Mt Todd Fish Surveys 2008 & 2009 Mine Evaluations – Authorisations & Evaluations Division Authors M Welch Contributions Status Final Submission Date Reviewers C Edwards, A Frostick, G Robinson, E McGovern, R McDonald & S Syeda Mt Todd Rehabilitation Reference Group Distribution June 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report Focus Fish surveys and tissue analyses of heavy metals were undertaken to address stakeholder concerns regarding the potential impact of the Mt Todd mine site on the health of fish communities and metal concentrations in fish tissues in the Edith River. Surveys were conducted over two dry seasons (August 2008 & 2009) and results were compared with food quality guidelines to provide a first pass assessment of any potential risks to human health associated with consumption of fish captured in the vicinity of the mine site. Major Findings A total of 20 fish species were recorded during the surveys, with nearly twice the number of species recorded at a site upstream of the mine compared to a site downstream. Although it is possible that this may indicate an impact of the mine site on fish community health, the differences in habitat characteristics between the upstream and downstream sites make it difficult to make this conclusion with any degree of confidence. Results indicated that concentrations of some metals were higher in fish tissues collected at the downstream site compared with the upstream site, particularly in liver tissue. This indicates an influence of the mine on metal concentrations in fish tissues. Further investigation would be required to determine whether the elevated concentrations of metals are likely to have any physiological effect on fish. However, prior to undertaking studies into potential physiological effects on fish, tissue samples should be collected from a more regional perspective (e.g. other catchments), in order to determine whether the concentrations observed downstream of Mt. Todd fall within expected concentrations. Although the human consumption guideline levels are exceeded in several cases, the actual risk to humans consuming these foods would need to be put into context of the specific dietary intakes, gender, age and lifestyles of people who would regularly consume fish from the area. The likelihood that the amounts of fish tissue required to consistently exceed the guidelines are achievable also needs to be considered, as capture rates required may not be sustainable in a system such as the Edith River. However, consideration should be given to informing stakeholders that although likely to be low, there is some risk to human consumption of significant quantities of fish livers downstream of the mine site. It is recommended that the potential mechanisms for transfer of metals from the water column to fish tissues be further investigated, such as assessing the bioavailability of sediment-bound metals and whether lower level consumers (e.g. invertebrates) are responsible for ‘biotransfer’ up the food chain. Fish surveys and tissue metal analysis should continue on a frequency of every 2-3 years, or more often if there are any substantial increases in concentrations/loads of metals entering the river from the mine site. 3 Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................ 6 AIMS ...................................................................................................................................... 6 METHODOLOGIES .................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 SAMPLING FREQUENCY & LOCATIONS .................................................................................... 7 2.2 FIELD TECHNIQUES................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.1 Fish collection .................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.2 Environmental data .......................................................................................................... 9 2.3 LABORATORY TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................... 9 2.3.1 Fish samples ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.2 Water samples................................................................................................................. 10 3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 10 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ....................................................................................................... 10 Habitats .......................................................................................................................... 10 Water quality .................................................................................................................. 13 Sediment quality ............................................................................................................. 15 FISH COMMUNITY STRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 15 FISH TISSUE CONCENTRATIONS ............................................................................................ 18 Variation between muscle and liver tissues .................................................................... 18 Variation in muscle tissue between sites ......................................................................... 18 Variation in liver tissue between sites ............................................................................ 18 COMPARISONS WITH FOOD STANDARDS ............................................................................... 20 4 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 22 5 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 23 4 Figures FIGURE 1. LOCALITY MAP OF MT TODD MINE .......................................................................................... 7 FIGURE 2. LOCATIONS OF SAMPLING SITES IN RELATION TO MT. TODD MINE. ........................................... 8 FIGURE 3. UPSTREAM POOL SITE. ............................................................................................................ 11 FIGURE 4. UPSTREAM RIFFLE SITE. .......................................................................................................... 11 FIGURE 5. DOWNSTREAM POOL SITE. ...................................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 6. DOWNSTREAM RIFFLE SITE. .................................................................................................... 12 FIGURE 7. HISTORICAL FIELD PH VALUES FROM 2002 – 2009 ON THE EDITH RIVER UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF MT TODD MINE SITE (DOR DATA). .................................................................... 14 FIGURE 8. HISTORICAL FIELD EC VALUES FROM 2002 – 2009 ON THE EDITH RIVER UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF MT TODD MINE SITE (DOR DATA). NOTE LOG SCALE. ....................................... 14 FIGURE 9. HISTORICAL COPPER (FILTERED) DATA FROM 2002 – 2009 ON THE EDITH RIVER UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF MT TODD MINE SITE (DOR DATA). NOTE LOG SCALE. ............................... 15 FIGURE 10. MEAN MUSCLE TISSUE CONCENTRATIONS AT THE UPSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM AND RAW WATER DAM SITES (BARS = STANDARD ERROR, VALUES INSIDE BARS = MEAN). ........................... 19 FIGURE 11. MEAN LIVER TISSUE CONCENTRATIONS AT THE UPSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM AND RAW WATER DAM SITES (BARS = STANDARD ERROR, VALUES INSIDE BARS = MEAN). ........................................ 19 Tables TABLE 1. FIELD AND LABORATORY PARAMETERS FROM SAMPLES COLLECTED ON 06/08/08 & 12/08/09. ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 TABLE 2. CONCENTRATIONS OF METALS IN SEDIMENTS (DRY WEIGHT) AT THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SAMPLING SITES. .................................................................................................... 15 TABLE 3. FISH SPECIES COMPOSITION & ABUNDANCE IN EDITH RIVER IN 2008 AND 2009. ..................... 17 TABLE 4. COMPARISON OF MEAN METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN FISH TISSUES WITH FOOD STANDARDS (MG/KG WET WEIGHT) – VALUES IN RED INDICATE EXCEEDANCES OF GUIDELINE CONCENTRATIONS. ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 TABLE 5. CONSUMPTION RATES OF FISH TISSUES REQUIRED TO EXCEED TOLERABLE WEEKLY INTAKES IN CASES WHERE FOOD STANDARDS ARE EXCEEDED. ......................................................................... 21 Appendices Appendix A: Fish tissue metals concentration raw data 5 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Mount Todd mine is located 230 km south east of Darwin in the Edith River catchment, which ultimately flows into the Daly River (Figure 1). The Northern Territory Government accepted responsibility for rehabilitating the Mt. Todd Mine site following the collapse of General Gold in 2000 and managed the site in care and maintenance until December 2006. In 2007, Vista Gold Corporation formed an agreement with the Northern Territory Government to take on the management of the site for the purpose of assessing the mineral potential of the area. As a component of the current agreement, the Northern Territory Government retains the rehabilitation liability for the long term rehabilitation of conditions on site predating the agreement. Should Vista choose to mine the site, they will take on the long term rehabilitation for the site. The mine site is situated to the north of the Edith River which flows into the Daly River, an important amateur fishing resource. The mine site operator currently actively manages an excess inventory of poor quality water with elevated metals levels resultant from exposure of the mined rock surfaces to water and air and subsequent acid mine drainage. The water inventory on site is currently reduced by evaporation and active release to the Edith River at high flow under the stringent conditions of a water discharge licence (based on dilution rates and ecotoxicity studies) with the Northern Territory Government. In addition to managed release, at times of extremely high rainfall the capacity of the retaining pond can be exceeded resulting in overflow of the Retention Pond 1 Weir to the Edith River. The observed and potential impacts resulting from elevated levels of metals entering the Edith River from the Mt Todd mine site have been identified as aspects requiring more detailed assessment by the Northern Territory Government and mine site stakeholders (e.g. Jawoyn traditional owners, Amateur Fishing Association of the Northern Territory – AFANT. It is likely that a fish kill observed in late 2004 was at least partly due to the toxicity of first flush water as it entered the Edith River system from the Mt. Todd mine site. To assess the potential for any health risks of humans consuming fish from the Edith River, two flesh samples were collected by the Department in January 2005. Laboratory analysis indicated that metal concentrations were below Australian food guideline levels. However, it was considered that the low replication of the sampling was inadequate to draw any firm conclusions regarding risks to human health associated with consumption of fish. Subsequently, in a presentation to AFANT in March 2005, a commitment was made by the Department to undertake more comprehensive sampling. Surveys of fish communities were undertaken by Mining Evaluations at Mt. Todd during 2008 and 2009 dry seasons to address Government commitments to stakeholders and assist in the development of rehabilitation strategies for the site. 1.2 Aims The aims of this project were to undertake fish sampling in the Edith River downstream of the Mt. Todd mine site to assist in the evaluation of potential for mine derived impacts on: fish community health; and concentrations of trace metals in fish tissues. 6 Figure 1. Locality map of Mt Todd Mine 2 2.1 METHODOLOGIES Sampling frequency & locations Fish surveys were undertaken during the mid dry season, on 5-6 August 2008 and 11-13 August 2009. At this time of the year, although still flowing, pools were formed in the river channel and this time was chosen as fish were less likely to be actively migrating between reaches. This reduces the potential for confusion of upstream and downstream populations. The concentration of the fish assemblages in a smaller area also made sampling easier. Fish captured in a specific area after isolation for several months of the dry season, are also more likely to maximise the chances of potential bioaccumulation of metals for that area. Two sites were sampled on the Edith River; one upstream and one downstream of the mine (Figure 2), in both the 2008 and 2009 surveys. The upstream Edith River site is located about 1 km upstream of the Edith River-Stow Creek confluence at the bridge crossing of the Edith Falls road. The downstream Edith River site is located downstream of both the Retention Pond 1 discharge point and the Edith River-Stow Creek confluence (i.e., downstream of all mine site influence). The sites were chosen to maximise similarities in fish habitats, although this was constrained to some extent by accessibility and suitable boat launching locations. It should be noted that although intended as a reference site, the upstream site should not be considered a ‘true’ reference site, due to the potential upstream 7 migration of fish from areas influenced by the mine site. To address this possibility, an additional site was sampled during the 2009 survey at the mine site’s former Raw Water Dam (RWD), which is artificially stocked with Barramundi. The RWD is located within a mineralised catchment upstream of any influence of the mine site and upstream migration of fish is not possible, due to the height of the dam wall. Both Edith River sites consisted of 50 – 80 metre long pools that had similar depths and widths. The raw water dam site is a large open water body that is clearly a very different habitat to the Edith River sites but the objective of sampling this site was to make additional comparisons of metal concentrations in fish tissues; not fish community composition. Figure 2. Locations of sampling sites in relation to Mt. Todd mine. 2.2 Field techniques 2.2.1 Fish collection The electrofishing technique was used to sample fish, with the assistance of the Fisheries Research Group (FRG), who have electrofishing equipment (boat-mounted and backpack units) and the expertise required to operate this equipment. The FRG are currently involved in research projects in the Daly River catchment that involve fish sampling, therefore sampling techniques followed their standard procedures so that data from other sites are comparable. For example, sampling effort is standardised by the length of time that the electrofishing equipment is operated at each site. In the 2008 survey, only the boat-mounted electrofisher was available. Sampling effort involved a total of 30 minutes electrofishing time with six, five minute ‘shots’ undertaken at each site. 8 In the 2009 survey, both boat and portable backpack units were used. At the upstream site, the boat unit was used for 25 minutes (5 shots) and the backpack unit was used for 30 minutes (6 shots). At the downstream site, the boat was used for 50 minutes (10 shots) and the backpack for 25 minutes (5 shots). More sampling effort was undertaken at the downstream site to ensure there were enough replicates for tissue analyses. Only the boat unit was used at the raw water dam, as the objective of sampling fish at this site was to capture fish for tissue analysis and not community composition. The effectiveness of electrofishing equipment was markedly reduced by the relatively low electrical conductivity of the water at sample sites. Additionally, avoidance behaviour by fish (i.e., escaping from electrode fields) was observed on a number of occasions. Despite this, a variety of fish species and a sufficient number of replicates of target species for tissue analysis were captured. Fish stunned by the electrofisher were scooped up in nets and placed in a holding tank in the boat or a bucket on the river bank for identification and counting. Fish retained for tissue analysis were placed in plastic bags on ice and frozen on return to Darwin. The majority of fish were not required as specimens and were released unharmed back into the water. 2.2.2 Environmental data Ancillary environmental data collected at each site included physicochemical water quality parameters (such as pH, electrical conductivity, metals analyses of water samples) and descriptions of habitat variables (i.e, depth, substrate, overhanging vegetation, and snags etc). Water quality samples were collected by using standard techniques to minimise potential sample contamination (e.g. nitrile gloves) and samples were filtered and acidified in the field. Field parameters were measured using pre-calibrated water quality probes (YSI pH100 & YSI EC300). 2.3 Laboratory techniques 2.3.1 Fish samples Frozen fish specimens were thawed in preparation for dissections. Strict laboratory hygiene techniques were observed to prevent cross-contamination between fish specimens. This involved the washing of trays in Decon 90 solution, rinsing with demineralised water between samples and the use of sterile disposable scalpels and gloves. Muscle tissue samples (without skin) were collected from above the pectoral fin and anterior to the dorsal fin. Although it is unlikely that most stakeholders would specifically target liver tissue, samples of this tissue were analysed as a ‘worst case scenario’ for assessing the risk to human consumption and because many metals are more likely to accumulate in the liver (e.g. Gbem et al. 2001). For liver tissues, samples were removed from each specimen by making an incision behind the gill covers and in most cases, the entire organ removed as a sample. All tissue samples were placed in sterile vials and re-frozen prior to submission to the NATA-accredited Northern Territory Environmental Laboratories (NTEL). At the laboratory, samples were weighed before and after being dried in an oven at 70°C to allow conversion of data back to wet weights for comparison with food standards. Dried samples were ground with a mortar and pestle and digested in a concentrated nitric acid for 2-3 hours at 80-100º C. Samples were analysed for total concentrations 9 of arsenic, cadmium, copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc using ICP-MS techniques. These analytes were selected because they have been identified as the primary contaminants of concern from the Mt Todd mine site, based on water quality analysis. 2.3.2 Water samples Water samples were filtered in the field using a syringe and 0.45 µm filters and preserved by acidification (<1 pH) with concentrated nitric acid. Samples were kept refrigerated prior to submission to NTEL for analysis of the same metals as for the fish tissues. 3 3.1 RESULTS & DISCUSSION Environmental data 3.1.1 Habitats The channel profile differed between the upstream and downstream sites, with the downstream site being dominated by a large wide pool and the upstream site comprising a smaller pool. Average stream depths x widths were 0.8 m x 5.0 m and 1.5 m x 15 m at the upstream and downstream sites respectively. The two sites had similar riparian canopy cover, overhanging Pandanus habitats and snags. The main difference between the sites was in bottom substrates and macrophytes (aquatic plants). The upstream site had a predominantly sand/gravel substrate and large bed of macrophytes (aquatic plants) in riffle sections above and below the pool, whereas the downstream site had a predominantly bedrock/cobble substrate with no macrophytes observed. In the 2008 survey, only pool habitats were sampled with the boat-mounted electrofisher, whereas in the 2009 survey, riffles were also surveyed using a back pack unit. Photographs of sampling habitats are provided in Figures 3 – 6. The potential influence of these habitat differences on fish communities are discussed in further detail in Section 3.2. 10 Figure 3. Upstream pool site. Figure 4. Upstream riffle site. 11 Figure 5. Downstream pool site. Figure 6. Downstream riffle site. 12 3.1.2 Water quality At the time of sampling, electrical conductivity (EC) was low and pH was slightly acidic at both the upstream and downstream sites, which is considered normal for an upland river in the NT with a sandstone catchment (Table 1). Concentrations of cadmium were higher at the upstream site, whereas copper, zinc and sulphate concentrations were higher at the downstream site. Table 1. Field and laboratory parameters from samples collected on 06/08/08 & 12/08/09. Site/Year Upstream 2008 Upstream 2009 Downstream 2008 Downstream 2009 Raw Water Dam (RWD) 2009 EC (field) pH (field) As (ug/L) Cd (ug/L) Co (ug/L) Cu (ug/L) Mn (ug/L) Ni (ug/L) Pb (ug/L) Zn (ug/L) SO4 (mg/L) 15.5 6.57 14.7 7.88 0.15 0.22 0.06 0.19 4.83 0.15 0.06 0.8 <0.10 0.10 <0.20 0.05 0.13 5.31 0.13 0.02 0.9 12.6 <0.10 6.18 0.25 0.1 0.08 0.28 6.36 0.14 0.03 1.3 0.10 15.1 7.83 0.15 <0.20 0.07 0.32 6.09 0.20 0.03 1.5 <0.10 20.6 6.53 3.15 <0.20 0.03 0.57 2.58 0.17 0.04 0.6 <0.10 Water quality data collected by the department at the same upstream and downstream sites over the past six years are summarised in Figures 7-9, which demonstrate the historical influence of the Mt Todd mine on water quality in the Edith River just downstream of the site. This is illustrated by lower pH, higher EC and higher concentrations of copper, an element that is known to be highly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. The differences in upstream and downstream water quality are less pronounced over the past 2-3 years, which may be attributed to improvements in the management of poor quality water on the mine site associated with improved infrastructure and the presence of an operator on site. However, it should be noted that the department’s data is collected less frequently than it was prior to an operator taking responsibility for the site and samples are not collected during the wet season, when poor water quality associated with discharges from the site are most likely to occur. The operator collects samples at a site further downstream (Edith River crossing of Stuart Highway) and results indicate that there continue to be spikes in copper concentrations during the wet season when controlled or uncontrolled discharges are released from the site. 13 pH (field) Edith R Upstream Edith R Dow nstream ANZECC 95% guideline (low er) ANZECC 95% guideline (upper) 8 7 6 5 4 3 19/04/2001 01/09/2002 14/01/2004 28/05/2005 10/10/2006 22/02/2008 06/07/2009 18/11/2010 Date Figure 7. Historical field pH values from 2002 – 2009 on the Edith River upstream and downstream of Mt Todd mine site (DoR data). EC (field) 10000 Edith R Upstream Edith R Dow nstream ANZECC 95% guideline uS/cm 1000 100 10 1 19/04/2001 01/09/2002 14/01/2004 28/05/2005 10/10/2006 22/02/2008 06/07/2009 18/11/2010 Date Figure 8. Historical field EC values from 2002 – 2009 on the Edith River upstream and downstream of Mt Todd mine site (DoR data). Note log scale. 14 Cu (filtered) Edith R Upstream Edith R Dow nstream 1000 ANZECC 95% guideline WDL limit ug/L 100 10 1 0.1 19/04/2001 01/09/2002 14/01/2004 28/05/2005 10/10/2006 22/02/2008 06/07/2009 18/11/2010 Date Figure 9. Historical copper (filtered) data from 2002 – 2009 on the Edith River upstream and downstream of Mt Todd mine site (DoR data). Note log scale. 3.1.3 Sediment quality Sediment samples were collected as part of a separate study in 2008 (A Frostick 2009, pers. comm.) and results for metals from sediments at fish sampling sites are presented in Table 2 (where both were analysed). There is an apparent influence of the mine site on sediment metal concentrations in the Edith River immediately downstream of the mine, with some metals being substantially higher than the upstream reference site. However, concentrations were well below sediment quality guidelines (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000). The potential link between sediment metal concentrations on those in fish tissues is discussed in Section 3.3. Table 2. Concentrations of metals in sediments (dry weight) at the upstream and downstream sampling sites. Site Location Sediment guideline* Upstream site Downstream site Mn Co Ni Cu Zn Pb mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg - - 21 65 200 50 31.5 38.2 1.61 2.62 1.97 10.6 1.37 17.8 7.64 21.9 2.15 5.58 * (ISQG Low Trigger Values: ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000) 3.2 Fish community structure A total of 20 fish species were recorded during the 2008 and 2009 surveys, including 18 at the upstream site and 10 at the downstream site (Table 3). Western rainbowfish (Melanotaenia australis) were the most abundant species, with similar numbers observed at the two sites. Most of the fish species recorded are omnivorous, which 15 means that they are opportunistic feeders and will consume both plant and animal materials. The lower species richness at the downstream site potentially indicates an impact of the mine site. However, there are several confounding factors that make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions to this effect. Although sites were chosen with the objective of having similar habitat characteristics, the differences between the sites outlined in Section 3.1.1 would make it difficult to distinguish between mine impacts and natural habitat differences that may influence fish communities. For example, the high primary productivity (and subsequent increase in availability in food resources) associated with abundant macrophytes beds at the upstream site may result in a more diverse fish assemblage. The presence of sand/gravel beds at the upstream site may also contribute to the increased species richness. Other studies have found that both gravel and macrophytes are important determinants of fish community structure (e.g. Pusey et al. 1993). 16 Table 3. Fish species composition & abundance in Edith River in 2008 and 2009. Species Adontiglanis dahli Ambassis agrammus Amniataba percoides Arius sp. Craterocehalus stercusmuscarum Glossamia aprion Glossogobius sp. Hephaestus bancrofti Lates calcarifer Leiopotherapon unicolor Megalops cyprinoides Melanotaenia australis Mogurnda mogurnda Nematolosa erebi Neosilurus ater Oxyeleotris lineolata Porochilus rendahli Strongylura kreffti Syncomistes butleri Toxotes chatareus Common Name Toothless Catfish Sail-fin Glassfish Banded Grunter Fork-tailed Catfish Fly-specked Hardyhead Mouth Almighty Flathead Goby Sooty Grunter Barramundi Spangled Grunter Tarpon Western Rainbowfish Purple-spotted Gudgeon Bony Bream Black Catfish Sleepy Cod Rendahls Catfish Long Tom Butler's Grunter Seven Spot Archerfish Survey Total No. Species Overall Total No. Species Diet Omnivore Carnivore Omnivore Omnivore Omnivore Carnivore Carnivore Omnivore Carnivore Omnivore Carnivore Omnivore Carnivore Omnivore Omnivore Carnivore Omnivore Carnivore Herbivore Carnivore Abundance Upstream 2008 1 1 1 (1) (2) 1 Abundance Upstream 2009 1 (2) 4 (1) 1 15 (100+) 2 Abundance Downstream 2008 Abundance Downstream 2009 1 (6) 9 (2) 1 1 1 18 (6) 3 (4) 9 2 (20) 21 (250+) 2 (5) 3 (1) 4 10 (20) 4 (2) 15 (30) 43 (600+) 2 4 (20) 35 (100+) 1 1 (50+) 1 (3) 7 (1) 9 1 3 (1) 4 6 14 11 18 10 Note: Counts shown in brackets are from visual observations. 17 3.3 Fish tissue concentrations Metals concentration data are presented in Appendix A and summarised in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Note that in order to achieve an appropriate level of replication, mean metal concentrations were calculated by pooling samples from different species at each of the two sites. However, ideally identical species would have been compared between the upstream and downstream sites. Note that where concentrations were less than detection limits, summary data were calculated using values equal to half the detection limit. Standard error statistics were calculated to investigate the variability in data and in most cases; standard errors were relatively low, indicating that concentrations of metals in fish tissue were not highly variable. Although there may have been a general improvement in water quality downstream of the Mt. Todd mine site in recent years (Section 3.1.2), there appears to be a an accumulation of metals in sediments in the Edith River immediately downstream of the mine (Section 3.1.3). It is possible that the elevated concentrations of metals in fish tissue at the downstream site are linked to those in the sediments, as uptake of metals by fish from contaminated sediments has been widely documented (e.g. Hardy 1996; Moraes et al. 2003). Fish tissue concentrations are discussed in detail in the sub-sections below. 3.3.1 Variation between muscle and liver tissues Concentrations of all metals analysed were higher (in some cases, an order of magnitude) in liver tissues than in muscle tissues in both 2008 and 2009 surveys (Figure 10 & Figure 11). This would be expected regardless of the level of anthropogenic impact, as many metals are more likely to accumulate in the liver (e.g. Gbem et al. 2001). 3.3.2 Variation in muscle tissue between sites Mean concentrations of As and Cd were very low and below (or close to) laboratory detection limits at all sites in both 2008 and 2009. Ni and Mn were higher at the downstream site than upstream site in both years, while Cu concentrations were higher at the downstream site in 2008 but not in 2009. Concentrations of Pb were higher at the upstream site in 2008 but similar in 2009, while Zn was similar at both sites in 2008 but higher at the upstream site in 2009. Concentrations of Co were higher at the upstream site in both years, particularly in 2009. For most metals, concentrations in muscle tissue from the Raw Water Dam (RWD) site were similar to or lower than the upstream and downstream Edith River sites. However, concentrations of Pb and Zn were higher than both the upstream and downstream sites. The reason for this is unclear but may be due to differences in catchment mineralisation. 3.3.3 Variation in liver tissue between sites Mean concentrations of As were generally low in liver tissue, with higher values found at the upstream site than downstream site in 2008 but not in 2009 and were also higher at the RWD site than both the other sites. Concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn were higher at the downstream site in both years. Concentrations of Pb were higher at the downstream site in 2009 but not in 2008. Concentrations of Co and Ni were higher at the upstream site in both years and Mn was higher at the upstream site in 2008 but not in 2009. For most metals, concentrations in liver tissue from the Raw Water Dam (RWD) site were similar to or lower than the upstream and downstream Edith River sites. 18 However, concentrations of Pb and Cu were higher than the upstream site, which may reflect differences in mineralisation between catchments. Figure 10. Mean muscle tissue concentrations at the upstream, downstream and Raw Water Dam sites (bars = standard error, values inside bars = mean). Figure 11. Mean liver tissue concentrations at the upstream, downstream and Raw Water Dam sites (bars = standard error, values inside bars = mean). 19 3.4 Comparisons with food standards Comparisons of mean metal concentrations (2008 and 2009) in fish tissues with available Australian food standards are provided in Table 4. ‘Maximum Levels’ are legally enforceable, whereas ‘Generally Expected Levels’ are only provided as a guide in the absence of Maximum Levels for some contaminants. Neither muscle nor liver tissue concentrations exceeded guideline levels for arsenic at either the downstream or upstream sites. In muscle tissue (most likely to be consumed by humans), copper and zinc concentrations exceeded guideline levels at both the upstream and downstream sites and lead concentrations only at the upstream site. In liver tissue, guideline levels were exceeded at both sites for cadmium, copper and zinc. Table 4. Comparison of mean metal concentrations in fish tissues with Food standards (mg/kg wet weight) – values in blue indicate exceedances of guideline concentrations. Guideline/Tissue Maximum Level Generally Expected Level (90th Percentile) Upstream liver Downstream liver Upstream muscle Downstream muscle As 2 Cd 0.68* Cu Pb 0.5 2 0.477 0.379 0.276 <0.5 1.22 10.5 0.035 <0.05 36.9 113 2.18 2.95 Zn 15 0.34 0.23 0.64 0.36 100 143 25.8 23.1 FSANZ (2001 & 2008) * In the absence of a specific guideline for Cd concentrations in fish tissues, this value was calculated by averaging the maximum levels for all other foods. Although the guideline levels are exceeded in several cases, the actual risk to humans consuming these foods should be put into context of the average diet and whether it is likely that the amounts of fish tissue required to consistently exceed the guidelines are achievable. Table 5 provides a comparison between ‘residual’ tolerable weekly intakes (ie the difference between what is consumed by the average person and the maximum that they can safely consume) and the amount of each tissue required to exceed these intakes for a given metal. Calculations were only performed in cases where metals in tissues exceeded the Maximum Level or Generally Expected Level guidelines in Table 4. For muscle tissue, the lowest mass required to be consumed to exceed the Tolerable Weekly Intakes (TWI) out of all the metals was 2.59 kg for lead (upstream site), which may be achievable. However, for all other metals, the mass of muscle tissue required to exceed the TWI is unlikely to be achievable using conventional (and legal) fishing techniques (Table 5). Also, it is highly unlikely that the capture rates required could be sustained in a system such as the Edith River, as fish stocks would quickly become depleted. In most cases, the amount of liver tissue required to exceed tolerable weekly intakes is also unlikely, especially given the small size of fish livers (generally < 5 grams each). However, the lowest amount required for any of the metals was 38 grams for cadmium in fish liver from the downstream site; which may be possible. Although possible, it appears unlikely that any individual person(s) would consume the livers of 20 at least 6-8 fish from the downstream Edith River site on a weekly basis, given the remoteness of the site and limited accessibility. Table 5. Consumption rates of fish tissues required to exceed Tolerable Weekly Intakes in cases where food standards are exceeded. Guideline/Tissue Mean weekly intake (mg)1 TWI (mg)2 Residual TWI (mg)3 Cd 0.119 0.518 0.399 Cu 7.77 104 95.8 Pb 0.197 1.85 1.65 Zn 77.7 518 440 Consumption required to exceed Residual TWI (kg): Upstream liver Downstream liver Upstream muscle Downstream muscle 0.327 0.038 n/a n/a 2.60 0.849 44.0 32.5 n/a n/a 2.59 n/a 4.41 3.08 17.1 19.0 1 20th Australian Total Diet Survey (FSANZ 2003) 2 Tolerable Weekly Intake (FSANZ 2003), assuming an average adult body weight of 74 kg 3 Calculated by subtracting mean weekly intake from tolerable weekly intake 21 4 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS A total of 20 fish species were recorded during the surveys, with nearly twice the number of species recorded upstream of the mine compared to downstream. Although it is possible that this may indicate an impact of the mine site on fish community health, the differences in habitats between the upstream and downstream sites make it difficult to make this conclusion with any degree of confidence. Concentrations of some metals were higher in fish tissues collected at the site downstream of the mine than the site upstream of the mine, particularly in liver tissue. This indicates a very high likelihood of the influence of the mine on metal concentrations in fish tissues and this was reflected in sediment metal concentrations. A concurrent sediment study using lead-isotope ratios confirms that sediments in the Edith River downstream of the mine site contain signatures that represent the mined host rock (A. Frostick pers. comm.). Further investigation would be required to determine whether the elevated concentrations of metals are likely to have any physiological effect on fish. However, prior to undertaking studies into potential physiological effects on fish, tissue samples should be collected from a more regional perspective (e.g. other catchments), in order to determine whether the concentrations observed downstream of Mt. Todd fall within expected concentrations. Although the human consumption guideline levels are exceeded in several cases, the actual risk to humans consuming these foods would need to be put into context of the specific dietary intakes, gender, age and lifestyles of people who would regularly consume fish from the area. The likelihood that the amounts of fish tissue required to consistently exceed the guidelines are achievable also needs to be considered, as capture rates required may not be sustainable in a system such as the Edith River. In the interim, consideration should be given to the provision of this quantitative information to stakeholders to ensure that although likely to be quite low, there is some risk to human consumption of fish livers downstream of the mine site. It is recommended that the potential mechanisms for transfer of metals from the water column to fish tissues be further investigated, such as assessing the bioavailability of sediment-bound metals and whether lower level consumers (e.g. invertebrates) are responsible for ‘biotransfer’ up the food chain. Fish surveys and tissue metal analysis should continue on a frequency of every 2-3 years, or more often if there are any substantial increases in concentrations/loads of metals entering the river from the mine site. 22 5 REFERENCES ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000). Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council & Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand. Food Standards Australia & New Zealand – FSANZ (2001). Generally expected levels for metal contaminants- additional guidelines to maximum levels in Standard 1.4.1. FSANZ (2003). 20th Australian Total Diet Survey- a total diet survey of pesticide residues and contaminants. FSANZ (2008). Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Standard 1.4.1: Contaminants and Natural Toxicants. Gbem T. T., Balogun J. K., Lawal F. A. and Annune P. A. (2001). Trace metal accumulation in Clarias gariepinus (Teugels) exposed to sublethal levels of tannery effluent. Science of the Total Environment, 271(1): 1-9. Hardy, R.D. (1996). Dietary exposure to toxic metals in fish. In: ‘Toxicology of Aquatic Pollution: Physiological, Cellular and Molecular Approaches’. (Ed E.W. Taylor) pp 29-60. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Moraes R., Gerhard P., Andersson L., Sturve J., Rauch S. and Molander, S. (2003). Establishing causality between exposure to metals and effects on fish. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9 (1): 149-169. Pusey B.J., Arthington A.H. and Read M.G. (1993). Spatial and temporal variation in fish structure in the Mary River, south-east Queensland: the influence of habitat structure. Environmental Biology of Fishes 37: 355-380. 23 Appendix A: Fish tissue metals concentration raw data – 2008 & 2009 24 Table A1. Raw metals data from fish muscle and liver tissues in the 2008 survey (< = less than detection limit). Analyte: Units: Detection Limit: Site Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Species L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer S. butleri S. butleri A. dahli L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer O. lineoloata S. butleri S. butleri A. dahli N. ater M. cyprinoides M. cyprinoides M. cyprinoides H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti N. ater M. cyprinoides M. cyprinoides M. cyprinoides H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti As Cd Co Cu Mn Ni Pb Zn mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg 0.2 mg/kg 0.5 < < 0.65 1.32 < 1.22 < < 0.62 < < < < < < < 1.34 < < 0.63 < < < < < < < 0.36 0.63 3.57 0.86 3.76 1.95 < < < < < < < 21.4 9.58 11.5 8.66 11.1 5.79 7.87 < < < < < < < 0.54 0.63 1.30 32.4 34.3 7.07 < < < < 0.63 0.43 0.24 9.50 1.51 1.55 3.62 3.79 6.63 9.64 0.21 0.13 0.13 0.38 0.06 0.20 0.19 23.0 15.1 46.2 20.3 30.6 179 1.41 1.50 3.47 1.29 3.64 3.97 1.44 144 178 114 119 16.0 15.9 23.4 1.93 1.79 1.79 18.2 1.03 7.90 2.80 4.49 7.18 13.6 156 130 16.7 1.84 2.18 4.09 3.56 8.67 5.89 3.36 18.4 18.1 12.3 20.3 5.42 10.7 11.4 5.52 6.09 3.72 11.1 2.31 5.52 11.6 0.36 < 1.30 2.11 8.67 0.49 < < 0.50 < 0.28 1.70 0.24 1.00 0.90 0.65 1.07 < 0.52 5.08 < < 0.26 2.56 < 0.82 0.76 < < 0.26 0.79 2.04 0.24 < < < < 0.28 7.38 < 1.75 0.60 0.65 0.81 < < 0.51 < < < 2.56 < 1.09 < 56.6 99.7 132 103 108 167 30.4 20.0 23.0 15.5 21.0 15.6 24.6 196 198 145 195 91.4 118 110 24.1 20.5 14.7 18.6 17.3 36.8 28.0 Tissue liver liver liver liver liver liver muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle liver liver liver liver liver liver liver muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle 25 Table A2. Raw metals data from fish muscle and liver tissues in the 2009 survey (< = less than detection limit). Site code Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Upstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Species L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer Tissue liver liver liver liver liver liver liver muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle muscle liver liver liver liver liver liver liver muscle muscle muscle Length (cm) 42.3 47.8 65.5 22.5 28.5 29 35 42.3 47.8 65.5 22.5 28.5 29 33 33 35 38.5 47 60 63 26.5 30 38 38.5 47 60 As mg/kg 0.5 < < < 0.631 < < < < < < < < < < < < < 0.621 < < < < < < < < Cd mg/kg 0.05 0.842 13.3 Co mg/kg 0.05 0.306 1.43 Cu mg/kg 0.2 39.5 1272 Mn mg/kg 0.05 3.98 6.13 Ni mg/kg 0.2 < 0.545 Pb mg/kg 0.2 < < Zn mg/kg 0.5 59.0 168 0.673 0.504 0.236 0.577 0.327 < < < < < < < 0.258 < 2.57 4.72 9.63 11.9 19.6 16.2 4.00 < < < 0.577 7.31 6.54 8.21 3.73 < < < 0.193 0.129 0.064 < 5.62 0.063 0.642 3.29 0.972 1.02 6.28 5.94 3.13 < < < 21.9 13.1 11.0 15.9 8.10 1.01 1.27 0.770 1.03 1.03 0.771 1.27 12.1 1.26 268 390 269 108 30.5 15.1 8.53 1.25 1.24 0.774 4.33 52.1 5.04 8.46 2.81 0.631 0.951 0.642 2.18 2.13 2.89 2.10 4.97 1.70 3.37 59.0 9.81 4.41 8.59 3.70 3.00 0.938 1.11 0.903 < 1.26 8.82 0.513 1.05 0.252 < < < 0.517 < 0.509 0.258 0.503 < 1.24 1.06 0.339 1.28 1.06 0.533 < 0.248 0.258 < < < < < < < < < < < 0.254 < < < 0.745 0.707 < < < < < < 0.258 100 87.6 110 106 86.9 17.0 33.6 18.0 32.1 29.7 18.6 17.8 107 20.1 85.1 215 167 126 178 99.1 90.0 20.6 18.6 20.0 26 Site code Downstream Downstream Downstream Downstream Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Raw Water Dam Species L. calcarifer H. bancrofti H. bancrofti H. bancrofti L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer L. calcarifer Tissue muscle muscle muscle muscle liver liver liver liver muscle muscle muscle muscle Length (cm) 63 26.5 30 38 57 59.5 61 83 57 59.5 61 83 As mg/kg 0.5 < < < < < 1.50 < < < 0.623 < < Cd mg/kg 0.05 < < < < 0.359 0.451 0.586 0.528 < < < < Co mg/kg 0.05 < 0.127 < < 0.239 0.376 0.293 0.176 < < < < Cu mg/kg 0.2 1.01 0.506 0.529 0.775 10.5 38.8 20.5 18.3 1.04 1.74 1.28 1.03 Mn mg/kg 0.05 0.824 2.47 4.43 1.42 2.03 3.91 5.05 3.96 0.648 0.436 0.702 1.09 Ni mg/kg 0.2 0.253 0.506 0.794 < 0.957 0.902 0.586 < 0.259 0.249 0.511 0.513 Pb mg/kg 0.2 < < < < < < 0.586 < < < < 14.1 Zn mg/kg 0.5 20.3 32.9 31.1 16.8 51.4 78.9 89.3 70.4 20.7 69.1 17.2 20.5 Note: Values in red bold were excluded from statistical analysis due to likelihood of sample contamination. 27