The Impact of Child Labour on Future Earnings: Indonesian Case Erasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus School of Economics Department of Economics and Business Master Thesis Policy Economics Author : Muhammad Syarif Hidayatullah Supervisor : Dr. Anne Gielen Student Number : 379999 Date : December 2015 Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Introduction Theoretical Background II.1 Educational Decision 5 II.2 Child labour and earnings 6 Literature Overview 9 III.1 Supply side of Child labour 9 III.2 Child labour and earnings 10 Methodology Data 11 13 V.1 Data description 13 V.2 Yearly Wage Log 15 V.3 Work Starting Age 15 V.5 Years of Schooling 16 V.6 The Instruments 16 Results VI.1 Robustness Check 17 20 VI.1.1 Potential Bias from migration 20 VI.1.2 Potential Bias from Different Age Group 21 VI.2 Discussion VII. 1 3 Conclusion References 22 23 Table of Figures Figure II.1: Wage Schooling Locus 5 Figure V.1: Box plot Graph of relationship between Income and Work Starting Age Figure VI.1: Marginal Impacts on Work Starting Age 23 Table of Tables Table 1 Sample selection 15 Table 2 Summary Statistic 15 Table 3 OLS Estimation 18 Table 4 IV Estimation 19 Table 5 IV Estimation with migration 21 Table 6 IV Estimation with Dummy Variable 22 Chapter I: Introduction International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that 168 million children all around the world are child labourers (between 5-17 years old), most of them living in developing countries (ILO, 2012). Among these 168 million child labour, 120 million of them are below 14 years old, while further 30 million (mostly girls) perform unpaid household chores within their own families (Unicef, 2015). Even though since 2000 there is a steady decline in number of child labour, but the progress is still pretty slow. UNICEF estimates in 2020 there will be 100 million children trapped in child labour. Some countries, started to discuss the possibility of banning child labour. This type of policy responses have been widely debated among economists (Emerson &Souza, 2007). Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, where almost 30 per cent of its population are below 15 years old (ILO, 2014). Based on ILO estimation, there are 3.2 million children between 10-17 years old who engaged in employment with some of them involved in the worst form of child labour, for example, children worked in hazardous place or commercial sexual exploitation. Moreover the labour’s participation rate of the children in Indonesia is around 12.1 per cent (ILO, 2009). We can classify a child labour is when the child is economically active (Ashagrie, 1993). A person is economically active when he works for a regular basis and get remuneration (Basu, 1999). Child labour, based on International Labour Organization (ILO) definition, refers to every children who; (1) aged 5-12 years old and working regardless their working hour; (2) aged 13-14 who work more 15 hours per week, and (3) aged 15-17 who work more than 40 hours per week. In Indonesia, based on ILO convention 138 and ratified by Article No. 20 in 1999, stated that minimum age admission for employment is 15 years old. A little bit stricter on Manpower’s Article no. 13/2003 stated that child is every person who is under 18 years old (ILO, 2009). There are many factors that contribute for rising number of child labour. As Rajan (1999) suggested, credit constraints could raise the phenomenon of child labour, especially in developing countries. There are also several factors that determined child labour in Indonesia, Triningsih and Ichihashi (2010), found that poverty is one of the main determinants of child 1 labour, and other factors are age, farming sector, and parent education. Research on the effect of child labour in Indonesia has been done in several topics. Some of them related to the adverse effect of child labour on health and education (Sim&Asep, 2012) (Pitriyan, 2006), and some others evaluate the effect of government policy on child labour. From welfare perspective, it reflects that child labour can cause inefficiency. Even though child labour could pushing down labour wage on market, thus benefited many firms, and also child labour cause a major loss in social welfare. Baland and Robinson (2000) argued that child labour is inefficient if it is misused by parents as substitute of negative incomes and savings (to transfer income from child to parents) or, due to capital market imperfections, it is being used to transfer income (of the children) from the future to the present. In general, researchers found adverse effect of child labour. For instance, in George Pascharopoulus (1997) study, using survey data from Bolivia and Venezuela, found that education attainment of working children is significantly lower than non-working children, although working children significantly contribute to household income. The effects of child labour on future earnings are still an empirical question. Some researchers believe that child labour has adverse effect on future earnings, while some others believe the opposite. Baland and Robinson (2000) thought that child labour is inefficient if it adversely affects on child future earnings. Emerson and Souza (2007) stated that the potential effects of child labour on adult earning are doubled up. On one hand, child labour can be harmful through hindering the acquisition of formal education; on the other hand there may be pecuniary benefit from vocational training, learning by doing (Emerson & Souza, 2007). Furthermore, child labour could be a way to finance education, hence lead to better outcomes for older child (Akabayashi and Psacharopoulus, 1999). The central objective of this research is to empirically relate the effect of entering labour market earlier with future income. The hypothesis of this study is that entering labour market earlier leads to a decrease in the future income. The research question for this thesis is: (1) is working during child age affecting individual current income; The result shows us that child labour has adverse effect on future earnings. Individual who postpone entering the labour market has higher income than individual who work in earlier age. However, the negative effect of child labour ceases at around ages 7-11. 2 This thesis is organized as follows: in section 2 provides theoretical background on what has been established on the determinant of individual’s income and about human capital theory. Section 3 provides some literature review on child labour. Section 4 elaborates dataset and variables used for this analysis. Section 5 is about research methodology. Section 6 presented the results. Section 7 is the conclusion. Chapter II: Theoretical Background Everyone has a different well-being or income. Before 1960, many economists believe that a difference is in a different physical capital, since rich individuals had more physical capital than others (Becker, 1962). After 1960, there has been increasingly body of evidence that shows non-physical capital also plays important role in creating that differences. One of those nonphysical capitals is human capital. According to human capital theory, the increments in human capital or individual’s knowledge stock raise his or her productivity in the economy where they can earn money (Grossman, 2000). In order to raise the knowledge stock, individual have to choose particular set of skills, how much investment on human capital he have to take. And basically, human capital theory is about how those investments affect the evolution of earnings over the working life (Borjas, 2013). Lately, human capital theory becomes the dominant meaning of understanding how wage are determined. Income determined by productivity and the productivity of labour is determined by the labour’s skills or their human capital. Based on Becker’s view, Human capital is directly useful in production process, explicitly it can increases workers productivity (Acemoglu, 2005). Human capital has many sources. According to Acemoglu (2005), there are several sources of human capital, such as schooling, innate ability, school quality, training, and pre-labour market influence. Human Capital Framework that used by Becker (1967), determined the optimal quantity of human capital investment at any age. Based on Becker (1967), there are two types of human capital investment, first is on the job training, and second is in school. There is a specific human capital investment on the job training. Skill that acquired from the job training usually closely related to the individual’s current jobs, and more likely is not really implemented in others jobs. This type of investment has an important effect on the relation between earnings and 3 age. Trained labour will receive lower earnings during training period than untrained labour. But, after training period the earnings curve of trained labour will much steeper than untrained labour. Becker also shows that after trainings period, the earnings curve also become more concave, which means that the training has more effect on younger age. Jobs training would be provided by the firm only if the marginal product of the workers after training is equal to the initial wage of the workers. Different from the job training, skill that being obtained from school is more general. It is not specific to one type of jobs, but it can be used in numbers type of jobs. Hence, investment on school is more transferable across job types than on the jobs trainings. Based on Becker (1967), schooling has the same effect as on the job training. Schooling steepens the ageearnings profile, mixing the income and capital accounts and allows depreciation on human capital (Becker, 1967). People are diverse on vast array of skill. The difference on skill comes from the differences on individual’s endowment (genetics, parent’s investment) and individual’s human capital investment. Parent’s education attainment and their education investment on their child could affect individual’s skill. Children who have better educated parents are most likely to have better education achievement. Education is associated with higher earnings, yet not all workers want to get doctorates or professional degrees. Education is valued only because they could increase income. Workers would choose the level of education that maximizes the present value of earnings stream. Workers earnings come from salary that employers are willing to pay for every level of schooling. 4 Figure II.1 Wage Schooling Locus Source: Borjas (2013) Figure II.1 shows the wage-schooling locus, the employer willingness to pay for every level of schooling. From the graph above, we can see the wage-schooling is upward sloping, which means that employers willing to pay higher wage for more educated workers. Moreover, as we can see from the graph, the wage-schooling locus is concave; it means that monetary growth from additional schooling is weakening as more schooling is acquired (Borjas, 2007). II.1Educational Decision Every individual tries to maximize their own welfare. They are investing on human capital in order to increase their future earnings. Basically every person follows the trajectory of ageearnings profile or the wage path over the life cycle. For example, an individual who quit school after getting high school diploma can earn some amount of wage from age 18 until the age of retirement. But, if the individual choose to delay entering the labour market and decides to go to college, he forgoes these earnings and incurs a cost for several years and then earns higher wage until retirement age (Borjas, 2013). Therefore, many people are maximizing their welfare by choosing level of educations and trainings, such that the marginal benefit of education and training is equal to its marginal cost. Marginal benefits are both the material benefit (wage) and non-pecuniary benefit (academic status, etc). On the other hand, marginal cost is such as direct cost (education cost, tuition 5 fee) and indirect cost (forgone earnings). Indirect cost or forgone earnings are differing between what could have been and earned by individuals (Becker, 1962). If the marginal benefit is lower than the marginal cost then people will cut their human capital investment or even do not take any human capital investment. There are two key factors that lead various workers to obtain different level of education or human capital investment, thus to get different earnings, first, differences in the rate of discount, second, differences in ability. First, workers who discount future earnings heavily do not go to school because they are too present oriented (Borjas, 2013). Based on schooling model, decision to continue to go to school is depends on present value of age earnings profile. Higher education leads to higher future earnings. If one individual discounting his/her future earnings too high, than the present value of future earnings would be low, thus they will prefer not to take more education. Second, the difference in ability also effect individual educational decision. Individual with better ability has relatively higher marginal return on education. II.3 Child labour and earnings Before we discuss about the theoretical framework of child labour and earnings, we will discuss the theory of supply side of child labour. To understand the supply side of child labour, we need to consider the basic theory of household decision making. A generic household decision model assumes that the household acts to maximize utility, which is function of the number of children, children education, the leisure time per child, the leisure time of the parents and a composite consumption goods (Brown, Deardorff, Stern, 2002). Household income earned by selling goods that is produced in household enterprise or by working. The husband allocates time between market work and leisure, the mother allocates time among market work, leisure, child rearing and home production, and the children allocate time among market work, leisure, education, and home production (Brown, Deardorff, Stern, 2002). There are several uncompensated cross-elasticity in this model. For the father, an increase in wage could raise the implicit price of leisure. Child education is substitute to father’s leisure. In order to pay for his child’s education, father has to sacrifice some amount of leisure, and takes more hours of works. If child’s education is more important than father’s leisure, and later will be substituted, then this will lead to the change in child’s education. As for the 6 mother, an increase on her wage will increase the opportunity cost of each child, hence lowering the family size. Decreasing family size will lead to raise education investment. Moreover, the rise in mother’s wage will increase the demand on all normal goods, and also education. For the children who works, the increase of (child) wages will step up the opportunity cost of time that been spent on school. Moreover, the rise in the child wage will increase the return to each birth, leads to larger family size and smaller education investment. From that basic model, Balad and Robinson (2000) developed a theoretical framework about two period household decision model. BR assumes that household has a single decision maker who decides child labour and schooling decision after making household income decision. In the first period, parents choose the amount of savings and the fraction of children working time. In the second period, parents receive saving income and gives bequest to the child. Thus, parent’s utility comes from consumption in period 1, 2 and child well-being, and the child wellbeing depends on the time they are not working and the amount of bequest. Balad and Robinson shows that if saving and bequest are not zero, then parents will choose child labour so that the cost, in term of forgone consumption today of decreasing child labour, is equals to the return of foregoing the child labour. On the other hands, if the saving and bequest are zero, children cannot compensate parents for the forgone consumption that comes from decreasing in child time spent to work. The problems with inefficient child labour arise when families are credit constrained (Laitner, 1997), Parson and Goldin (1981), Jacoby and Skoufias (1996). In this situation, it’s very difficult for parents to borrow money for their future needs, thus the parents have to rely on internal assets. In child labour scenario, the parents prefer to send their children in labour market rather than investing in human capital. This strategy will inefficient, because the present value of another hours of schooling is greater than the return of another hour of work. An increase in the child’s wage can affect education decision through several channels. First, the increasing on the child’s wage could raise the opportunity cost of spent time in school; second, increases in the child’s wage could also profit their family incomes. Based on this phenomenon, many families try to enlarge their size or to have more children in order to increase their income, but this will lead a decrease in educational attainment for children (Brown, Deardorff, Stern, 2002). 7 There are several channels for child labour to affect the future earnings. First, child labour can affect future earnings by changing the number years of schooling. Children who start to work at very young age are more likely to attain less education, thus their earnings would be lower than the other children who are delaying to enter the labour market. However, working and having an education may even be complementary activities. In a household with a low income and credit constrained, parents will force their children to work in order to raise their household income. It is become the only way for the children to have an extra education, whether it’s the working children or their siblings. Without extra income from child labour, these household may be not able to send their children to school. Second, child labour can affect working experience. Based on the Mincer model (1974), we can see that working experiences will raise wages rate. Based on Mincer (1974) human capital earnings function (HCEF), log of individual earnings particular time has two functions in linear education and quadratic experience. From HCEF, we can see that working experience will determine individual’s wage level, probably because human capital is generated from learning by doing. Therefore, it is possible work experiences dominate the length of school (Ilahi, Orazem&Sedlacek, 2005). People who enter the labour market earlier have more working experience than people who choose education over work. From Becker’s model, we can see that job training can also give a raise to human capital, hence it also give a rise to individual’s earnings. Many people would prefer to enter the labour market earlier than invest on extra education. This can happened if the return to year of working experience is higher than the return to year of schooling. Thus, the decision to enter labour market at early stage could increase lifetime earnings. Child labour can affect work experience, length of education and human capital that based on education level. The direct impact of child labour on future earnings is through physical capital endowment inherited from parents or from work experience. Based on Ilahi’s model, etc (2004), income determined by the direct effect of child labour plus the return on education. Specifically, they also multiply the return on education with the effect of child labour on education (Ilahi, Orazem & Sedlacek, 2005). 8 Educational cost can determine children’s decision to be a child labour. The higher educational cost will cause the decrease on education investment. If the benefit of education investment is lower than the benefit on having more working experience, many people would enter labour market on earlier stage. Chapter III: Literature Overview In this part we will discuss numbers of literature and empirical evidence that has been done related to child labour issues. It will be divided in three parts. First is empirical evidence about supply side of child labour. Second is the basic human capital model, specifically about how education and experience affect individual’s wage. Third is recent empirical evidence about the effect of child labour on future earnings. III.1 Supply side of child labour There is a lot of research that have tried to examine the supply side of child labour. In their seminal work, Basu and Van (1997) stated that children only works if the family unable to meet their basic needs. This statement has been proved by several empirical works. For instance, Pscharopoulos (1997) found that income earned by age 13 Bolivian children is equal to 13 per cent of total household income on average. An estimation made by Menon et al (2005), found that 11 per cent of Nepal agricultural production comes from child labour. As we discussed in the previous chapter, child labour occur due to credit constrain. To test this theory, Deheija and Gatti (2002) conducted a research using panel of 172 countries in 1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980, and used the share in GDP of private credit as a proxy of credit constrained. Based on their estimation, one standard deviation increase in the share of credit is associated with 10 per cent of decreasing standard deviation on child labour, this means that families with access to credit are less likely to put their children on work. Similar estimation also has been done by Emerson and Souza (2002). They found that credit constrained family will invest only in one children and let others children to work. By using PNAD data (1998) and bivariate profit method, Emerson and Souza found that first born son are less likely to work and first born daughter are less likely to attend school. Other theories suggest that poverty is an important contributor to child labour. Vasquez and Albar (2000), tried to prove this theory using Mexican household data dated from 1984 to 1996. They found that household income has little effect on child labour. Based on their 9 estimation, even if the household income is being doubled, it only increases the probability of being fully-time student by 0.01 for rural girls and 0.03 for rural boys. In contrast, Ray (1999) found that poverty will increase the child’s working hour. Based on his estimation, a previously non-poor Pakistani household will increase their children’s working hour to 500/year if their family were below poverty line. Some other research tried to find the effect on household income in child labour. A Study that has been done by Kochar, Jacoby, and Skoufias (1997), found that child labour is an important part of the household self-insurance. A small farm household adjusted their children education and child labour in response to both predictable and unpredictable variation in their family income. There were also a similar research that has been done in Tanzania by Beegle, Dehejia and Gatti (2006). They correlated the crop shock as an unpredictable variation in their income from child labour. They found a significance increase of child labour supply in the household that report experiencing crop shock. III.2 Child labour and earnings Previous studies have shown that child’s school years may be increased or decreased, is they need to work (Ilahi, Orazem & Sedlacek, 2005). Some studies also found evidence that child labour have a lower grade and also a lower achievement in education every year (Pscharopoulus, 1997) (Akabayashi and Pscharopoules, 1999). Ray (2003) found that additional work hour in Ghana will caused children to have a shorter school year. Similar with that finding, Pascharopoulus (1997) observed that children who worked in Bolivia completed school nearly a year less than non-working children. On the other hands, based on the fact that many working children also are supposed to be in school, some analyst has suggested that child labour and education are not mutually exclusive (Ravallion and Wodon, 2000) and may be complementary. The issues of child labour are important because of two facts. First, child labour has immediate effect on short term aspect of children who has to do physical work beyond their capacity. Second, it has longer impact, for example, being labourer today, young person is disinvesting in human capital formation (Pscharopoulus, 1997). As suggest by Grootaert and Kanbur (1995), if there is a trade-off between child labour and education, then child labour is inefficient as it has positive externalities with human capital formation. 10 Estimation made by Emerson and Souza (2007) found that child labour has a big negative effect on adults earnings, and the negative impact started to reverse at around ages 12-14. Similar with them, Ilahi, Orazem & Sedlacek (2005) found that child workers were 14% more likely to be in the lowest two income quintiles as adults than children who did not enter labour market until 12 years old. Chapter IV: Methodology There are a lot of studies about the causes of child labour, but only few studied about the consequences of child labour on their future earnings. The main reason of this study is the confounding effect of potentially endogenous variables. There is a strong possibility that unobserved variables (ability, ambition, etc) could affect both educational choice of a person and his earnings in their adulthood. Many of the recent research has relied on the use of instrument variable approach, but this approach have one main drawback, which is a demand of a robust set of instrument for someone educational choice (Emerson & Souza, 2007). In order to overcome these problems, I will replicate an empirical strategy that had been used by Emerson and Souza (2007). Based on Emerson and Souza (2007), the discussion of the empirical issues on the effect of child labour usually begins with a presentation of standard two equation system that describes schooling (ππ ) and log current wages (ππ ππ ), for individual i: (1) ππ = ππ π + ππ (2) ππ ππ = ππ πΎ + ππ π½ + ππ Xi is a vector that observes attributes of the individual and ππ and ππ are the random error terms that are assumed to be uncorrelated with ππ . The π½ variable is a measure of the educational benefit or average educational benefit. It is likely that education can have a correlation with the unobserved component of the log earning equation, due to ability bias. Hence, estimation of the π½ coefficient will be biased upwards. In the developing countries, such as Indonesia, the decision to work as a child is likely correlated with the educational decision and is also likely correlated with adults’ earnings. Therefore, where child labour is widespread the educational and child labour decision are both likely to affect adults’ incomes and are likely to be correlated, the description of the process would involve a three equation system (Emerson & Souza, 2007): 11 (3) ππ = ππ π + ππ (4) πΆπΏπ = ππ πΌ + ππ (5) ππ ππ = ππ πΎ + ππ π½ + πΆπΏπ ∅ + ππ CL is age when a person starts to work, and π is the unobserved random error term. In order for ∅ to be measure of the effect on start working at a certain age, ππ and ππ must be uncorrelated. But, these error terms are likely correlated because the same ability bias that cause high ability individual in choosing educational over work at earlier stage and also might choose to start working when they old enough. To solve that problem, we need a set of regressor, ππ , that can be added to the vector ππ that will affect educational choice but will not affect the unexplained earnings component, and this will affect the age level of someone who would start to work but not the unexplained component of earnings Emerson and Souza (2007). In their research, Emerson and Souza (2007) were using three instruments variables. First is regional GDP/capita for children in 12 years old of age, second, school-student ratio and third teacher-school ratio. One potential pitfall of Emerson and Souza estimation is the instruments could be correlated with some omitted relevant variable. An instrument could be invalid if it is correlated with an omitted relevant variable, even if the omitted variables does not correlated with the endogenous variables (Murray, 2010). Emerson and Souza model has a lack of control in parent’s characteristic. This model is controlling parent’s education but not controlling household’s income or parent’s income. Household income is correlated with the regional GDP/capita. In order to control the potential endogeneity, the instrument must be both relevant and valid. It means that the instrument not only has to be well-correlated with the potentially endogenous variables but also uncorrelated with the unexplained variation in earnings. In this research, we used three instruments: distances between the house and primary school sample; the school and student ratio; teacher and school ratio. School distance as an instrument had been used by Card (1993). He argued that one would expect a higher cost (live far away from college) to reduce investment in education, or at least among the children from low-income families. It means that school distance is likely to have 12 correlation with both education and start working age. Meanwhile, this instrument is more likely to be uncorrelated with future earnings. Emerson and Souza (2007) used both school-student ratio and teacher-school ratio as instruments in their estimation. Both instruments are well correlated with education and start working age variables. The schools availability in one region could lower the educational cost. Thus, the children are more likely to have more education than to enter the labour market at earlier age. Same as with the teacher-school ratio that is basically could affect the benefit and cost of education. These instruments are also more likely to be uncorrelated with the unexplained variation of earnings. Furthermore, I will control family background (parents’ education and income) and other cofounding effect in order to manage the selectivity of the data. In their study, Emerson and Souza (2007) were using the following instrumental variables regression: (6) ππ = ππ |πππΏ + π£π (7) πΆπΏπ = ππ |πππΌ + ππ (8) ππ ππ = ππ πΎ + ππ π½ + πΆπΏπ ∅ + ππ They estimated the model both with and without the years of education variable to evaluate the impact of the early entry in labour market and both also including the effect on schooling and then. When schooling variable is included, it also has effect of early entry over and above the impact on schooling. Based on this model I will pull estimation. Similarly, I will also estimate the model by both including and excluding the schooling variable. Furthermore, I will also include one extra instrument variable, which is the school distance. Chapter V: Data V.1 Data Description The main data sources utilized in this research are come from Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), a longitudinal household survey in Indonesia that has been conducted by RAND since 1993. Until now, there are 4 IFLS data waves (1993, 1997, 2000, and 2007). IFLS is a comprehensive survey, collecting wide range of topics, including education, health, financial assets, labour supply, nutrition, and child labour. 13 The first wave covered 13 of 27 provinces. This initial round interviewed roughly 7,200 households. By 2007, the number of households had grown to 13,000 as the survey endeavored to re-interview many members of the original sample that form or join new households. Household attrition is quite low; only around five percent of households were lost in each wave. Overall, 87.6 percent of households that participated in IFLS1 were interviewed in each of the subsequent three waves (Strauss et al., 2009). To examine the effect of child labour on future earnings, I need two primaries information. First is child labour status, and second is current income. To obtain the first information, we used some information from IFLS related to working experience. In the very latest survey (IFLS 2007), they obtain some information from the household head, spouse and family member about their first jobs. In this section, this survey gathered information about the age they entered the labour market, their occupation, employment status, how they can get the job and about their salary. They also collected some detailed information such as jobs category, whether it was self-employed, unpaid family worker, or private worker. From this section, basically, I could have information about the group of people who had already worked in their childhood. We also can have some information about education history. Specifically, not only the education history sample but also the parent education history sample. IFLS has also some information about the school starting age, highest grade, and national test result. For parent education, IFLS has gathered some good information, such as highest education that been attained by them. Table 1 shows the number of observation that has been kept in our sample due to each criteria of the selection process. The total number of group that is over 15 years old is 29,000. Only 9,536 of 29,000 have and know their own yearly salary or only around 27% of this group knows their salary. Based on Indonesian Statistical Bureau, in 2007, there are 97 million workers in Indonesia, or about a half of Indonesia population at that time. After that, we restrict the sample to the group of people who never migrated since they were born. We also limited the sample by the availability of work starting age information. Doing so, we ended up with 2,556 observations. As we can see in Table 1, number of observation is stay the same, even after we restrict for years of schooling, father’s education, mother’s education. But the number of observation dropped after we restrict for instrument. 14 Table 1: The Sample Selection Variable Income Age Started to Work Years of Schooling Father’s Education Mother’s Education Instruments: School Distance School/Student Age=6 Teacher/student Age=12 Observation 9536 2556 2556 2556 2556 1830 1830 1830 After we have done our regression, the numbers of observation was 1830. As described in Table 2, age of the working group is between 15-35 years old. They started to work since 7 to 30 years old. The interval of years of education in this group is 0-18 years. On average, sample in years of education are much higher than the parents. Just like before, the father’s year of education is slightly higher than the mother. Table 2: Summary Statistic Variable Income Age Started to Work Age Dummy Gender (if Male=1) Years of Schooling Father's Year of Schooling Mother's Years of Schooling The Instruments School-Student Ratio School Location Teacher-School Ratio Std. Obs Mean Dev. Min Max 1830 13.124 0.9036 8.9871 16.213 1830 19.081 3.620 7 30 1830 23.946 5.136 15 35 1830 0.628 0.483 0 1 1830 8.156 4.915 0 18 1830 3.910 4.613 0 18 1830 2.96 3.924 0 18 1830 1830 1830 5.338 11.318 7.911 1.064 8.421 1.1573 2.8663 1 5.183 8.713 90 13.432 V.2 Yearly Wage Log The dependent variable is the log of yearly wage. The wage variables are obtained from the 2007 survey, specifically from IFLS Book 3A. Respondent were asked about their one year salary including the value of benefit. 141 of 9536 people answered that they did not know 15 about it, and 3 respondent data is missing. Thus, the total number of sample that can be used is 9,536. V.3 Work starting age The main independent variable is legal working age and education attainment or school starting age. This variable is gathered from IFLS 2007, Book 3a, section TK. They was asked about when they started working full time for the first time. Full time work is when the job was their primary activity. 5,856 of 6,951 of people answered that they know exactly the year when they did start full time working. The rest answered that they either they didn’t know or their job was never be their primary activity. To obtain this work starting age variable is by simply subtracting birth year from starting year of full time working. Before we do the regression variable work starting age, it is ranged between 0-62 years old. I assume that 0-3 years old was caused by error on collecting the data, thus I dropped those data. In this research, I limited the age variable only from 4-30 years old. Hence, the number of this group that is left is 5,236.This number is reduced to 1830 after we are doing our estimation. V.4 Years of Schooling Education accomplishment is the total years of schooling of the group. 90.09% of the respondent has 12 years of education or less. 22.91% of total respondent (29,057) have no education, or zero years of schooling. Average year of education is 6.374 years. To control the model, we will use several variables, such as father’s years of schooling, mother’s years of schooling, age, and gender. Father’s and Mother’s years of schooling have the same range, between 0-18, with father’s years education is slightly higher than mother’s. V.5 the Instruments There are three instruments that are used for this research, first the distance between house and school, and second is the ratio between school and student, third is the ratio between teacher and school. First instrument that will be used in this research is the distance between house and school (primary school). The data is measured in minute. This data is gathered from IFLS book 3a. In that survey people were asked about how much time it takes to go from house to school. In this research, we use the distance when they went to primary school. Based on Card (1993), 16 distance between house and school (college) is a good instrument for education. He argued that people would expect this higher cost (live far away from college) to reduce investment in education, or at least among the children from low-income families. This instrument is not directly affect earnings, which make this variable can be a good instrument. School distance can affect earnings through educational decision. Second is the number of elementary schools in one region. The availability of school in individual’s state could lower the cost of attending school by reducing the travel cost. Based on human capital model, a lower education cost will increase an investment on education and likely to cause a delaying to start working. This data is come from the Indonesian Statistic Bureau. Due to the data limitation, we only have number of school data from 1978-1998. Third is number of teachers in elementary school, where the children started to have an education at the age of 6. Similar with the number of school instruments, number of teacher per school is source of exogenous variation in both cost and benefit of education. Hence, with the same limitation as before, we only have the data from 1978-1998. Figure V.1 Box plot Graph of relationship between Income and Work Starting Age Based on figure V.1, there is a positive correlation between income and work starting age. Based on the box plot graph above, the means is increases as age started to work increases. 17 However, since we have no control for others variable yet, then we can’t take any conclusion from the graphs. Chapter VI: Result In order to estimate the effect of being a child worker on income, we started this study by estimating two types of earnings equations, the first type included the age variable when the children started to work and its square, the age of the individual, the sex variables when one for male and zero for female. The second type contained the same variables, but added with year of schooling variable. All estimations are included the father’s and mother’s year of education that control for family background. Controlling family background is important, because if not properly controlled the estimation can be bias. For example, richer children are more likely to attend school and enter labour market later and poorer children more likely to abandon school and start to work early. Moreover, more educated parents may choose to locate themselves near good school. We begin by estimating the earnings model from OLS and then using the set of instrument variable described above in IV framework. The first regression does not control years of schooling. An individual who worked during childhood will likely to attend less education. Thus, the coefficient of age started to work variables when it is not controlled by education (years of schooling), it could capture the expected forgone earnings of the young workers. Then, when we controlling for education, it could capture the effect on adults’ earnings. In order to get the Standard Error and statistics that are robust to the presence of arbitrary heteroskedasticity and intra-group correlation, we are using robust standard error and clustering standard error on region. Table 3: OLS Estimation of Logarithm of Earnings Variables Years of Schooling Age Started to Work Age Started to work squared Age Father Education Coeff 0.15* -0.003* 0.029* 0.023* 3.a Std Error 3.b Std Coeff Error 0.014* 0.0032 0.029 0.15* 0.029 0.0007 0.0029 0.004 -0.003* -0.029* 0.021* 0.0007 0.029 0.004 18 Mother's Education Gender Constant No Obs 0.036* 0.005 -0.14* 0.017 10.77 0.307 2200 0.035* 0.035 -0.15* 0.017 10.8 0.306 2200 *, **, and *** represent respectively statistically significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level Table 3 presents the OLS estimations, which include and exclude the education variables. The first column (3a) shows the estimation without education variables. The main variable (age started to work) is statistically significance at the 0.01 level. The coefficient is positive which would indicate that the older someone enters the labour market, the higher earnings they had. But, the negative effect of child labour will be diminishing after certain age. Using the coefficient of age started to work and it’s squared, we calculated that the negative effect of starting to work at younger age end at age 25. Columns 2.b present the estimation that includes education attainment variable. The year of schooling variable is statistically significance at the 0.1 level. The coefficient is positive which would indicate that there is 1.3 per cent increase in current earnings for each additional years of schooling. Now we turn to the fourth estimation with and without school control. Inclusion of the squared term of work starting age variables is to get the turning point of the relationship. From it, we could know the age when working early started to have positive impact on income. In order to get the Standard Error and statistics that are robust to the presence of arbitrary heteroskedasticity and intra-group correlation, we are using robust standard error and clustering standard error on region. Table 4, column 4a, present the regression result of the first stage on this estimation. The F test of the included instruments is all below 12; this indicates that they are not strongly correlated with the endogenous variable. The Kleibergen-Paaprk LM statistic for under identification test shows us that the p-Value is above 0.05. Thus we can’t reject the null hypothesis, or it means that the model is not well identified, i.e., that the excluded instrument are not strongly correlated with the endogenous regressors. The School Ratio instrument is positively associated with the endogenous variable, it means the higher the school ratio are the longer an individual delaying to enter the labour market. This is make perfect sense, because higher school ratio means lower education cost. The school distance instrument is negatively associated with the age of working. This finding also makes perfect sense. If the school is far from home, than the cost of taking education become higher. Hence the person 19 is more likely to consume less education. Therefore, they will prefer to enter the labour market earlier. Table 4: IV Estimates – Second Stage Regression of Logarithm of Earnings 4.a 4.b Variables Coeff Std Error Coeff Std Error Years of Schooling 0.021 0.31 Age Started to Work 0.407 1.35 0.31 2.39 Age Started to work Squared -0.02 0.027 -0.023 0.048 Age 0.288 0.463 0.287 0.435 Father Education 0.07 0.102 0.068 0.0927 Mother's Education 0.035 0.024 0.034 0.02 Gender 0.05 0.366 0.041 0.34 Constant 7.71 12.72 8.51 21.98 No Observation 1830 1830 Hansen J-Statistic Chi-Square 0.946 0 Earnings is maximized at age at work 10.5 7.8 Robust standard error, clustered at regional level,. *, **, and *** represent respectively statistically significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level From the second stage (Table 4a) estimation we can see that work starting age variable shows a positive relation, but the squared term has negative relation. However, we are unable to rely on the result of the second stage due to the weak instruments. We can calculate the turning point when working earlier started to give positive impact on income. Based on the coefficient of age variable and its squared term, we can get the turning point at age 10.5. But, once again, we unable rely on this result due to the weak instruments. Table 4, column 4b, shows the IV estimation that include the year of education variable. The result of first stage shows us that school ratio is statistically not significant to years of schooling. On the other hand, both distance and teacher ratio instrument variable is statistically significant to years of schooling. F test for the first stage estimation is below 12. Even it is lower than the rule of thumb, but it is higher than the first IV estimation (which is without years of schooling variable). Consistent with previous results, work starting age variable is positive, and its square is negative. But no variables are statistically significant. Based on the result, the turning point is at age7.8. VI.1 Robustness Check To examine whether our model is sensitive to changes in regression specification, we performed several robustness check. 20 First is to get the idea whether the results is robust or not to the inclusion of other potentially relevant variables. We include the estimation migration, because we suspect that the exclusion of migration will be the source of biasness. Second, we want to know whether the results are differing by age group. We run the regression using dummy variable for work starting age. VI.1.1Potential Bias From migration There are several source of bias from this estimation. One is migration. Around 30 per cent of our sample was migrated during their life time or living in a different state since birth. Bias would occur if there is some underlying selection process where migration decision is affected by some unobservable individual characteristic that correlated with child labour and adult earnings (Emerson & Souza, 2007). For instance, the higher ability are more likely that they would migrate to better place where they can get better education or job opportunity or salary. Table 5: IV Estimates- Second Stage Regression of Logarithm of Earnings with Migration variable Variables Coeff Years of Schooling Age Started to Work 0.42 Age Started to work Squared -0.024 Migration 0.18 Age 0.256 Father Education 0.063 Mother's Education 0.033*** Gender 0.031 Constant 7.56 Hansen J-Statistic Chi-Square 0.387 No. Observation 1830 Earnings is maximized at age at work 9.3 5.a Std Error 1.22 0.025 0.178 0.398 0.081 0.021 0.317 11.5 5.b Coeff Std Error 0.029 0.29 0.29 2.234 -0.02 0.044 0.18 0.17 0.25 0.374 0.06 0.078 0.03*** 0.017 0.01 0.28 8.7 20.53 0 1830 7.6 Robust standard error, clustered at regional level,. *, **, and *** represent respectively statistically significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level Table 5 is the result from both estimation (that include and exclude the years of schooling), where we keep the migration as control variables. The result is basically similar with previous estimation. The instrument variables do not really have an impact to the immigration variables. The F test for the estimations is below 12. This indicates that we cannot rely on to the IV estimation. Consistent with the previous estimation, the sign of the age started to work variable is positive, and negative for its square. This means that entering the labour market in 21 earlier stage would lower the future income. The turning point in this estimation is at age 9.3 if we do not include years of schooling variable. VI.1.2 Potential Bias from Different Age Group From previous result, we can see that child labour would have negative effect on future earnings. But, this negative effect will be perished over time. Table 6: IV Estimates- Second Stage Regression of Logarithm of Earnings Using Dummy Variable 6 Variables Coeff Std Error Years of Schooling 0.22 0.3001 Dummy Age Started to Work (D=1 if Age started to work>=18) -0.22 2.674 Age 0.24 0.0623 Father Education 0.002 0.019 Mother's Education 0.011 0.021 Gender 0.528 0.22 Constant 10.5 1.97 Hansen J-Statistic Chi-Square 0.193 No. Observation 1830 Robust standard error, clustered at regional level,. *, **, and *** represent respectively statistically significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level Table 6 represents the estimation using dummy variable for work starting age. The dummy variable is equal to child labour that is higher than 18 years old. The result is quite interesting. Different from previous estimation, the dummy variable has negative sign, which shows us negative correlation with income. That means delaying to enter the labour market further will harm individual’s earnings. One explanation from this result is that the negative effect of child labour on earnings already diminishes before 18 years old. This is also in line with our previous estimation which showed us that the negative effect will be diminished at around 8-11 years old. However, this result is slightly lower than Emerson and Souza’s (2007) result; they found that the negative effect will be perished at 12-14 years old. VI.2 Discussion The results suggest that there is a negative effect of being child labour on individual earning. Based on this estimation, the effect would be ceases around ages 8-11. In compare with Emerson and Souza result, this is slightly lower. The negative effect on child labour ceases faster in our estimation than in Emerson and Souza (2007). 22 Figure V.1 shows us the marginal impact of age variable in 4a and 4b1. The declining trend of the line means that the marginal effect of delaying to enter the labour market will keep go downward as the age started to work increases and will be diminished in some certain age. As we can see from the graph, based on this estimation as showed in 4a and 4b, the marginal impact will be negative consecutively after age 8 and 10. Figure V.1 Marginal Impact of Age Started to Work 0.4 0.2 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 4a 4b In order to know the magnitude of the effect on entering the labour market earlier, we compared the marginal impacts in this age variable on adults when we controlled education and when we not controlled it. We are using the estimation from table 4, where 4a is showing the uncontrolled education, and model 4b is when we were controlling for schooling. From graph above, we can see a quite huge gap between the line, or we can say that the negative effect of child labour diminish much faster when we control education. This means that the negative effect of child labour mostly comes from education attainment. The results show us that the IV estimation coefficient is always higher than the OLS estimation. This might be counter intuitive, because some researcher believes that ability bias biases the OLS estimates coefficient upward. However, we can argue that ability also increase the opportunity cost of schooling, thus lead to downward bias on OLS estimation. 1 Marginal impact of age started to work was estimated by using the coefficient of age started to work and its square: ((πΌ(π₯2 ) − π½(π₯2 )2 ) − (πΌ(π₯1 ) − π½(π₯1 )2 ) 23 There are two main drawbacks in our estimation that can be improved in future research. First is the weak instruments problem. All of the instruments are weak for every endogen variables. This result quite surprising, because the same instrument has been used in others research, and it shows strong result. For further research, it is better to replace the instrument or maybe just add another instrument that might be good for this estimation. Second, there is a possibility that the instrument is correlated with the omitted variables. An instrument could be invalid if it is correlated with an omitted relevant variable, even if the omitted variables does not correlated with the endogenous variables (Murray, 2010). This could be the case because we have only used limited number of control variables. There is possibility that our instrument is correlated with the omitted variables. For instances, we used school distance as instrument variable. This can be correlated with the parent’s income, which we were not control in our model. Parent’s income could be related to school distance. The higher the income, parent’s will prefer or able to choose to live nearby the school. VII. Conclusion This research investigated the effect of child labour on individual’s earnings. We find that child labour is negatively correlated with individual’s earnings. We find that this negative correlation happened, mostly due to the trade-off with education attainment, and the effect of education attainment on earnings. We also find that the negative net effect reverse at ages around 7-11. Basically, it is hardly to conclude that it is optimal for contemporary Indonesian child to start working at ages around 7-11. Considering the environment of the individuals in this research grew up, maybe it is rational for them to started working earlier. Individuals in this research were born between 1973 and 1992, 76% of them were born before 1988. As we mentioned in theoretical part, credit constrained plays important role in household decision, especially about investment in education and child labour. Before 1988, Indonesia has not liberalized their banking sector. Access to the banking sector is very limited, because there were only few bank exist. It is very hard for a household, especially the poor one, to get credit. This could be the reason, why it is optimal for individuals in this sample to work earlier. 24 For further research, additional instruments are needed, because some instruments that have been used in this research are not strong enough. For instance, some research used regional GDP/Capita as instruments for this kind of estimation. Other thing that can be done is using the newest IFLS, which might be available in 2016. Children whose were 7-15 years old in 1993 will be 29-37 years old at 2015. By using rich dataset from IFLS survey (there is special survey for children), we can have better research. We can control more variables like children cognitive skill and parent’s income. 25 References Akabayashi, H., & Psacharopoulos, G. (1999). The Trade-off between Child Labor and Human Capital Formation: A Tanzanian Case Study. 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