Compliance solutions involve a lot of technology and processes to comply with government and industry standards. This brief covers VCE Vblock™ Systems compliance solution for Configuration and Patch
Management with BMC Bladelogic Server Automation and Atrium CMDB and SupernaNET.Connect
Converged Infrastructure CMDB solution for BMC Atrium.
Manage and control your data center with integrated server automation
Streamline your data center with next generation management from BMC Server Automation. Integrated configuration and compliance plus policy-based automation add up to comprehensive capabilities across any environment—physical, cloud, and everything in between.
Keep compliance under control
Achieve and maintain compliance standards—whether regulatory, security, or operational—with BMC
Server Automation. It provides real time, policy-based compliance auditing based on built-in content and user-defined rules. Remediation is automatically generated and can be deployed automatically or manually via repair, rollback, or configuration updates. Plus, preconfigured policies for regulatory and security standards make it easy to hit the ground running.
As customers rapidly adopt Vblock Systems, management tools need to keep pace ensuring that this converged infrastructure is managed as a whole and not on the basis of individual components.
SupernaNet.Connect CMDB connector for BMC leverages VCE Vision ™ Intelligent Operations and
VMware vCenter Operations Manager to provide a single integration point for automating CMDB CI discovery, along with logical to physical topology with fully automated CI relationships created in the
With SupernaNET.Connect and BMC Atrium, customers can focus on managing applications and
Business Services and not the underlying infrastructure. The connector discovers Vblock Systems components, relationships, physical topology, and creates the CI objects to represent Vblock Systems in the CMDB. In addition to physical CI discovery and synchronization, the Connector retrieves virtual machine, ESX host, and data store objects from vCenter, and maps the logical resources to the physical by creating CI objects and relationships dynamically.
This solution integrates with VCE Vblock Systems to enable the whole platform, including virtual machines that are automatically synchronized to the BMC Atrium CMDB with a compliance attribute.
This simplifies change management for compliance reporting, remediation, and enforcement of policies.
The key components required:
BMC Atrium
BMC Server Automation
Vblock Systems
SupernaNET.Connect sync tool for Atrium
The solution simplifies compliance by ensuring that the CMDB has the ability to quickly search and find all components—logical or physical—that deliver a compliance business service in the CMDB. This synchronization is done with dependency relationships between all components. For example, physical storage mapped to a virtual machine and compute blade allows device that can be easily identified in the CMDB.
The products with scanning and compliance features, which support BMC Atrium CMDB such as
Bladelogic Server Automation product, target the HIPAA scan engine toward business services and virtual machines that are imported from the CMDB using the tagged CIs involved in compliance.