Domande in preparazione alla verifica e alle interrogazioni orali

Domande in preparazione alla verifica e alle interrogazioni orali
1. What are wall systems?
2. What can walls be like?
3. Mention the two main requirements of exterior walls.
4. When did cavity walls become popular in the UK?
5. Describe a cavity wall.
6. What is the function of the insulating material within the wall?
7. List the types of interior walls.
8. What are the three functions any interior wall should have?
9. Why using timber frame panels is a good option?
10. What are the main types of noise to consider when designing walls? Explain them.
11. Where can you use stud walls to divide the inner living space of a home?
12. Advantages / disadvantages in the use of stud walls.
13. Explain why it is advisable to use insulating materials in the cavities of stud walls.
14. Why insulation is cosidered a “key component of sustainable building design”?
15. What building elements must be insulated?
16. What are the the most popular conventional insulants?
17. What are the advantages / disadvantages of the conventional insulants?
18. What are the most popular natural insulants?
19. What are the advantages / disadvantages of the natural insulants?
20. Describe the most common pattern bonds used when laying brick courses.