Meeting Minutes - Century West Neighborhood Association

Minutes of the CWNA Board Meeting
September 11, 2013
The CWNA Board meeting was called to Order by Chair Pam Sullivan at 7:05 PM. A quorum for
the board meeting was confirmed which requires a minimum of four (4) Board members.
Present were Board Members Pam Sullivan Jim Gattey, Judy McKrell, Bill Padgham, Hans Van
den Houten and Bob Brell
Also in attendance were Ken Schofield, Board Coordinator for The Reserve at Broken Top and
City of Bend Councilor Sally Russell.
Sally Russell, Bend City Councilor, introduced herself. At a later point in the agenda, Russell
responded briefly to several questions from the Board to include the COB’s ADA progress
relative to side walk remedial action (sidewalks, sidewalk ramps,, cross walks) and Juniper Ridge
and its inclusion as a candidate for Bend’s 4-year university under study by Oregon State
Russell also accepted the invitation to share the speaker platform with Steve Jorgensen,
Planning Manager, Bend Parks & Recreation at the CWNA Annual Meeting on October 9, 2013.
Minutes of the May 8, 2013 Board Meeting were approved unanimously following a motion
from Sullivan.
Board Meeting Minutes Acronyms:
BPRD – Bend Parks and Recreation District
BDC-Bend Development Code
CMSCTF – Cascade Middle School Crosswalk Task Force
COB – City of Bend
CWNA – Century West Neighborhood Association
CWNA BOD – CWNA Board of Directors
NA – Neighborhood Association(s)
NART – Neighborhood Associations Roundtable
TSAC – City of Bend Traffic Safety Advisory Committee
Committee Reports
1. Membership. McKrell, Committee Head, reported total membership to be 606
members representing 347 entities (families, renters, businesses, etc).
2. TSAC. Padgham< Committee Head, reported no new information at this time.
3. Land Use Development. Brell, Committee Head, reported no changes to his written
report submitted in advance of the meeting and attached to these meeting minutes.
4. Web Site & Data Management. Julie Austin, Web Site & Data Management Manager.
No report.
5. Noxious Weed Eradication. Marika Yuma, Committee Head. No report.
6. Finance. Padgham. Treasurer, reported CWNA’s grant budget from the City of Bend for
FY 2013-2914 (July 1, 2013 –June 30, 2014) totaled $2,272 based on 2,205 tax lots. Brief
discussion as to if the NA’s had been charged with their share ($99) of the NA liability
insurance for the period May 17, 2013-May 17, 2014.
7. NART. Sullivan, CWNA Representative. No report.
8. BPRD. No report.
Old Business
1 Liability Insurance. Sullivan reported liability insurance has been secured covering all
NA’s .
2 Annual Compliance Report. Sullivan reported the Annual Compliance Report had been
submitted to the City of Bend with no feed back
New Business
1 Board of Director Duties & Responsibilities. Brell handed out a hard copy of the CWNA
Board of Director Duties & Responsibilities. No discussion ensued.
2 CWNA Annual General Membership & Election Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be
held on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at The Lodge at Sunrise Village. The event will
commence at 6 PM with an open house and dinner (pizza, salad, beverage, desert)
followed by the Meeting/Election commencing at 6:45 PM. Duties and Responsibilities
are as follows: Speaker/subject/speaker invitation-Brell; Speaker Props-Padgham; Site
Reservation-Padgham; Mailer-Brell; Food/Beverage-Brell’s; Sign/Balloons-Brell,
Welcome/Membership Table-McKrell and publicity.
3 2013-2014 Board Candidates. Brell informed the Board of the resignation of Shannon
Bassett representing Ward # 4 (First on the Hill, West Ridge, Sagewood, The Village at
Southern Crossing) owing to relocation outside the boundaries of CWNA. Brell also
informed the Board of the resignation of Stephanie Uetrecht, CWNA Board Secretary,
representing Ward # 6 (The Parks) owing to more pressing business and family
4. Austin Design LLC Services Contract. Brell moved to approve the July-December
2013 payment to Austin Design LLC in the amount of $180 for Web Site and Data Base
support. The motion was approved unanimously
There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made and seconded to close the
meeting at 8:15 PM.
Prepared and submitted by Bob Brell.
To the CWNA Board. The following is submitted as the September Land Use
Committee Report and the same is requested to be made a part of the minutes of the
September 11, 2013 CWNA Board Meeting.
Century West NA Land Use Committee: Bob Brell-Head, Rich Ray and Ken
1. UUFCO (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon) has
requested a Type II Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Site Plan
Application for construction of a 16,800 square foot house of worship,
related parking and site improvements on a 12.44 acre parcel located at
the southwest corner of the intersection of Skyliner and Skyline Ranch
Roads. PZ-13-0371. This application follows a series of public meetings
and applications to inform the public and immediate neighbors of
UUFCO’s plan to build the proposed house of worship. Comments were
requested and due by August 2, 2013 on UUFCO’s proposed Type II CUP
and Site Plan Application. The file, PZ-13-0371, may be seen at City Hall
or questions may be directed to Heidi Kennedy, Senior Planner at 541-6174524 or
2. UUCO (Unitarian Universalists of Central Oregon) have announced their
groundbreaking to be on September 15, 2013, 1:30 to 2:00 PM adjacent to
the corner of Skyliners Road and Skyline Ranch Road. RSVP to or 541-385-3908.
3. Demolition Landfill on Simpson Avenue. Deschutes County, owner of the
former Demolition Landfill located on Simpson Avenue totaling 71.52
acres and other adjacent owners of abutting property known as T18-R12S6 Tax Lots 2000 and 2100 (4-R Equipment and Robinson Revocable
Trust) totaling 42.66 acres, and Tax Lot 109 (Bend Metro Park and
Recreation District) totaling 5.61 acres propose a master plan concept to
convert the properties to urban mixed uses. The project named the
“Westside Framework Plan” proposes to rezone for future development
approximately 120 acres consisting of Residential (25.31 acres), Mixed Use
(45.69 acres), Mixed Use/Commercial (7.04 acres), Mixed
Use/Commercial/Industrial ((15.39 acres), Commercial (5.26 acres), Industrial
(15.5 acres) and Parks (6.1 acres) On June 10,2010 a Public Meeting was held
seeking comments. CWNA requested a further Public Meeting. Deschutes
County’s representative, Susan Ross, Property Facilities Director, agreed to this
request. The first pre-application meeting was held during August 2011.
Deschutes County expects 1-2 additional pre-application meetings with the
City of Bend. Sewer issues loom as a major "uphill battle" in front of the
rezoning request. On 10-29-11, The Bulletin published an article which stated,
" Deschutes County plans to install a new gas monitoring better
track whether gas from decomposing materials is migrating off the landfill."
The new gas sensors, required by Oregon's Department of Environmental
Quality, will be installed on adjacent privately owned property at a cost of
$24,000 for the easement and will replace sensors swallowed up when
decomposing areas of the landfill collapsed several years ago. "Monitors need
to be gage whether landfill gas is migrating off the site and onto
neighboring properties. Gas can be a problem if it drifts off the landfill because
it can explode." For additional information contact Susan Ross, Deschutes
County Property & Facilities Director 541-383-6713 or email
Related to this parcel, CWNA among others was notified in November 2012
and asked to support Deschutes County in their efforts to obtain EPA funding
to assist in planning for Brownfields redevelopment. Brownfields are sites that
may have environmental contamination that requires remediation prior to
redevelopment. The City if Bend fully supports Deschutes County in their
planning efforts at the former demolition landfill site on Simpson Avenue. The
CWNA Board voted to also support the Deschutes County efforts to secure
Brownfields EPA funding and demonstrated that support with its letter dated
December 8, 2012. We learned on August 13, 2013 that Deschutes County
did receive a $400,000 grant and are in the process of working on the
necessary EPA agreements before proceeding. The “bulk of the grant
money will be paid to consultants hired to assess potential sites countywide and develop a plan for cleanup.”
Also related to this parcel, the Bulletin reported in a July 10, 2013 article
entitled, “Now the Rush is on to Create a Campus” that “University
officials (OSU-Cascade Campus) are still considering potential campus
sites across the city, but are discussing with Deschutes County the
acquisition of an 85-acre property at southwest Mt. Washington Drive and
Simpson Avenue. More to come……
4. Legislative Amendment to the Bend Development Code, Section 4.1.1325
Modification of Approval. The City of Bend Community Development
Department has proposed to modify Section 4.1.1325 Modification of Approval
which among other things would give a property owner within a master plan or
PUD that was approved more than twenty years ago the option to use their
property under the rules of the current Bend Development Code, if they wish, as
an alternative to the previously approved Master Plan or PUD. Members of the
public including Neighborhood Association representatives (CWNA was
represented) were invited to a meeting at City Hall on October 17, 2012 to review
the proposed changes and ask questions. CWNA was notified on April 29,
2013 by Colin Stephens, Planning Manager, City of Bend that the
“legislative amendment was withdrawn”.
5. Discovery Park-Northwest Crossing. West Bend Property held an Open
House/Public Meeting on May 20, 2013 to discuss their tentative plan for
the subdivision of the Discovery Park quadrant of Northwest Crossing in
the following phases: Phase 24 (29 lots), Phase 25 (25 lots), Phase 26 (19
lots), Phase 27 (8 lots), Phase 28 (35 lots), Phase 29 (20 lots) and Phase 30
(39 lots). The expected timeframe for initial development will be 2014
through 2017. The proposal is located within the Northwest Crossing
Overlay Zone that is located generally south of Shevlin Park Road, north of
Northwest Crossing Drive bordered by the Urban Growth Boundary on the
west and Mt. Washington Drive on the east.
6. Parcel Partitioning Requested- West Side of Century Drive. Applicant:
Murray Perkins/Owner: Old West Land Co, LLC has submitted two separate
Limited Land Use Requests to partition property on the west side of
Century Drive located southwest of Sagewood II. The first requests a 3parcel partition of Parcel 1 & 2 of Partition Plat 2013-06 PZ-13-0375 and the
second requests a 2-parcel partition of Parcel 3 of Partition Plat 2013-06
PZ-13-0374. The files, PZ-13-0374 and PZ-13-0375, may be seen at City
Hall or questions may be directed to Amy Barry, Associate Planner at
541-693-2114 or
7. Bend Development Code, Bend City Code and Bend City Charter. The Bend
City Code, Development Code and City Charter are now available online in new,
optimized versions for both computer and mobile devices. New functionality
includes advanced search features, bookmarking and printing options. The new
Codes are available at under the Online Services and I Want
To menus at the top of the page. They can also be accessed directly at
Bob Brell
CWNA, Land Use Head