Existing Program of Emphasis Form

Seminole County Public Schools, Florida
High School Program of Emphasis
A) A three- or four-year course sequence focused on an area of study.
B) The area of study must lead to industry certification, college credit while in high school, an
internship, or significant academic research.
C) The program should include an introduction to entrepreneurship through the lens of the
area of study.
D) The program’s focus and outcomes are of strategic interest to the school district, either due
to location and competitiveness or alignment with the mission and vision of the district.
E) Some high school programs of emphasis may attain CHOICE status, which is determined
annually based on capacity, diversity, and related factors.
Middle School Program of Exploration
An effort to either expose students to programs of emphasis at feeder high schools, or to extend
learning opportunities from elementary school.
A) Whether taught through a course sequence, wheel, or as enrichment, career interests are
B) The program leads to an opportunity for students to earn one or more CAPE digital tools
C) The program’s focus and outcomes are of strategic interest to the school district, either due
to location and competitiveness or alignment with the mission and vision of the district.
D) Initially, CHOICE status is not available to middle school programs of exploration due to
annual changes in choice options at related high school programs.
Elementary School Program of Enrichment
A) School-wide program that creates common integration across classes and grades and a lens
through which elementary teaching and learning are viewed.
B) Allows students to explore a variety of subject matter and learning styles.
C) The program may lead to an opportunity for students to earn one or more CAPE digital tools
D) The program’s focus and outcomes are of strategic interest to the school district, either due
to location and competitiveness or alignment with the mission and vision of the district.
E) CHOICE options are not available to elementary school programs of enrichment due to the
non-specialized nature of the anticipated programs.
SCPS 1518A (Rev. 9/18/14) FL SB
Seminole County Public Schools, Florida
Phase 1: Planning & Application
--School completes planning document and submits to Executive Director.
--Staff Analysis: Choices, ePathways, Teaching & Learning, Staffing/HR
--Presentation to IST for recommendation
--Deputy Superintendent recommendation to Superintendent/School Board
Phase 2: Soft Implementation
--1 or 2 semesters of faculty planning
--Pilot small chunks of content with small groups of students
Phase 3: Full Implementation
--3-5 years depending on specific plan to phase in instruction/coursework
--Annual evaluation of program outcomes
Phase 4: Revision
--Comprehensive program review focused on student learning outcomes, program
relevancy, resource sustainability, workforce needs, future enrollment, demographics, etc.
--Consider presence of new strategic locations and partners
--Planning for cycle 2
**Recommendation: Existing high school programs of emphasis should be scheduled into phase 4
revision starting in semester 2 of the 2014-15 school year.
SCPS 1518A (Rev. 9/18/14) FL SB
Seminole County Public Schools, Florida
School Name:
Proposed Program Name:
Proposed School Year for Initial Implementation: _______________________________
Will all students in the school participate in this program? YES
Please attach to this document a narrative response to each of the following questions:
1. Describe the school’s current program, including enrollment/participation, student
achievement/outcomes, and how students continue their studies when they finish the
school/program. Include quantitative data where applicable.
2. Describe the history of the current program and explain why the school desires that it be
designated as a district program of enrichment/exploration/emphasis.
3. What are the anticipated benefits of designating the current program as a district program of
enrichment/exploration/emphasis? In what ways, if any, will the program expand/change as a
result of this designation?
4. Provide the budget for the current program and identify the current funding sources for the
5. What additional financial costs are anticipated? Exact figures are not necessary—consider
equipment, supply, staffing, professional development, and technology needs. What are the
anticipated funding sources for the additional costs (district funds, school funds, grant funds,
external partners)?
6. Will any additional staffing or professional development be needed to implement the program?
7. Briefly discuss the plan to retain program faculty so that personnel turnover is minimized.
8. What community and business partnerships currently support this program? Do you anticipate
new community and business partners in the future?
9. Elementary Level: Describe the current sequence of instruction and any anticipated future
Secondary Level: Describe the current sequences of courses and any anticipated future changes.
10. If not a schoolwide program, what actions have been, and will continue to be, taken to ensure
that students of diverse needs and backgrounds are recruited to participate in the program?
Principal Signature:
Submit to your school’s Executive Director for initial review.
SCPS 1518A (Rev. 9/18/14) FL SB