Holroyd Heritage Awards 2015 Category 3 Entry Form

Holroyd Heritage Awards 2015
Official Entry Form for Category 3
HistoResearch: researching our local history – this category is open to anyone of high school
age and above who is interested in local history and heritage. To commemorate the
Centenary of World War One, participants are invited to research a local person, group or
aspect of Holroyd’s history that relates to the war effort. Entrants are encouraged to be
imaginative and present their work in either a written or visual format that utilises a creative
technique such as digital media. Entries must show originality and a high level of primary
Name of nominee: _______________________________________________________ ____
Address of nominee: _______________________________________________________ __
_______________________________________________________ ____________________
Phone: _____________________________ Fax: ____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Category 3 – HistoResearch: researching our local history
Name of research project: _____________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________________________________ _
Does the project relate to the theme and
Holroyd’s history?
Yes 
No 
Owner’s Consent (if nominee is not owner)
As the owner of the subject research project, I give permission for
to nominate my work in the Holroyd Heritage Awards in 2015.
Signature of all owners: ______________________________________________________ _
Nominee’s Consent
I have read and understand the aims and conditions of entry listed on the back of this form
and understand the responsibilities for entry to the Holroyd Heritage Awards. I
acknowledge that Holroyd Council has the right to ownership of all entries, and may use
my entry for promotional and other purposes.
Signature of nominee: ____________________________ Date: ___________________
Entries close Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Please see the reverse for Conditions of Entry and submission methods.
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Conditions of Entry for Nominees
1. Category 3 Aims:
The work makes a substantial contribution towards preserving, enhancing, interpreting or
highlighting Holroyd’s heritage.
The individual or group has made an extraordinary effort with regards to heritage.
The work can include written and art works, heritage studies , archaeological
preservation, or any other effort in the heritage field.
The work raises awareness and understanding of Holroyd’s heritage.
The work displays an outstanding appreciation of heritage.
2. Nominees’ Responsibilities:
Fill in the standard nomination form.
Submit the nominated work or details of the work with the completed nomination form.
Ensure that the nominee is at least 14 years of age.
Ensure that the work is related to an element of Holroyd’s history and heritage.
Ensure that the owner of the work has given permission for the work to be nominated for
this award.
Only one (1) entry is permitted per person or organisation (i.e. historical society,
research group, etc).
Content must demonstrate that an element o f primary research has been undertaken;
that the content is the original work of the entrant; and any information sources are
appropriately reference.
All Categories
The decision of the Judging Panel will be final.
If you have not heard back from Council by August 2015 regarding your nomination, then
you can consider that your nomination was unsuccessful this time.
All nominations and supporting material will be retained by Holroyd Council and may be
used for promotional and other purposes at the discretion of Council.
It is expected that nominations will be competitive and there is no guarantee that you will
receive an award if you make a nomination.
Details regarding individual scores given by Judges for each nomination and award will not
be released to nominees or the public.
By entering these awards you agree to these conditions.
Please attach additional information, photos, plans or work , etc. you want to submit in
support of your nomination to this form when you make your nomination .
Where to send this nomination form
You should send your complete nomination to:
The General Manager, Holroyd City Council
Hand Deliver: 16 Memorial Avenue, Merrylands
PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160
Entries close Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Please contact Council on 9840 9840 if you require further information or visit
Holroyd City Council
16 Memorial Avenue
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PRIVACY NOTE: Council will collect and hold the personal information contained in this application
for the purpose of processing and considering the application. The intended recipients of the
personal information are officers within Council. The supply of personal information by you is
voluntary, however if you cannot provide, or do not wish to provide the information sought, Counc il
may be unable to process your application.
You may make an application for access or amendments to your personal information held by
Council under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) or the
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). You may also request that Council
suppress your personal information from a public register. Council will consider any such
application in accordance with the PPIP Act.
Information provided to Council in correspondence, submissions or requests, including your
personal information, may be made publicly available, including on Council’s website, under the
GIPA Act. Please notify us if you object to the disclosure of your personal information.
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