Physics Concepts -

Physics Concepts
Energy: It is something whose change causes force to be exerted
Force : It is something which can cause change on which it acts
Mass: The extent of disharmony of a congregation of energies in space is measured as mass.
Energy differences are inherent in something which has mass. So anything which has mass
exerts force.
The concepts of space and time are very important to understanding the physical universe
correctly. I am of the view it has been poorly understood by science. This is where the spiritual
knowledge can contribute to the understanding.
We know there are five elements from which the physical world was formed. Each one varies in
the extent of boundedness. The earth or the solid element is the most bounded and can move only
in one dimension at a time. The water element is less bounded and can move in two dimensions
at a time and so on. The akash is the least bounded or most inter connected among the five
elements, is everywhere in the physical reality and represents the space. Starting from akash
other elements are projected one by one.
The physical constituents of space namely, the energy and matter thus emanate from space itself.
Coming back to the concept of energy, it is the basis of everything in the world. A unit energy
changes in strength in a cyclic way. The frequency is a measure of the number of cycles per
second. High frequency implies that the changes in strengths happen fast. There is also the
concept of wavelength which is a measure of how long in space is a cycle. Given the same
frequencies, different wavelengths imply that the strength of the one with a greater wavelength is
more than the other. Wavelength can be thought of as determined by strength and frequency by
how quickly the strength changes in a cycle.
A fundamental operation in space is movement through it. Movement happens because of the
properties of frequency and wavelength of energy. So movement can be thought of as happening
when the energy has strength and that keeps changing.
Now let us come back to the spiritual knowledge. The five elements can be thought of as
energies. Akash is the highest level where the energies exist at the highest harmony of the 5
elements. Through projection by which I mean, the creation of lower level or less harmonious
energies, the air element is formed. Projection can be thought of as separation of the harmonious
energies at the higher levels. So with a reduction in the connectedness, more and more physical
or lower level aspects are projected. Thus starting from akash, different elements at different
levels of connectedness are formed.
Greater connectedness implies greater harmonizing energy. Air element is directly projected
from space and has the highest harmonious energy among the other elements than space. Air is a
physicaI element and also a highly connected element. Though they have a frequency that is
lower than the elements below them, it is compensated by more than proportionately higher
wavelength and so they move the fastest since speed is a product of frequency and wavelength.
But among physical elements , akash or space represents the consummation in connectedness
and hence is everywhere always in physical reality..
The 5 elements that are projected then interact and the physical world which is space and its
constituents, is formed. We will see that there is also the reality of time , which needs to be
perceived by mind.
Since space is a physical element it is characterized by differences in energies and so we are able
to perceive it. Experiencing time means experiencing higher energies than the energy of space.
Time cannot be experienced by a purely physical entity. It requires the higher energy of mind to
be perceived. Experiencing time means nothing but sensing information and knowledge. Deeper
and deeper knowledge exists at higher and higher energies. Till our knowledge about reality is
complete, mind is active and keeps acquiring more and more knowledge. So we keep thinking
and experiencing time which stops only when mind becomes fully spiritual and is able to access
all knowledge at once.
Let us now try to understand the concept of force. Force is caused by change in energy. The impact is
felt as force. Greater the change, greater the force. We can say when energy is felt in parts, we feel it as
force. So we can view energy as the whole and force as the parts.
Next we will try to understand the concept of mass. Two unit energies that come together may
synchronise. There are two factors at work in such a scenario. One is the harmonizing forces between
them because of synchronization and the other is the force due to differences in energy between the
two unit energies. The difference in energies is wbat is measured as mass. The harmonizing forces do
not contribute to mass. The harmonizing force between two unit energies is given by c*c where c is the
speed of light. If an entity has mass m which is a measure of differences in energies in the entity i.e, a
measure of disharmony , the equivalent energy of the mass is given by E= m*c*c which the famous
equation of the relativity theory. So energy is got from the harmonizing forces as well.
The theme of tussle between harmonising forces and disharmonized energy is ubiquitous in
physical existence.
In wave form it is represented by frequency ( disharmonising effect) and wavelength
(harmonising effect)
In matter as differences in energy(disharmonising effect) and the harmonising forces (i.e., as m
and c*c)
In thoughts as frequency (mental force, analytical intelligence) and wavelength (spiritual
The harmonising forces act towards evolution while the disharmonising ones stand in the way.
A note on how the evolution occurs:
The disharmonizing forces try to destroy the harmony at that level whereas actually a more evolved
and harmonious existence is formed.
It is the frequency which causes the disharmony in the wave form of existence. The effect of the tussle
between frequency and wavelength properties give rise to the harmonising and binding force of c*c at a
higher level of existence of matter. There is no effect of frequency in the harmonising forces. The
disharmonising effect of frequency is removed. Interactions with other things that exist is minimal.
At the level of matter however, disharmony due to mass happens. The tussle between mass and the
harmonising forces removes the disharmony of mass and produces life.
Higher consciousness develops at this stage.
At the level of life, the life destroying forces and life forces are engaged in a tussle and the effect of life
destructive forces are removed to create a steady and higher experience of reality through mind and
thus removes the on and off experiencing effects of reality.
The thing is able to recognize higher values such as moral values.
At the final level, the mind corrupting forces and spiritual forces of mind are engaged in a tussle, and
finally results in the highest level of timeless experience of pure energy.
Thus , I think this is just a journey of realization of higher and higher levels of truth by our soul i.e., the
jivatma. Interactions in the physical reality is needed for evolution and how correctly one
perceive the interactions says how much the soul has evolved.
I have mentioned entities such as mind, soul etc which are above the scope of physics but in the
future discussions I will try to bridge the physics concepts and the spiritual concepts.