Looking for Partners on a research about Climate Change Mitigation by Producing Green Cement, this related to “Horizon 2020”. (Email: btayeh@iugaza.edu) Follow Bassam Bassam TayehAssistant Professor at Civil Engineering Department - Islamic University-Gaza Greetings all, We are looking for EU coordinator for a developed proposal to monitor air pollution of oil refineries and the health impacts on local residents using new biomedical approach . Follow Ashraf Ashraf ShaqadanAssistant Professor at Zarqa University We need EU partner who can work of air quality technology, and we have experience to work on the biomedical part (using body acupuncture points). We have universities from Russia and Jordan I can provide further information at ashrafshaq10@gmail.com Looking for EU partners for exciting geothermal project in the Netherlands Follow Dennis Dennis HueleConsultant energiesubsidies at DWA We are currently involved in a deep geothermal project in the Westland region in the Netherlands. Within this large horticultural region, three Dutch parties have initiated a project in which a geothermal well to the Trias layer (4 km) will be realized. Drilling this deep for a geothermal source is a first in the Netherlands. Hot water pockets at this depth offer great heat potential. We are preparing a submission for a contribution from the European Horizon 2020 program (specifically, the LCE-02-2014 or LCE-02-2015 call). European partnership is a prerequisite to be eligible for these funds. Possible contribution is open for debate, we welcome any suggestions to this matter. Contribution could come in the form of technical assistance/knowhow or scientific research into used techniques, materials, soil etc. We think that this project offers a great opportunity for funding of research & development that might lower the threshold for future parties to invest in this type of deep geothermal projects. Smart Cities & Communities (SCC-02-2014 call): 'City Digital Maturity Scorecard' comparator tool of digital readiness - partner search from Dublin Follow Ronan Ronan GinglesEuropean Affairs representative The city of Dublin is in the process of developing a Digital Maturity Scorecard (DMS) which is intended to further serve as a comparator tool of digital readiness across Europe and beyond – resulting in a framework for cities to exchange best practices and compare achievements. The project will build on extensive initial research work undertaken on this concept (http://digitaldublin.ie/two-innovative-toolsets/) over the last year by an existing well-established consortium of Dublin City Council (DCC)( www.dublincity.ie ); the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM) (www.nuim.ie); Intel Labs Europe (www.intel.eu/labs); and the Innovation Value Institute (an IT management centre-of-excellence joint venture between the last two organisations) (www.ivi.ie). These organisations see an excellent opportunity to partner with other cities (to provide contexts for framework adoption and dissemination) and industry (to enable and support framework adoption and dissemination) in relation to the current Horizon 2020 SCC-02-2014 call on 'Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement to allow comparability and replication between solutions and best-practice identification’). See:http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2146-scc-02-2014.html. ‘’The purpose of the call is to develop a framework for common data and performance measurement collection system which should be open, transparent and allow comparability of solutions. It should consider Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on energy, ICT and transport matters as well as joint indicators to measure possible rebound effects and systemic values. Work has to build on results from CONCERTO, CIVITAS, the Green Digital Charter as well as the ICT-PSP pilots and could embrace other initiatives as the Green Button of the DoE in the US and 'The Social Energy Collective' in the Netherlands.’’ The eventual partnership may comprise a number of signatory cities of the Green Digital Charter but it is intended to include other cities also and to lay the foundations for potential future collaborations. Further details from: Sean Fallon, Office of Economy and International Relations, Dublin City Council, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2, , +353 1 2226707, sean.fallon@dublincity.ie Professor Brian Donnellan, Professor of Information Systems Innovation, Academic Director, Innovation Value Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, +353-1-708-6941, brian.donnellan@nuim.ie A 36-month project is envisaged. Deadline for joint submission: 7 May 2014 Looking for partners, not only from EU, for the call PHC-07-2014. The aim is to develop researches, databases and diagnostic tools on Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium) on humans and animals. Follow Giulia Giulia CimoBiologist, PhD "Technologies for sustainability and environmental remediation", Università degli studi di Palermo Like (1) Comment (5) Follow Reply Privately 1 day ago Comments Omini Acharya likes this 5 comments Leonardo Leonardo Piccinetti EFB Ltd CEO 3000+ contacts l.piccinetti@e4business.eu o o o o Dear Giulia for this spefic calll we have three NON EU partners interested, please eòail to l.piccinetti@e4business.eu Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 18 hours ago Rui Rui Vitorino Auxiliary Researcher Dear Giulia, o o o o I'm interested. We are a mass spectrmetry group devoted to the use of Omics tools. We can contribute with proteomics and immunoproteomics for tuberculosis. If you are interested, we can discuss some ideas. Please contact me at rvitorino@ua.pt if you are interested. Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 4 hours ago Ricard Ricard Gavaldà Professor at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Dear Julia, In my group we work on knowledge discovery from databases - machine learning, and are starting to work on applications to health data. If you need such a profile, we are interested. http://recerca.upc.edu/larcahttp://www.lsi.upc.edu/~gavalda Best regards, Ricard Gavaldà UPC - BarcelonaTech o o o o Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 4 hours ago Cristian Cristian Iancu Founder at Compexin S.A. Dear Giulia, I am writing you on behalf of the Romanian company Compexin, a company with wide experience in performing software applications based on the latest technologies. With more than 20 years experience in managing national projects we have proven our expertise in data management software, water management software, automation and network infrastructures projects. We are interested in participating in ICT projects and we can help develop project ideas. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. My email is cristian.iancu@compexin.ro. Many thanks and kind regards, Cristian. o o o o Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 4 hours ago Newton Newton Gomes Principal Researcher at Universidade de Aveiro Dear Giulia, My group comprise experts in the field of metagenomics and environmental molecular microbiology. More recently we developed molecular diagnostic tools such as LAMP, PCR-DGGE-sequencing, SHA and potential detection kits (in phase of development) for detection of Mycobacterium species (and other bacteria) in aquacultures. If you are interested in involving us in your project please let me know. Best regards, Newton Gomes University of Aveiro-CESAM o o o o Like Reply privately Flag as inappropriate 4 hours ago HORIZON SA is interested in joining partnerships in H2020 in Renewable Energy technologies relevant topics(biomass gasification, small hydro plants) and sustainable architecture -environmental design Follow Stella Stella ChatzigavriilArchitect, MArch Environmental Design Hello everyone, we are a Greek company involved in the field of Renewable Energy and specialised on small hydropower plants and biomass gasification. We are currently undertaking a research project on biomass gasification and we do own a pilot gasifier plant of 10KW power, a very useful tool to conduct experiments. We are willing to go further in research in the above sectors -preferably in catalysts development and optimum performance, and/or syngas utilization- and so, we are interested in parterships in Horizon 2020 relevant calls. Sustainable architecture and environmental design topics are also of our interest, as we are involved in energy upgrade and energy saving projects of public and private buildings. For anyone interested, more information is available on our website http://orizon-ate.eu/. Contact details: info@orizon-ate.gr Thank you, Stella Chatzigavriil Architect Engineer in Horizon SA DiplArchEng AUTH MArch Environmental Design, The University of Nottingham From Smart Cities to Rural Smart: Looking for partners in the development of a new model and projects adapting to the rural areas the possibilities of new technologies. Follow Albert Albert Vila FerrerLooking for projects.International&Domestic Business Dev.(Trade&FDI) Marketing.Project Management(Bank/Ins/Infrastr/SME) SMART RURAL: TRANSLATION TO THE RURAL AREAS OF THE CONCEPT SMART CITIES REFOCUSING TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES We are looking for Projects to improve the production of quality and healthy food and technologies adapted to the rural and social development. We are looking for partners sharing our ideas and objectives, we are interested in be part of projects of consortium as local partner, testing innovative procedures or share areas of knowledge and innovation in Food, bioEconomy, Agriculture, Forestry, Cleantech Energies, Water, etc We are a group of Catalan SMEs and people interested in develop activities supporting the rural development, mainly in the mountain zones of Pyrenees and in the production of quality and healthy food. Our objective is, in cooperation with local, regional and other authorities, build elements that supporting the recovering of the rural areas abandoned or in process of abandon by the people, permitting to the people and its families living with XXIth standards and working in projects sustainable in three domains (environmental, economic and social) We are structuring the global project “Smart Rural” in a set of groups of activities: 1. Think & Do Tank (Group of experts that will help us to define a Smart Rural model and forum of practical studies and discussions), 2. Selection of Demonstration of Innovative Projects and Experiences, made by us or developed by other organizations, permitting the creation of a Technical Tool Box or Library of practical knowledge, 3. Project Accelerator (Services supporting the success of innovative projects of biofood production and transformation, like a distributed business incubator, strategic mentoring, coaching, search of funding, European Projects, management formation, cooperativism, etc.) 4. Rural Infrastructures and Services improvement and recovering methodologies (Telecom, communications, rebuilding of housing, new technologies of housing, etc) by development of pilot projects together interested partners. 5. Dissemination I: Demonstration & Exhibition International Center, with formation seminars & work meetings facilities, both presential, virtual or mixed, for the exhibition of the results, projects and proposals, including a contact point for queries, dialog and identification of needs. We will include the offer of expert services for the design of solutions for the concrete needs. In annex to Center, we will transform old buildings or build new houses or facilities for residential needs. Location: Lles of Cerdanya, in the Catalan Pyrenees, near Andorra and France. 6. Dissemination II and Lobby activities. Activities of lobby, search of partners supporting and sharing Smart Rural Model and projects, international dissemination, active networking strategies by creation of a Smart Rural Network and our participation in networks existing or to be created, Current situation: We are starting the selection of several experiences and projects innovatives in food production, water treatment, clean energies, biocompost, etc). The transformation of two buildings in the future International Center is ongoing, and we are studying the participation of Smart Rural Hub in a Brussels Platform for lobby and EU Projects funding, among other activities Current partners: Ingesco Group, UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, IRTA Institut de de Recerca I Tecnologia Agraria de Catalunya. Please, contact and inform us of your projects for the current and future Horizon 2020 call for proposals and other programs as Life +, etc. Albert Vila Project Manager Interested in participaiting as partners in call H2020-SC5-2015 Follow Jose Luis Jose Luis Palau AloyResponsable I+D en el CEAM My team at CEAM (www.ceam.es) is interested in joining any consortium writing a R&D proposal to the call H2020-SC5-2015 (Topic: Improving the air quality and Reducing the carbon footprint of European cities) HORIZON 2020 call EE-1 Renovation of Europe’s building mass with precast elements. Walter Terry Jackson wtj@innovision2020.dk Follow Walter Terry Walter Terry JacksonDirector / Fundraiser at Innovision2020 HORIZON 2020 call EE-1 Renovation of Europe’s building mass with precast elements. http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/2066-ee-01-2014.html#tab1 Abstract I am coordinator for a partnership of Danish companies who have developed a renovation concept for domestic buildings that has zero intrusiveness for tenants, as all energy renovation work is performed from the outside, yet still significantly improves the indoor air quality for those living in the buildings. The concept represents a significant reduction of the costs for energy renovation because a) the elements are mass customized and suitable for mass production and there are no costs for indoor work. Our Regional Council have a 2500 m2 building that we will use as the Danish case building for renovation, however we wish to find three more clients, who have buildings for renovation in 2016 and want to enter into our partnership for this call. Note the deadline is the 20 March 2014. So there is not much time. We wish to demonstrate the replicable concept in both warm & cold countries, because of the exceptional insulation qualities of the new insulation material lambda value less than 0 .010 w/m K This material is three to four times better that the current insulation materials on the market today, which means that the thickness of the insulation material can be reduced from for example 250mm to only 70mm. Note this is not vacuum insulation. Research into this new insulation material has been funded by the Danish High Technology fund and the timing of the release of the product in 2015/16 matches perfectly the timing of the renovations of the demonstration buildings. This insulation material is integrated into high strength precast elements that are cast from compact reinforced concrete (CRC) and have a thickness of only 20mm. The total thickness of the precast elements with the new insulation is expected to be 90mm. These extremely strong CRC elements can be produced and transported up to sizes of 9 meters x 3 meters. One of our partners in this consortium produces ventilation windows that provide heated and or cooled fresh air, supplied at a rate of greater than 0,3 l/s /m2. Another partner in the consortium produces high technological sun cells that are only 5mm thick; these will also be integrated into the 20mm CRC elements. Walter Terry Jackson wtj@innovision2020.dk Looking for Coordinator and partners for WATER-2-2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change Follow Alina Alina MogosEuropean Programs Advisor at TeamNet Water pollution management systems can act more effectively when guided by the natural feature like river basins instead of the state borders. Our project idea is targeted to vulnerable and strategic water supplies management. Therefore, it mostly addresses the following varieties of water sources: - Rivers (pollution by industrial waste spillage, flooding, irrigation possibilities); - River dams - artificial lakes (seen as strategic fresh water reservoirs, power generators, river debit regulators, fisheries and touristic sites); - Natural lakes (eutrophication, waste deposits, etc); - Wetlands and deltas (flood generated pollution); - Underground water (excessive usage, pollution by industrial or agricultural agents, high salinity); - Fluvial waterways – risk of dam rupturing and navigation impairment because of low water levels during droughts); - Mountain glaciers (size reduction because of the higher temperatures). For more details please contact my colleague: cristina.stanica@teamnet.ro Follow Cristina Raluca Cristina Raluca StanicaEuropean Affairs Adviser at TeamNet European strategic water supply management system Water pollution management systems can act more effectively when guided by the natural feature like river basins instead of the state borders. Our project idea is targeted to vulnerable and strategic water supplies management. Therefore, it mostly addresses the following varieties of water sources: - Rivers (pollution by industrial waste spillage, flooding, irrigation possibilities); - River dams - artificial lakes (seen as strategic fresh water reservoirs, power generators, river debit regulators, fisheries and touristic sites); - Natural lakes (eutrophication, waste deposits, etc); - Wetlands and deltas (flood generated pollution); - Underground water (excessive usage, pollution by industrial or agricultural agents, high salinity); - Fluvial waterways – risk of dam rupturing and navigation impairment because of low water levels during droughts); - Mountain glaciers (size reduction because of the higher temperatures). For more details, please contact cristina.stanica@teamnet.ro SMART project looking for INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS - H2020-NMP-20-2014 - Widening materials models Follow Valentina Valentina CintiGrants & Networking Consultant This project aims at developing a new multiscale computational tool tailored for the modelling and analysis of stimuli-responsive functional materials. The new multiscale computational tool will enable the rational design of active moieties (organic and/or inorganic compounds) and a wide range of polymeric matrices. In addition to these features, it will allow for the analysis and prediction of the chemical and/or mechanical response of composite materials when external stimuli are applied and of the overall system behavior in complex chemical environments. We are looking for not Italian companies interested in joining the project. More info at: https://www.innovationplace.eu/viewProject/smart-space-time-multiscale-approaches-for-research-and-technology/427 Project title: SMART - Space-time Multiscale Approaches for Research... innovationplace.eu Project title: SMART - Space-time Multiscale Approaches for Research and Technology Project Objectives: The SMART project aims at developing a new multiscale computational tool tailored for the modelling and analysis of stimuli-responsive.. Partner Search: ICT 1 Smart Cyber-Physical Systems IOT/Sensor SME with Smart City, Smart Building, Smart Consomer devices experience John McGovernResearcher at TSSG Hi, Looking for a partner preferably an SME in the Smart space enviornment, city, building or consumer electronic devices for the above H2020 call. Thanks, John URGENT - We are looking for partners in our consortium to the Call for SPIRE - Sustainable Process Industries Follow Jorge Jorge SaraivaEntrepreneur, Inventor, Sales and Engineering Development Specialist 1) The main purpose is to build " Real Time Measurement and control using Impedance Sensing Technology in PET Production". our aim is to continues build a impedance sensor that is capable to detect the effects of temperature, humidity and compound variation on the PET process, and is able to respond to these variations by automatically adjusting the cure time in order to produce more consistent product. What kind of competence is still needed: A) neural network for sensor calibration B) dissemination At the moment the consortium have (3 members) - University - PET Producer (60 factories) -potential cases in the industry to apply this concept - Electronic and automation Company for more information contact info@tulait.eu or amp@tulait.eu Partner Search for SPIRE-1-2014 Deadline: 20th March 2014 Follow Colm Colm DigbyGeneral Manager at IRIS R&D We are interested in adding some large chemical, pharma or mineral companies to our consortium where we will look at robust and affordable process control technologies for improving standards and optimising industrial operations. If anyone has any contact with suitable large chemical, pharma or mineral companies please email me on cdigby@iris.cat Many Thanks PS H2020- Looking for entities with capacity to involve energy stakeholders (business, consumers,etc) in their geographical context to test an app able to design and run all kind of technology surveys Follow Francisco J. Francisco J. Cerrato GonzálezEuropean Projects and Innovation Transfer Consultant at Gestiona Global Countries sought: Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Ireland and Denmark. Please, if Interested contact me on franciscocerrato@gestionaglobal.es Best regards, Francisco Opening for industrial partner in the area of RFID applications in new H2020 project proposal (April call ICT 2 – 2014: Smart System Integration). Follow Bart Bart SmoldersProfessor at TU/e in Electromagnetics/Antennas Seeking partners for funding opportunities with H2020, in biosciences. Our expertise: genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, bioinformatics. Follow Christos A. Christos A. OuzounisBiologist - exploring consultancy opportunities with prestigious organizations H2020-PHC-2014-two-stage H2020-ISIB-2014-2 H2020-BG-2014-2 H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 H2020-PHC-2014-single-stage H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 H2020ISIB-2014-1 H2020-BG-2014-1 H2020-SFS-2014-2 H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage