Gel Electrophoresis Lesson Plan: Biology Grade 10

Biology; Grade Level: 10
Content Standards: NGSS HS-LS3-1. NGSS HS-LS3-2. NGSS HS-LS3-3. CCSS.ELALITERACY.RST.9-10.3.
Prior Knowledge/Connections: Students learned about DNA and genetic engineering techniques
in previous lessons.
Student Learning Objective: In the laboratory and in pairs, students will carry out the procedure
for gel electrophoresis. Students will model the process of gel electrophoresis by following a given
procedure on a worksheet.
Vocabulary: gel electrophoresis, bacteriophage, lambda, restriction enzyme, agarose, TBE buffer
solution, electrophoresis apparatus, syringe, DNA sequence, DNA fragment
Essential Key Question: How does gel electrophoresis work?
Assessment: completion of formal lab report
Materials/Resources: 3 Carolina Exploring Electrophoresis kits, 1 Electrophoresis of Dyes kit,
extra TBE buffer solution, (agarose gels pre-made), lab packet copies (for Honors), separation of
dyes lab packet copies (for General Bio), restriction enzyme activity copies, lab report rubric
copies, pre-lab quiz (for Honors)
Technological resources: electrophoresis apparatus with power supply, 30 9V batteries
Learning activities: lab group work, restriction enzyme modelling, electrophoresis demonstration
Initiation: Do It Now!
Lesson Procedures:
Honors: Review and answer any questions about electrophoresis procedure that they should have
read about for homework in lab packet. Give 15 minutes for quiz. Explain that there is a key to
the quiz in the front of the room and when they finish, they are to leave their writing utensil
at their desks and they can check their answers before submitting. After quiz, review lab
procedure. Be sure to explain: Syringes. Syringe tips. Gels. Vials with samples. Goggles.
Carbon-fiber paper. 3 9V batteries and connections. TBE buffer solution.
General Bio: Read lab packet as a class (one student per paragraph). Emphasize the differences
between electrophoresis with DNA and with dye. Restriction enzymes. Location of wells.
Assign one person per step of electrophoresis to do for the class.
All levels: While waiting for gel to run, introduce activity with restriction enzymes.
Closure: Towards the end of the lab, assign the formal lab report for this lab experiment. Review
lab report rubric and what they should write for each section.
Intervention: No quiz or pre-reading of lab. The entire class will perform 1 gel electrophoresis
experiment with each student having their own role.