LAS Minor

Liberal Arts (Code 340-402)
Minimum of 24 credits including:
Required Courses—minimum of 16 credits:*
_____ LAS 150: Introduction to Latin American Studies (3 crs. /GE IIIG; CD2; FC)
_____ Spanish 202: Intermediate Spanish II or Communication in the Professions II (4 crs. /GE IA)
_____ Spanish 301: Advanced Composition (3 crs. /GE IA)
_____ Spanish 302: Advanced Conversation and Composition (3 crs. /GE IA)
_____ Spanish/LAS 352: Contemporary Latin American Civilization (3 crs. /GE IVD; CD1; FC)
NOTE: Students wishing to pursue a Francophone Studies component may substitute French 354, French History of
Civilization, or French 355, Contemporary French Civilization, for Span/LAS 352, Contemporary Latin American
Civilization. Additionally, French 450, Francophone Literature, is required thereby reducing the number of Humanities and
Social Sciences elective credits to five credits.
Electives—a minimum of 8 credits in the Humanities and Social Sciences *
_____ ANTH/WMNS 356: Women in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3 crs. /GE IIIA; FC)
_____ Art History/AIS 335: Pre-Columbian Art of Mexico and Central America (3 crs. /GE IVA; FC)
_____ Art History/AIS 337: Art of Tawantinsuyo (3 crs. /GE IVA; FC)
_____ Biology 182: Ecosystems of Latin America (3crs. /GE IIA)
_____ Economics 355: Economic Development of the Third World (3 crs. /FC) ++
_____ Economics/LAS 356: Economic Development of Latin America (3 crs/GE III B; FC) ++
_____ FLTR/LAS 350: Latin-American Literature in Translation (3 crs/GE IV D; FC)
_____ Geography/LAS 321: Geography of Latin America (F; 3 crs/GE IIIC; FC)
_____ Geography 920L: Costa Rican Environment and Geography (S; 3 crs. /GE IIC)
_____ Honors 304: Honors Colloquium (Crossing Borders: Discourses from Latin America) (3 crs. /GE IV)
_____ History/LAS 309: Latin America through Independence (F; 3 crs. /GE IVC)
_____ History/LAS 311: Latin America since independence (S; 3 crs. /GE IVC; FC)
_____ LAS 222: U.S. Latino History and Culture (S; 3crs. / GEIVE; CD3)
_____ LAS 314: Music and Dance of Latin America (3 crs./GE IVE CDI)
_____ LAS 488: Internship (1-6 crs.)
_____ LAS 395: Directed Study (1-3 crs.)
_____ LAS 491: Special Topics (3 crs.)
_____ LAS 498: Internship (1-6 crs.)
_____ Math 107: Mathematics and Latin American Cultures (4 crs. / GEIB)
_____ Politics/LAS 319: Politics of Latin America (3 crs. /GE IIID; FC)
_____ Politics/LAS 320: Caribbean Politics (3 crs. /GE IIID; FC)
_____ RELS/AIS 330: Indigenous religions of the Americas (3 crs. /GE IVB; CD2; FC)
_____ Sociology 312: Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. (3 crs. /GE-IIIF; CD3)**
_____ Sociology 314: Social Class and Inequality (3 crs. /GE-IIIF; CD1)**
** LAS students may not earn credit towards their degree in both SOC 312 and SOC 314 but must choose one or the other
++ LAS students may not earn credit towards their degree in both ECON 355 and ECON 356 but must choose one or the other.
Maximum number of internship credits that can be earned from LAS 488 and LAS 498 is 6, only 3 of which can be counted towards an LAS major, comprehensive
major or minor program. See LAS website or contact LAS program director Dr. Analisa DeGrave for more information and internship opportunities.
FC=Foreign Culture credit
CD=Cultural Diversity credit
Language Immersion Requirement
Liberal Arts majors must complete an appropriate period of language immersion in residence in an approved academic program in a Latin American
country. Students facing extenuating circumstances may participate in an alternative domestic language immersion experience pre-approved and
determined in conjunction with the LAS Committee from the following options: National Student Exchange, internship or volunteer work. The
minimum time period for meeting the residence/immersion requirement is six weeks. However, the Latin American Studies program recommends
that students spend at least one semester abroad.
Updated 4/29/13