Harlem Renaissance (1919


Harlem Renaissance (1919 - 29)

Literary movement

or rebirth in 1920’s, centered in Harlem, New York City

tenements- multiple dwelling buildings, commonly found in cities


 Poor Economy/lack of jobs

 Seeking a new life

 Escaping KKK/lynchings

 End of WWI (1914-18)

 Boll weevil epidemic/Mississippi flood of 1927


The Harlem Renaissance: An explosion(metaphor) or

awakening, of African American culture in:

 Art

 Music (jazz roots from Blues and Negro Spirituals or

field songs)

 Literature

 History

Great Migration( African Americans)- movement in large numbers towards cities, to find a new life

exodus- to move or migrate

Mecca- literally a place in Saudi Arabia- (religious center)

Mecca= reference to Harlem or other major cities- place where people are drawn, gathered, or focused

Parallel Structure- a balanced form of sentence structure, in writing.


“They brought with them the seeds of change, while their bandleader brought the seeds of a new form of music— jazz.”

“seeds of change” is also a metaphor

If racial prejudice was the pressure cooker of the Harlem

Renaissance, jazz was the musical release.”

….metaphor and parallel structure simile example:

By and large, jazz has always been like the kind of a man you wouldn’t want your daughter to associate with.”

Dialect- language specific to an area of the country

Example: “An’ den de folks, dey natchally bowed dey heads an’ cried”

Thesis: a statement that a writer wants to prove in their piece.

It generally appears at the end of the first paragraph.

Allusion: brief reference to common noun(person, place or thing) of significance

Example: Chocolate was her Achilles’ Heel.

The place is like a Garden of Eden.
