
The Roaring Twenties: Part 2
Jazz Age
A. 1920s—Jazz Age—was a time celebrating
new and modern things
1. Jazz music— ___________________
2. Rebelled against values which led to
3. Harlem
- Duke Ellington + Louis
Armstrong __________________
Issues of Religion
A. Religious movement called fundamentalism
gained followers and political power
1. Fundamentalists ________________
2. Argued that public schools shouldn’t
teach evolution—theory that living things
developed over millions of years from
simpler life forms
Felt it contradicted the Bible - ________
B. 1925, John Scopes broke law & found guilty
1. Guilty verdict over-turned by state
Supreme Court
C. __________________________________
The Harlem Renaissance
A. 1920s brought changes to the lives of many
African Americans
B. Great Migration = _____________________
Confronting Racism
A. As blacks moved out of the South the KKK
eventually moved with them
B. By 1924, the KKK claimed about 5 million
1. ______________________________
C. KKK carried out many crimes against
African-Americans, Catholics, Jews &
D. Increasing violence against African
Americans rallied the efforts of the NAACP
1. ______________________________
D. Many African-Americans were losing faith in
the US - ______________________________
E. Marcus Garvey = Universal Negro
Improvement Association (UNIA) = _________
1. Garvey urged ‘Back to Africa’ solution
since equality seemed hopeless
2. Failed
Rise of Harlem
A. Late 1800s = wealthy white community
B. Build up too much and buildings remained
vacant - real estate prices fall
1. Black businessmen _____________
C. By 1920, New York, Harlem, became the
unofficial capital of black America
D. Soon Harlem produced cultural activity
called ______________________
1. Symbolized rebirth of hope and
culture for African Americans
2. Writers, singers, painters, sculptors,
scholars move to Harlem
In Summary:
New technologies led to social transformations
that improved standards of living, greater
personal mobility, and better communications
B. Technological change, modernization, and
changing demographics led to increased
political and cultural conflict in several areas:
C. The rise of an urban, industrial society
encouraged the development of a variety of
cultural expressions for migrant, regional, and
African American artists (expressed most
notably in the Harlem Renaissance
movement); it also contributed to national
culture by making shared experiences more
possible through art, cinema, and the mass