Direction du développement Grant Office PROGRAMMES TRANSVERSAUX DE RECHERCHE - PTR CALL FOR PROPOSAL 2015 COORDINATOR Name Unit/laboratory/ platform Phone e-mail TITLE OF THE PROGRAM SUMMARY TABLE 1. Composition of the team 2. Summary of objectives with experimental strategies 3. Scientific background 4. Special requirements 5. Critical aspects / Expected difficulties 6. Detailed work plan 7. Impact for the Institut Pasteur 8. Budget 9. Post-doc or Technician or Engineer 10. Signatures 11. Annexes p p p p p p p p p p p NOTES: The applicants are invited to provide, on a separate sheet, a list of 5 peers whose expertise is internationally recognized. It is recommended that the document does not exceed 16 pages (excluding annexes) and respects as much as possible the provided frame. 1 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 1. COMPOSITION OF THE TEAM Name and Original Institution Entity or laboratory or platform N° Entity in the PTR -Department-IP Paris campus-International Network Institut Pasteur campus PTR coordinator Institut Pasteur/IP teams Scientists or Post-Docs ITA IP’s external collaborators Name Entity or Laboratory 2 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Institution/organi zation with address % time spent to the PTR Specific expertise in the PTR 2. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES WITH EXPERIMENTAL STRATEGIES (1 page) Area of special interest /keywords : Field studies/ /human centered studies /laboratory animal centered studies in vivo/ex vivo/in vitro/system biology / in silico models (please tick off) 3. SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND (1 to 2 pages) Rationale and scientific knowledge which justify this program), with : a. Review of the literature (with references*), competition in the field b. Preliminary results (with references*) * References should be provided in separate annexes item 11 4. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 -Technological platforms/core facilities, specify which ones and join the signed agreement of the platform manager or provide application form if under evaluation : 4.2 Experiments on animals* (specify the importance of these experiments/number of animals) : 4.3 -Transversal Research Program (PTR) projects** may require (a) human material (biological samples to be collected, from either commercial or NON commercial bio bank),(b) human personal data (e.g. demographic, clinical, behaviours’ data), direct interventions with healthy or unhealthy subject to access to samples or data such as the ones briefly described above. Therefore, in order to organise an early ethical and regulatory review and to evaluate the budget adequacy with the clinical part of the research, the following information are mandatory 4.4 –Biohazards * Paris campus ; For all the other Institutes that use laboratory animals for research or instructional, an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee must have been set up to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the institution's animal care and use program. Experiments with animals can be performed by qualified people only. Courses on Ethics and Handling Lab Animals should be set up 3 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 5. CRITICAL ASPECTS / EXPECTED DIFFICULTIES Indicate how this program has been conceived in order to take these into account (several approaches, …) 6. DETAILED WORK PLAN : Identify the different work packages in the program and describe for each : a) The objective b) The experimental strategy with models used c) The persons involved d) The schedule (highlight milestones) d) The expected deliverables 7. IMPACT FOR THE INSTITUT PASTEUR : a) Scientific knowledge (model systems, …) : b) Development of technologies or algorithms : c) Applications for Public Health (diagnostic test, monitoring of drug efficiency …) d) Industrial (vaccines, treatments, drugs, diagnostic, processes, …. ) : e) Collaboration within the Institut Pasteur International Network: f) Others: 8. BUDGET: Justify the needs for each entity by indicating the necessary means in order to meet each objective. 4 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Euros Description (1) Entity 1 Entity 2 Consumables and equipment PF n° … TOTAL Personnel* Already at the Institut Pasteur (FTEs**) Entity 1 Entity 2 Entity 3 … Collaborations To be recruited§ TOTAL * specify scientists (S), post-doc (P), ITA (I or T) **FTEs = Full Time Equivalent (ex: 2 full time scientists = 2S) § Please specify for which entity, either post-doc (P),or ITA (I or T) (1) Specify: for consumables, travel, subsistence = main activity of the entity for equipment : material requested Biological material transports if relevant Publication costs 5 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 9. POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP OR ONE OF THE OTHER POSITIONS (TECHNICIAN OR ENGINEER) In the case you would propose to recruit post-doc, thank you to specify : The post-doc : her/his specific role in the program : Scientific expertise expected : N° of the Entity where she/he will work. Please note that the postdoctoral fellowship is intended to support researchers who has recently completed her/his PhD and is motivated to pursue as a creative researcher within the field of life sciences. Indicate if you have already identified post doctoral fellows for this position. In the case you would propose to recruit either a technician or an engineer, thank you to specify : Her/his specific role in the program : Technical expertise expected : N° of the Entity located in Paris campus where she/he will work 10. SIGNATURES: Program leader Name: Entity or laboratory: Entity or laboratory leader name : Program participants: Name: Entity or laboratory: Entity or laboratory leader name : Name: Entity or laboratory: Entity or laboratory leader name: Name: Entity or laboratory: Entity or laboratory leader name: Name: Entity or laboratory: Entity or laboratory leader name : And if necessary, for core facility: Name: leader name: 11. ANNEXES: 11.1 References for section 3: 11.2 Main publications of each participant over the last 3 years : 6 - PTR 2015 CONFIDENTIAL