Standard 8-2.6 Notes: Infer the relative age of rocks and fossils from index fossils and the ordering of rock layers. The ______________________ means the age of one object compared to the age of another object. Relative age does not tell the exact age of an object. The relative age of rocks and fossils can be determined using two basic methods: __________________________________________________________: RELATIVE AGE: The ______________________ compared to the ages of rock ___________. ABSOLUTE AGE: The ________________________ given as the number of years since the rock formed. LAW OF SUPERPOSITION: in horizontal ___________________________, the oldest layer is at the _______________. Each higher layer is ________________ than the layers below it. Each rock layer is older than the one above it. Clues from Igneous Rocks: 1. Lava that hardens on the surface is called an _____________________. (example – an eruption would put a layer of igneous rock on top of sedimentary rocks. Rock layers ____________an extrusion are ________________________than the extrusion. The Extrusive is in BLACK Now the extrusive is the youngest layer 2. Magma that cools and pushes into bodies of rock and hardens is called an ____________________. An intrusion is always _________________than the rock layers around and beneath it. The intrusion (in red) is now younger than the surrounding rocks. Understand that these are all rocks that are millions of years old. Clues from Faults: Fault: is a break in the Earth’s crust. • Forces inside the Earth _____________________________ of the rock on __________________sides of a fault. • Fault is ________________________ than the rock it cuts through. GAPS IN THE GEOLOGIC RECORD - Record of sedimentary rock layers is not ___________________________. - Deposition slowly builds layers upon layer of _________________________ rock, BUT some of these layers may ____________ away, exposing an __________ rock surface. Unconformity – is a _________ in the geologic record. An unconformity shows where some ____________________have been _________ because of _____________. USING FOSSILS TO DATE ROCKS To date rock layers, geologists first give a relative age to a layer of rock at one location. THEN they can give the same age to matching layers of rock at other locations. Certain fossils, called Index Fossils help geologist match rock layers. Index Fossils Certain fossils, called _____________________, can be used to help find the ______________________ of rock layers. To be an index fossil – an organism must have lived only during a ___________________ part of Earth’s history; many fossils of the organism must be found in ______________________; the fossil must be found over a _________________________ of Earth; and the organism must be __________________________. The ________________ time period a species lived, the better an index it is. A key example of an organism used as an index fossil are __________________________, a group of hard-shelled animals whose body had three sections, lived in shallow seas, and became extinct about 245 million years ago. Therefore, if a trilobite is found in a particular rock layer, it can be compared with trilobites from other layers to estimate the ______________ of the layer in which it was found. Fossils that are found in many rock layers, therefore living __________________ periods of time, _______________ qualify as index fossils. Trilobites • Trilobites evolved in _______________ seas more than 500 million years ago. • They have been found in many different places. To become an Index Fossil … a trilobite must be _________________ in some way from other trilobites. Example – type with large eyes These large-eyed bites survived for a time AFTER other bites became extinct. If a geologist finds large-eyed Trilobites in a rock layer, the geologist can ____________ that those rocks are younger than rocks containing other types of trilobites. Paleontologist • • Geologist Archaeologist is the science comprising studies prehistoric people of fossils of organisms the study of solid Earth and their cultures (plant or animal) that and the processes by once lived on the earth. It which it evolves. archaeology is to learn is a specialization Geology provides more about past societies belonging to the field of primary evidence for and the development of geology. plate tectonics, the the human race. "the study of ancient history of life and life".] Paleontology seeks evolution, and past society, primarily information about climates. through the recovery and In modern times, analysis of the material organisms: "their identity geology is commercially culture and and origin, their important for mineral environmental data that environment and and hydrocarbon they have left behind, evolution, and what they exploration and for which includes artifacts, can tell us about the evaluating water architecture, biofacts and Earth's organic and resources; cultural landscapes (the is openly important for archaeological record). Paleontology is the study several aspects of past inorganic past". • • • the prediction and understanding of natural hazards, the remediation of environmental problems, and for providing insights into past climate change. • • The purpose of is the study of human