Flower Valley Elementary School 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan STUDENT and STAKEHOLDER FOCUS STUDENT and STAKEHOLDER FOCUS Teachers will collaboratively review Teachersdata willand collaboratively review to assessment anecdotal records assessment data andstatements anecdotal records to determine proficiency in determine proficiencyinstructional statements in planning differentiated planning outcomes fordifferentiated small group instructional guided reading outcomes for small group guided reading and math instruction. and math instruction. Teachers willwill provide daily small Teachers provide daily smallgroup group guided reading andand math instruction guided reading math instructiontotomeet students’ individual learninglearning needs. needs. meet students’ individual Students willwill engage in in increasingly Students engage increasingly sophisticated discourse demonstrate sophisticated discourse to to demonstrate comprehension in reading andmath. math. comprehension in reading and Students will acquire a variety Students will acquire a variety ofofstrategies strategies thattoallow themand to develop and that allow them develop organize organize their writing on a variety of their subjects. writing on a variety of subjects. FACULTY AND STAFF FOCUS Review and utilize research-based small group models for planning and instruction of daily small group reading and math block. Develop teacher instructional practices with student discourse for demonstration of student comprehension Develop teacher instructional practices with written responses for demonstration of student comprehension. Utilize anecdotal records, formative assessment and progress monitoring data for appropriate small group instruction. Utilize effective school wide PLCs for staff input and instructional development Flower Valley Elementary September 2015 School Support and Improvement Framework (2013-2014) Leadership We inspire children to become critical thinkers who are imaginative, adaptable and collaborative. We strive to cultivate peaceful, life-long learners who thrive in a global society. Communication Grade level collaborative planning times (CPT), team PLCs, staff PLCs, team leader PLC, grade level KidTalk, school improvement plan (SIP0 meetings and focus visits STRATEGIC PLANNING All students, especially Hispanic and FARMS students, need daily opportunities to acquire content literacy by demonstrating comprehension through speaking and writing during flexible, appropriate differentiated small group instruction. GOALS Increase by 11% the percentage of Hispanic and FARMS students meeting proficiency in Reading. Increase by 10% the percentage of Hispanic and FARMS students meeting proficiency in Mathematics. Increase staff knowledge about children’s cultures and home languages. PROCESS MANAGEMENT Maintain and evaluate weekly grade level Collaborative Planning Time meetings in reading and math. Conduct monthly grade level Kid Talk meetings to monitor student attendance, behavior, and coursework, and determine instructional needs. Participate in monthly grade level focus visits in Professional Learning Communities to observe small group reading and math instructional strategies Reflect on instructional methods and provide stakeholder feedback in weekly grade level Professional Learning Communities. READING 3rd Grade Black: 73.3% Hispanic: 50.0% White: 88.9% FARMS: 38.9% LEP: 64.3% Special Ed: 61.5% Male: 77.8% Female: 77.8% 5th Grade Black: 46.7% Hispanic: 55.6% White: 85.7% FARMS: 52.5% LEP: n/a Special Ed: 52.6% Male: 67.9% Female: 86.5% MATH 3rd Grade N/A 5th Grade Black: 46.7% Hispanic: 50.0% White: 85.7% FARMS: 39.1% LEP: n/a Special Ed: 52.6% Male: 67.9% Female: 81.1% Early Warning Indicator (June 2015) Enrollment: 482 High Needs: 82 BL: 23% HI: 45.1% WH: 25.6% AS: .06% FARMS: 58.54% LEP: 30.5% Special Ed: 41.4% 504: 1.22% MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT mClass Primary Reading data K-2 MAP-Reading 3-5 Data MAP-Primary Math K-2 Data MAP- Math 3-5 Data MIRL- Reading K-5 data Anecdotal Records in small groups Focus Visits Classroom Practice Data Documentation of Interventions (DOI) Staff, Team and Leadership PLC Feedback