Harry Bartlett, David Brazel, Josie Thiele Results Figure 1: 6% polyacrylamide gel (stained with SYBER-Gold) showing the samples PCR products of the nuclear DNA of the victim and suspected canines saliva and hair run with the PEZ 2 primer and PEZ 15 primer. Unfortunately, the suspected student’s canine saliva and hair samples did not amplify properly in the PCR reaction. The examined bands are those that fall within the range of the PEZ 2 and PEZ 15 primer (PEZ 2 is 109-141 bp and PEZ 15 is 183-249 bp). Figure 2: 6% polyacrylamide gel (stained with SYBR-Gold) of the victim, suspected student and Hedd canine PCR products with PEZ -15 and VWF.X primers. The numbers on the ladder refer to the base pair length of the aligned band and the numbers in the wells are the distance traveled in cm for the bands within the primers range. (PEZ 15 is 183-249 bp and VWF.X is 151.187 bp). Figure 3: 6 % polyacrylamide gel (stained with SYBR-Gold) for the PCR products of the victim, suspected student and Hedd canine mitochondrial DNA. The numbers on the ladder refer to the base pairs of each band at the corresponding distance. Figure 4: 1.5% Agarose gel of the PCR products of the hair and blood samples of the victim Millstone, as well as the hair and salivia samples of the suspected canines owned by Hedd and the student. The gels show the PCR product of the amplified sex chromosomes locus in reference to two control male and females; setting the control base pairs for the X chromsome to 168.5 bp, and 119.7 bp for the Y chromosomes Table 1: The exact base pairs of the PCR product fragments collected in their respective gels for each primer (PEZ 2, 15, and VWF.X) as well as the two other products of sex chromosomes and mitochondrial dna. n/a denotes values that were unobtainable or indefinable from the gels of either the Thursday or Tuesday lab. Sex Chromosomes (bp) PEZ 2 (bp) PEZ 15 (bp) VWF.X (bp) Mitochondrial(bp ) Millstone Hair 168.5/107.7 150/120 n/a 140 459 Millstone Blood 164.2/116.6 150/120 200/150 140 459 Student Hair 116.6 150/120 n/a n/a 463 Student Blood 164.2/114.7 150/120 190 150 457 Hedd Hair 164.2 150/120 n/a 150 436 Hedd Blood 164.2/113.5 150/120 190 155 444