Committee held on 2 March 2015 were agreed and signed as a true record. Signed: Dated: Page 1 Action 4 Matters Arising from the Minutes Governors noted the report. 5 Policy Reviews This item was taken after Item 6 on the agenda. 5.1 Front page to all policies: Noted. 5.2 International; The Policy had been drawn up by the HI Council (a children led group). The Policy was distributed to Governors and they were given opportunity to read the Policy. Governors agreed and signed the Policy. 5.3 Maths: Governors noted that the staff team had reviewed and amended the Policy and that no changes had been made to the Appendices. Luci took Governors through the changes and the Policy was agreed and signed. 5.4 Accessibility Plan: The Accessibility Plan, which was an Appendix to the Strategic Plan had been distributed to Governors. Luci explained this Plan was a statutory requirement which we had to fulfil to ensure the school was accessible for pupils with disabilities. Luci confirmed that the school was relatively well adapted. Governors reviewed the action plan and it was agreed and signed. 5.5 Spirituality: Governors noted that the staff team had reviewed and amended the Policy. Luci took Governors through the changes and the Policy was agreed and signed. 5.6 Collective Worship Governors noted that the staff team had reviewed and amended the Policy. Claire took Governors through the changes and the Policy was agreed and signed. 5.7 History: Governors noted that the staff team had reviewed and amended the Policy to reflect the new curriculum. Governors agreed and signed the Policy. 5.8 Geography: Governors noted that the staff team had reviewed and amended the Policy to reflect the new curriculum. Governors agreed and signed the Policy. 5.9 Fair Trade: Governors reviewed, agreed and signed the Policy. Signed: Dated: Page 2 5.10 6 PSHME: The Policy was being reviewed and would be brought to the meeting in June. Action LA/JS Individual Governors Reports and Action Plans This item was taken before Item 5. 6.1 PSHME 6.1.1 Norman had met with Jane Storer, Staff Subject Team and Jane presented the report to Governors. The following was noted: School Development Plan Areas being covered were: Healthy eating. Staff wellbeing Active life style for all on all levels. Sports Xtra club was one of these initiatives and there was a huge variety of after school clubs available which promote being active. The school has a sun safe attitude and last year worked on a sun safe policy. Children were asked to design something to keep them safe in the sun. Winners won water bottles, hats etc Data/Test results: No specific data is currently collected but staff monitor how many pupils attend clubs etc and meet with Healthy Schools Co-ordinator on a termly basis. Curriculum Map/S.O.W. update: Currently using SEAL as part of PSHME within school but we are also purchasing Go Givers, which is an online resource. This will add another dimension to the children’s learning and will work alongside the SEAL themes. Re-introduced whole school homework activities, so that parents are aware of the work being carried out in school. New sex education scheme called Growing up with Yasmin and Tom is being trialled. Healthy schools status have put together an action plan. We are progressing well and have recently met with the Healthy Schools advisor from the County, who is pleased with the progress. We will hopefully be working with Asda, Tesco or Warburton on Health Eating. We have received funding for healthy schools and we have put this towards Sports Xtra who will be working with children from Years 3 to 5. This has been topped up from the Enrichment fund and we can Signed: Dated: Page 3 Action offer children 10 weeks of sports activities. 6.1.2 Governors noted the report. 6.2 Geography and History 6.2.1 Norman had met with Alayna Harris, Staff Subject Team and Alayna presented the report to Governors. The following was noted: School Development Plan To monitor impact of the new curriculum across school. To make sure the school is now curriculum ready with a 2 year rolling plan. Data/Test results Children were assessed in Term 3 and staff know which children are working below. There will be another assessment in Term 6. Year 2 - 46% below in Geography. Expecting this to change in Term 6 assessments and for children to be more in line with other years. Reception levelling is done differently, with them being assessed against Understanding the World. There are 2 children currently working below expected levels, 6 working above where they should be and 21 are working within the expected level. 6.2.2 Governors noted the report. 6.3 Mary and Norman thanked the Subject Team Leaders for their reports. 6.4 Governors felt the staff teams had embraced the new curriculum really well. Luci confirmed that staff have indicated they were enjoying teaching these areas. There was still some need for more focus in the embedding of skills, Blooms and Cross Curricular teaching but this was still work in progress. Jane Storer and Alayna Harris left the meeting. 7 Pupil Premium Progression 7.1 Luci presented the Pupil Premium Progress data. Governors noted the following: Expected progress would be 0.5 per term (3.0 APS per year). Luci asks for good progress of 4.0 APS per year which is 0.7 per term. Signed: Dated: Page 4 Action By April Luci would be looking for 2.8 progress. In Maths Non Pupil Premium were well over target and Pupil Premium Pupils in Year 1 and 4 were nearly there but other years particular Year 6 were not doing so well. Governors asked why Years 5 & 6 were so much lower than the other years. Luci explained that part of this was due to the introduction of new systems such as BASS measures. The younger children had been using this system from the outset but the older year groups had not been using the system for so long. Each cohort was different and this also had an impact on the results. Governors agreed that the expectation of children’s knowledge and understanding was continually increasing and that new assessments introduced, expected their knowledge to be vast. The new assessments to be introduced next year were quite hard. Lower down the school the children were making good progress and Luci was pleased with their progress and the direction they were heading. 7.2 Governors noted the report. 8 E-Safety 3600 Safety Document: The school was working towards achieving the Esafety mark. There were a number of strands that the school had to meet and we had nearly achieved this. 9 Training and Development Nothing to Report to this meeting. 10 Any Other Business New email accounts Norman reported that he was having problems accessing his account. Claire had also experienced similar problems and had used the University of London Link, which seemed to resolve the problem. 11 Jenny was not yet up and running. Jenny to contact Laura. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 6.30 pm Mary thanked all for their attendance and the meeting was closed at 7.50 pm. Signed: Dated: Page 5 Signed: Dated: Page 6