Low-frequency acoustic set

The low-frequency acoustic complex
The low-frequency acoustic complex is intended for vibroacoustic wave action on
the zone of perforation of oil land ore wells in order to increase their production rate, as
well as the productive layer surrounding the area of perforation. The technology is based
on the low-frequency (200 Hz to 1000 Hz) the impact on the oil layer with a special down
hole acoustic transmitter (RF Patent № 2263203). The technology of low-frequency
stimulation of the layer is used to increase the recoverability rate of viscous oil from the
Increasing of the extraction of oil is a result of a violation of connections of
pseudo-crystal structural framework of paraffin and other hydrocarbons from the
walls of the pores under the influence of an intense acoustic field.
With a significant weakening of the connection formation pressure gradient causes
the oil flow in the pore space and the final destruction of the structural frame. After the
acoustic stimulation in the formation and operation of wells in the input rate increases
recoverability of oil and retains its value over the long term. Developed in the present
apparatus, which implements the technology of low-frequency stimulation of the layer
can be used in vertical and inclined oil wells 3,000 meters deep, with the temperature of
the liquid to 100 Cº degrees Celsius, the internal diameter of the casing column in the area
of the productive layer from 100 to 150 mm. The wave effect is achieved by using three
• Impact directly on the environment that plugs holes of perforation. Due to the
oscillatory rocking rock particles are destroyed "plug". The most effective process
for the joint use of sound effects and chemically active fluids in wells that are
losing yield due to prolonged use.
• Impact on the layer behind the casing column. A wide class of liquids reveals a
property to change the viscosity under the influence of external load, revealing at
the same viscoelastic properties. In such liquids, as a rule, the viscosity of the
medium decreases with increasing applied voltage - medium "slides" along a solid
surface. Increases the influence of watered well.
• Layer can function as a waveguide, without giving effect to weaken the acoustic
of the departure power beyond its borders, intensifying the effect specified in the
preceding paragraph.
Low-frequency radiators of two kinds are made (photographs in Fig. la and Fig.lb).
Patents are number 2,263,203 from 05.11.2003, № 2286587 from 08.06.2005. Radiators
are designed and manufactured at Mechanical engineering design office (KBM), Moscow.
Low-frequency acoustic
Fig.1a.(resonant frequency of 700 Hz)
Fig.1b.(resonant frequency of 500 Hz)
Down hole radiator is delivered to the productive layer area under its own
weight on a logging cable lengths up to 5 km.
The principles of their operation are shown in Figure 2. From a well
undergoing vibro-impact the column of compressor pipes is removed.
Low-frequency acoustic complex consists of:
• low-frequency acoustic transducer
• Electric Generator
• Geophysical cable-rope
Acoustic radiator is lifted on a logging cable inside the casing colon via a cable car
down to the perforation area.
Acoustic energy radiated by the transmitter, located in the volume of fluid between
the radiating surface of the emitter and reflector. Flat radiating plate and a flat reflecting
surface of the screen are oriented perpendicular to the axis of the casing clones, and the
gap between them and the nuts columns is minimal.The resounding volume of a liquid is
created. At the photo of emitter, this volume is indicated by the numbers 1.
One of the emitters it is below the radiating surface and the radiator shell, with a
different design of the radiator it is between the radiator shell and casing column.
Changing the distance between the emitter and reflector is achieved by optimization
of the intensification of the acoustic field. Power is supplied to the radiator from the
generator through a current collector geophysical car. Turbulenting liquid medium by
sound frequency vibrations in the area of the perforation holes clean punching in a few
hours. Simultaneously, low-frequency vibrations make it easier to move oil to the oil well
through the pores of oil-bearing layer.
1. An electric generator powered by
Three-phase 380V 50 Hz
2. Geophysical vehicle with a lift
3. Acoustic transducer
4. Logging cable
5. Pay zone
6. External master generator
7. Equipmentcontrol
The first two instances were tested twice in the fields of Tat RITEK Oil in the
Republic of Tatarstan in 2005 - 2006, in the fields of Tatneft in 2009.
The results obtained in all works very positive and significant.
The processing zone punching well number 2576 for 48 hours in the wellboreoil
column rose to a height of 75 ÷100 m compared with that before treatment was well. In
October-December of 2006 the equipment was used to influence the perforation zone of
production wells 2567,3609, as well as the injection well 2504, operating in the same
region (Nurlat), as well in 2576. All wells perforated zone is located at a depth of about
1100-1200m, but the structure of the layer varies. Injection well- not functioning, due to
the complete no admission water.
A characteristic feature is that immediately after the vibroacousticeffect, all wells
sharply increased the impact or acceleration.
Deaf injection well for each of the two treatments lasting about 3 days of each said
acceleration in terms of daily consumption (24) value of 144 m3. The subsequent behavior
of well production is not known, because customer with these results are not briefed.
The results of the work conducted in 2006 and 2009 are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1
well number
Debit of oil after
Action time
Debit of oil
11,5m3/day .
two days
Injection well
2,9m3/day .
0m3/day .
5,8 m3/day .
144 m3/day .
three days
about 3 days
Table 2
Well number
Debit of oil after
Debit of oil
0,7 tons / day
Thickness of
6 tons / day
9 tons / day
16 tons / day
two horizons of 3m
1,9 tons / day
Action time
11,78 tons / day
Documentation on the low-frequency acoustic complex was prepared to carry out its
Developers equipment can take orders for its manufacturing production for a period
four to five months, taking into account changes in customers' request. They take on the
responsibility for teaching personnel of service companies, as well as repair in the field of
its use.
Experimental work on the new technology in TATRITEK-OIL was carried out on the
field at a depth of 1000 meters reservoir, oil viscosity in the range from 100 to 160
centipoises at asphalten content to 7.2%.
For comparison:
Western Siberia (Surgut region) in the main part of the stock values of oil
viscosity is within 0.5 - 5 cps. in Alaska bed, folded sandstone at a depth of 1,000 meters
with a constant (0,01-0,14 um2), contains the oil density960 kg/m3 and a viscosity of 20 100 cps.
Results of studies have shown that the presented technology can increase the
level of production of viscous oil from wells to near its original value and reduce the
water content of oil by 30%
Contact number:
Nicolay Lvov
Appendix 1. Technical parameters of the complex
Table № 3.Low-frequency acoustic transducer number №la.
Designed acoustic transducer with a fundamental operating frequency
Note: If low-power can work in a range of Hz
Maximum power consumption from the supply of electric generator
Maximum value of the external pressure of
Range of operating temperatures of the liquid to
The length of the zone simultaneously acting on the perforation
Weight of radiator
Length of the radiator without a reflector of
is designed to operate in wells with an inner diameter of
700 Hz
400Hz ─1500
40 МPа
operating depth
— 4 km)
90 кg
2,7 m
100 mm ─
150 mm
Table № 4. Powerful electric generator
Frequency range of generator
Maximum power supplied to a resistive load of
Regulation of output - gradual
The magnitude of the load impedance
The magnitude of the reactance load
The load is the acoustic radiator is powered via the logging cable lengths
up to
The generator — three-phase AC 50Hz
Weight of the generator does not exceed
Volume of the generator is less than
Time of continuous operation is not limited
* Electrical energy generator is converted into acoustic energy radiator
400 Hz ─
1500 Hz
2 кW
150 Оhms ─
600 Оhms
0,2─0,7 uF
5 кm
380V or 220V
20 kg
0.1 m³
Powerfull electric generator
Appendix 2. Work on oil wells in republic Tatarstan